
* The Prank

(This isn't really a chapter, however some people have requested a chapter about the prank that Gabriel pulled on Isaiel, so enjoy)

"June 15, 1896"

"There were so many red flags, I should have expected something like this from Gabriel, was it naivety? Blind sentimental affection for my brother? Whatever the reason was that I didn't trust my gut, it's too late now and many people have already died because of my actions that day." I was in a village called Toni, a memorial site to rember the 1896 Sanriku earthquake.

I rembered that day very well, I should since I was the reason that it happened in the first place.

And as I'm standing in this place filled with dead and miserable spirits, I would would want nothing more than to turn back time and rectify this colossal incident, but I knew that was impossible due to the rules of time.

When it comes to traveling anywhere in time, there's some rules that any angel has to follow to perseve the natural order, one of them is to not interfere with events in history that made a huge impact on the world, or else the universe would reset.

For example, when cas and Balthazar saved the Titanic In season 6, all they got was a visit from Atrops who made them resink the boat.

However, if the situation was something like the prevention of Archduke Ferdinand assassination, then the situation would be different because that's an huge impact in time, and would change the lives of millions to billions of people.

I had a firsthand experience on the consequences of messing with time, I went back to time and tried to assassinate Hitler because of some personal reasons and for his crimes against humanity.

But I got caught by the power of the natural order, and you know the saying; "fuck aurond and you'll find out." I found out the hard way and well let's say it wasn't a good time.

Anyway I think it's time to remember how this started, it all began with an invite to a party.

It was a sunny and peaceful day on June 15, 1896 and I was drinking tea with Kurama, a nine-tail fox and leader of the Yokai in the Shinto pantheon, when I was approached by Amaterasu, who gave me an invite to a party she was hosting.

Amaterasu was beautiful than many goddess and humans that I had seen, she was a beautiful Japanese woman with black hair, curvy body, and radiant eyes that looked as if they carried the sun in them.

A part of me was a bit on the edge about this party, because other gods were going to attend and having multiple gods in one place never ends well, but this was Amaterasu one of the few gods I call friend.

So I went to the party and there were so many gods in one place, all enjoying themselves and setting up alliances with each other, but I knew that this was a ploy and that they would most likely backstab the other side.

I mingled with a few gods and met some new people, before I went and sat alone in the bar and created myself a glass of water.

I knew that it was a bit disrespectful to got to a party and not drink or eat anything the host prepared, but I knew the nature of these gods and many of them had their own agendas.

Even someone like Amaterasu, a kind and polite goddess, had an agenda to protect her pantheon and her followers and would do anything to secure her people's safety.

"Hey stranger, what's someone like you doing all the way down here? I turned my head next to me as I heard Gabriel's voice.

"Hello, Loki it's been a while, how's the kids and the others doing? Giving Gabriel/Loki a handshake and talking like old friends.

"My kids are fine, some of them are still locked up in their prison, and the other gods are fine ,Thor still requests a rematch again if your wondering." Gabriel went behind the counter and found a bottle of human wine and offered it to me.

I refused, normal alcohol has no effect on me at all, I could easily drink all of the alcohol in every bar in the US and not even get tipsy.

Just before we could continue talking about random stuff, I felt static in the air as the most annoying god in this pantheon showed his face in front of me.

"Who in invited an angel to our gathering of gods? Leave this place westerner, your kind doesn't belong here and especially not you Godslayer, destroyer of gods and pantheons." Susanoo sneered at me as he caught the attention of numerous gods, all looking at this conflict.

"Tell me filthy westerner, do you know how many gods you killed or made them stand trial with the council of gods, as you and your angelic siblings killed their followers and burned their temple's, in the name of your mysterious God." Susanoo was getting in my face and was trying to provoke me,by spilling water in my face in front of everyone.

I heard part's of the wooden table snap, as Gabriel looked at Susanoo with a look of fury, but didn't want to raise the suspicion of the other gods, so be stayed still and calmed down.

As for myself , I didn't even show any reaction to the water dripping down my skin, why should I? There was no reason for me to get upset over something so trivial, especially since I was one of the most respected people in this party.

However, something that Susanoo said struck a nerve, and I wanted to explain to this man-child of a pitiful excuse of a god, how little he knows about how things are run.

"Listen Susanoo, I'll excuse your little tantrum that you pulled, as your way of asking a question of me since an uncivilized barbarian who spends his time in the sea, probably doesn't have alot if manners."

I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped away the water in my face, before looking at Susanoo.

"Your angry with me correct? Because I used my power and authority, to make examples out of gods who stepped out of line, Is that right? Not caring if he answered or not to my question.

