
4x15 Death Takes A Holiday

I was in Father's Throne room, sitting on one of the armrest of the Throne, while reading some reports on the garrisons, since taking control of Zachariah's job as supervisor.

All aurond the room are Charmeine choir, a group of angels entirely dedicated to praise Father, always in their true form and are part of the reason of how humanity views us Seraphim.

I rested my wings as my feathers bask in the warmth of my Father's Throne, I closed my eyes as I was focusing on the singing of the choir.

Just as I was getting completely in the mood and rejuvenated, I heard the voice of Zerachiel, warning someone to stop as they were coming closer to the Throne room.

"ISAIEL!!" The voice of Tessa broke the serene sound as she screamed my name, and forcefully opened the Throne doors.

"We need to talk." Tessa began before I grabbed her throat, and flung her body across numerous paradises, she stopped in the paradise of a French citizen during the revolution.

Tessa began to pull herself from a hole in the ground, as she dusted herself as she came face-to-face with my anger and rage.

"What the hel__" she didn't get to finish her sentence as i slapped her in the face, a red bruise already forming from the force.

"Listen Tessa, we may have a long history together since the flood, but don't think you have the right to go where you please in Heaven, especially in Father's Throne room, the most sacred place in all of heaven."

The sound of flapping wings broke the silence, as Zerachiel appeared and bowed as he offered apologies for letting Tessa break in.

Zerachiel vessel was a clean-cut young man in his late twenties, with brown eyes and dark-brown hair. (Similar to Connor from Detroit become human)

"Alright, Tessa can you please tell me what was so important, that you had to barge into my Father's Throne room." Looking at Tessa who recovering from the shock.

"Um, the reason I needed to talk to you was because Thomas is missing, he hasn't reported in and his list is still incomplete."

I thought for a moment, as I remembered the reaper, lately we have been receiving reports of missing souls, from Greybull...

"Zerachiel, when is the winter solstice supposed to begin? Already knowing what's going on.

"In three days sir." Wait, your not suggesting that this the work of a seal? Tessa gasped and widened her eyes.

"Yes, it's the most likely possibility, since this a seal that can be easily be broken. Tessa, send the word that no reaper is allowed to leave the veil, until we have secured the seal." Tessa nodded as she disappeared to warn the other reapers.

"Sir with all due respect, are you sure such any extreme action is necessary? There will be dire consequences, If the natural order Is disrupted." Zerachiel gave me a worried glance as we flew to the cleansing pavilion.

"It's a necessary sacrifice, we have already lost over 50 seals, leaving us to defend 16 possible seals out of 600, and with the rate that we are losing angels, we don't have the manpower to protect all of them." Landing at the gate, as Peter and Abel were arguing about something.

"Abel, your my brother and I love you, but you can't just neglect your duty as the gate guardian, by letting anyone inside without proper authorization from the Lord or the other seraphs." Chided Peter, as his wings started to flap in an agitated manner.

"You think I don't that!? I want to protect this place and Isaiel too, but he seemed really insistent that it was about the Alistair, and we really need to secure a win in this war." Refuted Abel, as he took notice of me.

"What's going on here? Is there a reason your agitated Peter? Walking up to the two as they stopped bickering.

"Lord, that indolent garrison soilder is back, and this time he demanded to be let in to the pavilion, and for some reason Abel decided to allow him entry without notifying anyone."

I sighed as Castiel was causing trouble again, almost all management divisions wished to see Castiel expelled from heaven, and I kept telling him that if he wanted to speak to me, then he's going to have to talk in angel radio in a secure place.

With a snap of my hands, I teleported all of us into my office to see Castiel waiting for me.

"You know Castiel, If any angel were to do what you did, they would find themselves falling down to Earth for this sacrilege." Sitting in my chair as Abel and Peter are standing beside me.