"You know why I do that? It's because people like us, beings that could affect the balance of the world on a whim should have lines that shouldn't be crossed, and do I use my power to bring those who violate those rules to justice?

"Yes, because those individuals have lost the free will and the right to operate freely, and each and every one of you should be grateful that you all are held accountable by others, like the council of gods instead of being held accountable by me." Pointing and gesturing to the assembled gods, who stood in silence as Susanoo produced electricity in his arm, about to swing on me when I voice stopped him.

"Enough, Susanoo put your hand down and control yourself, your embarrassing our pantheon by attacking a respected ambassador to heaven, you don't want to provoke the ferocious wrath of heaven on us and doom our pantheon." Many Egyptian gods flinched, as they rembered just how powerful the angels were during the plagues.

Susanoo lowered his hand down, as the tingling feeling of static was still in the air, Susanoo looked at me one more time before leaving in a huff and cursing my name.

"I apologize for any inconvenience that my impulsive brother has caused you, if I had known that he was coming to cause trouble then I would have never would have invited him." Amaterasu gave me an apologetic smile on her beautiful face.

Amaterasu was wearing a regal black and gold kimono with her hair tied up in a ponytail, and holding a traditional hand fan with her as she was fixing her already perfect hair.

"It's fine the whole thing wasn't your fault anyways, you look absolutely stunning as those clothes make you more beautiful than Aphrodite in all of her glory." I blurted out what I was thinking and watched as Amaterasu blushed at my compliment.

"Thank so much for the compliment ambassador, and I didn't know that you had such a physique and an excellent eye for clothing, I suppose the rumors of the beauty of the angels wasn't an exaggeration."Eyeing my well-tone body and my clothes.

"Yo bro, when did you get the attention of Amaterasu to fall in love with you, and I thought I was the only one who had charm in the family." Gabriel was talking to me through telepathy and was giving me suggestive looks to Amaterasu.

"What are you even talking about Ammy, fell in love with me? And for Father's sake can you please stop with those looks it's weird."Gabriel rolled his eyes at me and gave me a look that I was an idiot.

"Brother, please tell me your joking with me, she is literally giving you bedroom eyes and been given you hints since she came to the party." Gabriel gave me a dry look, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Listen to me little bro, this is a fine opportunity to finally allow you to know the finer things in life, like sleeping with a woman especially if she's a goddess." Giving me a mischievous smile and giving me a knowing look.

I looked at my brother as if he were a madman, and shook my head as even though Ammy and I were friends, I don't think she was interested in me like that.

"Bro, don't tell me your not going to do it with Amaterasu, dude you have been on earth as long as I have and your still a virgin, even your vessel has slept with dozens of women, some of them being goddess." Referring to Thorfin's conquest of sleeping with multiple women, when he got back to Asgard from his adventures.

Just as I was about to refute my brother's claim, I felt my skin tense and my hair stand up as I felt the presence of the goddess of the underworld Izanami.

"~Well look who we have here, hello my beloved did you miss me? Giving me a seductive smile and sat on my lap as she wrapped her hands aurond me.

I never felt the atmosphere drop so low in a room before, as all the gods were staring at me with envious looks on their faces.

I had helped Izanami before when I went to visit the underworld, she told me her story about how she became the Queen of the dead, and how her appearance became so horrific.

So I helped her by healing her and returning her to her previous state of beauty, and because of what I did she been looking for me to "repay" my service to her.

I looked at Gabriel, hoping that he can help me, but he stood there completely baffled at the fact that two of the most powerful goddess in this pantheon were acting this way to me.

"Bro, you need to tell me your secret to how you are getting these goddess, I mean I knew that Izanami got her beauty back and all, but I never expected her to look like such a MLF."

I wasn't paying attention to Gabriel and his musing, as I was busy trying to get Izanami off of me, but I should have been paying attention because Gabriel slipped this pink substance in my water, and gave it to me to drink.

I drank the water and didn't think of anything of it until Ammy invited me to dance, and as we were dancing I felt strange when I looked at Amaterasu and Izanami.

I started to flirt with them and one thing lead to another, and we were in Amaterasu's bed, a part of me didn't understand what was going on but with the looks in their eyes, they wanted this and so I made love with the both of them.

The next morning as the sun was rising, I woke up to two beautiful women at my side, and I started to remember the night before.

"FUCK!!!!! FUCK !!!!!FUCK!!!! How did this happen did someone put something in my drink but who would dare___." I remembered Gabriel serving my glass of water and it clicked.

"I need to leave." My thoughts raced at the consequences if this got out, even though the sex was exquisite and something I would never forget, I had to leave before someone saw____

Whoosh! The door to Amaterasu door slid opened and before I could leave I was greeted with the sight of Tsukuyomi, the God of the moon and Amaterasu Ex-husband.