"I'm sorry, but I need to talk about how my rank as garrison captain needs to be restored, I have information on Alistair and we need to act before another seal gets broken." Castiel tried to make his case, but Peter grabbed him by the throat and started to strangle him.

"You gotten arrogant since the last time I've seen you Castiel, your rank was rightfully taken from you due to the fact that you have produced nothing but failure, started to step out of your jurisdiction, and your allowing your personal feelings for Dean Winchester to cloud your judgment. If it was up to me, I wouldn't bother fixing you, I would just erase you like the broken machine you are." Peter's hand was glowing, as he got ready to smite Castiel.

Peter, let him go right now. He's here to make his case, and I already have an idea of what Castiel is about to say." Peter let go of Cas, but not before giving him a scathing look before leaving.

"I already know what your about to say Castiel, so in this scroll contains a spell that traps an individual, no matter how powerful they are and all you need is three angels to combine their grace to activate the spell." I made the scroll appear with a wave of my hands.

"Be warned Castiel, this will only work If the target is in one place, and you can only do once anymore and you grace will be drained to dangerous levels, so make I work the first time." Castiel picked up the scroll and thanked me as he flew away to prepare.

I went to the hotel that the Winchesters were staying, and watched as they got the case and went to Greybull to check things out.

The boys went to the grave of Cole Griffith, a boy who died due to the cold, the boys went to his grave and began to preform a spell.

"If we fix whatever this is, then people are going to start dropping dead, good people." Dean started to get upset because he didn't watch people to die.

"Look, I don't want them to die either Dean, but there's a natural order in the world." Sam tried to see reason as Dean scoffed.

"Don't you see the irony in that? I mean you and me, we are like the poster guys of the unnatural order. All we do is ditch death." Dean argued as I snorted.

"You have no idea how right you are Dean, you two have died so many times that the reapers, have made it a game to guess how you will die." I appeared infront of them as they jumped back in shock.

"Jesus Christ! Um, sorry did mean to say that you just scared us Isaiel, but what are you doing here? And where is Castiel and Uriel? Sam panicked as he gave me a nervous smile.

"It's fine, I'm here to help you with this case since it's technically a seal, and as for those two foot soilders, they are busy protecting a seal so you probably would see them till later." As Sam and Dean relax as they stared to ask me questions.

"So, is this some kinda seal that stops people from dying or something? Dean looked at me as I sat down next to them.

"Sorta in a way yes, this seal requires that two reapers are killed on the winter solstice, that is three days from now, and Alistair is simply baiting a reaper to come, so that he can finish the job."

"So, if people start dying once we are done, is there anyway to make an exception? These are good people with their whole lives ahead of them, can't you just do this one thing and never have to worry about it again." Dean was looking at me as I sighed.

"What your asking for Dean, is no small matter even for me. If all these people live, then what about the Fates of the people they altered? You may not know this, but every time we bring you back to life, someone's life gets changed and leading to us to clean up the mess." Sam looked apologetic, as Dean looked at me as if I was being a dick for not helping them.

I wasn't like Cass, so I touched the two of them as we teleported to the funeral home where Alistair were staying with two reapers.

I felt a massive sickness wash over me as I felt the effects of the angel warding, I could stil fight but some of my abilities wouldn't work to there fullest extent.

I pushed open the door as Alistair was waiting with two demons, they rushed towards me but I quickly dealt with them.

"Well, look who we have here? You boys must have friends in high places if you managed to get a big-shot like Isaiel here." Alistair gave me a wicked grin as he pulled Death's sickle from his pocket.

"I'll rip that tounge of yours for daring to speak my name." I Manifested my angel sword and the both of us started to fight to the death.

Each time our blades collided, thunder and strong winds destroy the area, I made an energy blast out of my grace as I hit the sickle and blasted it right out of Alistair's hands.

I grabbed him and threw him outside, I kept beating him as he smiled in amusement, once Castiel was ready with the spell I put him in a chokehold, and smiled as the lighting hit us both.