"Oh sweet Me, Mary, and Joseph." Um look Tsukuyomi, this isn't what your thinking___

Boom! I didn't even get to finish as Tsukuyomi blasted me with a beam of moonlight, sending me to an island near the Sanriku coast.

"This is the exact reason I don't like going to parties, because shit like this happens." Getting ready to fight and pulling out my angel sword, as Tsukuyomi flashed into existence with a sword in hand and Jealousy in his silver eyes.

"How dare you defile my wife, you damn foreigner you think that with Amaterasu protection will save you from me, I will kill you right here for the sin that you have committed." His sword glowed with silver energy as he charged at me.

I blocked the oncoming strike and continued to parry, each of our attacks were strong enough to split entire mountains and our speed was out of this world as we fought.

Tsukuyomi was getting enraged as I continued to block his attacks with zero effort, and that I didn't reveal any of my abilities during our fight.

"Damn you, you think you can just look down at me? You, who is not even a God or have any followers, LOOK DOWN AT ME." Roaring in frustration and anger at my lack of care.

He moved back away from me and started to create clones of himself, while chanting a spell as weird symbols appeared aurond him in a circle.

I didn't even bother with the clones, I simply phased through space and appeared behind him, sword ready to decapitate him.

When a pillar of moonlight, covered me completely and were sealing me inside, as Tsukuyomi boasted about his ability to use sealing techniques before I destroyed the pillar with a swish of my arm.

"You still don't understand Tsukuyomi, the power you possess is barely a drop of

power that I possess." I disappeared from his sight and preformed a downward slash on his chest and kicked him.

Tsukuyomi continued to perform light attacks at me and I could tell he was slowly tiring himself as it was daytime.

I stabbed him in the chest again, and impaled him to the ground as he struggled to free himself.

"You lucky, foreigner that it's Amaterasu power over this land, because if it was night I would eradicate you from existence."

"No you wouldn't, I think you overestimate your abilities since you think everyone is beneath you, now I could see why Ammy left you." Digging the sword deeper into his skin as he cried out in pain.

"I mean I can't understand why you would let your pride get in the way of your relationship, I mean how she moaned my name as the night grew longer, and the things she could do with her powers." Mocking Tsukuyomi as he spouted curse after curse at me.

"I promise you foreigner, I will kill you and take your head if you let me live, I will make sure that you will suffer if you come to my domain for what you did." His eyes becoming bloodshot as plunged deeper into his heart.

Just as I was finally going to kill him, I backed away as a barrage of lightning bolts, was about to hit me and I knew that the star of the show had finally arrived.

"It's about time that troublesome brat showed himself, I thought I was going to have to kill Tsukuyomi for a second." Susanoo appeared in lightning samurai armor, and looked at me with bloodlust spilling aurond the air.

"You, I knew you were going to be trouble the moment you came here, and now you showed your true colors filthy westerner." As Susanoo raised his hand and a lighting dragon came down at me.

I teleported and blocked a strike from his sword, luckily I was well-verse in the art of sword and even Amaterasu taught me a few techniques, and greatly improved my knowledge about sword-wheiding.

When I used Amaterasu techniques, Susanoo movements became irrational and blind strikes, as he saw only red due to his anger towards me.

Each strike that connected with each other, created large Earthquakes and tsunamis aurond the surrounding area, the more we fought the more dangerous it was for humans to survive as Susanoo used his powers to try kill me, caring little for the humans who were dying in the water.

"At this point, I may have to knock him unconscious or even kill him to stop this chaos that has been created." Gripping my sword as I intended to go a bit serious.

Just as we were about to clash again, a beam of sun energy came between the both of us, as we saw a very pissed off sun goddess.

"Sister! Why are you here I'm in the middle of purging this westerner from existence." Susanoo began to explain but stopped when he saw the look that his sister gave him.

"Leave now." Amaterasu was not playing aurond as her voice sent chills down my spine, as she demanded that Susanoo leave

Susanoo looked back at me and looked as if he wanted to say something, but looking at his sister's powerful aura made him glare and disappear in a flash of lightning.

When Susanoo left, Amaterasu began to lose her intense aura, and smiled and blushed at me as she saw naked body.

"So, Isaiel about last night." Amaterasu was blushing uncontrollably and couldn't meet my eyes.

"It was wonderful Ammy, it was a new experience for the both of us, I didn't expect that the regal goddess of the sun had such an imagination."

Amaterasu face was so red, she could have been mistaken of having a fever, she looked up and saw that I had disappeared from view.

Little did she knew that this would be the last time she saw Isaiel in a long time, as the day continued all that could be heard was the rage of two brothers and a confused girl standing on an island waiting.
