


Philip looks at his parent with tears in his eyes, his mom Mary had called him crying, saying there was something that they wanted to tell him.

"We just didn't know how to tell you..." Dave stammers.

" That I was adopted, and none of you bothered to say anything for good 18 years of my life". Philip cutting Dave short . He pauses and looks at them in disbelief.

"We just didn't know how to tell you Son, believe me when I say this, that why we tried to give you all the love". Mary speaks up for the first time since Philip arrived.

" That doesn't dispute the fact, that I was lied to, I literally have no knowledge of who I am, Mom". He screams out in utter dismay.

Dave goes over to him, trying to calm him down, Philip steps backwards avoiding his touch. "Dad, I looked up to you so much, I thought you were the perfect definition of a father".

David looks down in shame, Philip continues "And Mom, you are a certified Therapist, you have know how this things work, of how lies destroys so much, Especially families, and you let this happen". He was shaking profusely. He continues

" You let this happen".Philip voice breaks.

"We are so sorry Son, we just wanted to protect you". Mary struggles to say in-between tears.

" Protecting me at the risk of lying to me, you both are my role model for Christ sake". He continues shaking

Dave clears his throat, "Son, I am really sorry, but I am to be blamed here, I told her to keep this away from you years ago". Dave didn't try to move closer to him.

Philip couldn't say anything else, he looks over to Mary, whom head was hang downwards. He didn't have anything to say again, since they were all about lies , he didn't know if he could believe any other words from their mouth..

He opens the door and was about to leave , when he heard Dave says

"We have one more thing to say, but I need you to sit for this please". Begging with his eyes.

Philip closes the door and sits far from them, waiting for the next lies that was about to slip away from their lips.

Dave looks at Mary as he was about to speak " Your mom over there has been the definition of a good mother and a wife, I am at fault here, please do not blame your Mother". He pauses maybe looking for support from Mary,

Philip also looks at his mom too didn't know how to react to this,

Mary is completely silent then Dave continues, " I have a daughter somewhere, I dropped her in a shelter home eighteen years ago and have been searching for her ever since".

Nothing had prepared Philip for this one, he couldn't believe it.

" Everything he had known about his self, his Mom, his dad had all been a lie". He opens his mouth to speak, nothing came out.

He stands up, looking over to his mom who was staring him with eyes full of tears.he surprises himself as he says "I just can't believe this". and walks out of the house.


Magedelene looking at her camera, all over her room was drawing ink, drawing papers , colors , different shades of pencil scattered all over her room.

She had woken up that morning with fresh ideas, fresh new drawings on her head,

"It starting to come back" she mutters happily as she draws into the paper freely, ..

Sweats falling off her face, she needed to tell someone one. She wanted to tell Philip, he had been off help to her in this journey, he gave her new insight on things...

She taps on their chat, since that day of the kissing. He hasn't message her once and she hasn't seen him in school. Maybe he is avoiding her.

She was about to message him, she stops as she remembers how the boy she liked in Junior high school, after just one kiss, she discovered that he had made a bet in the school to kiss the ugliest girl in school, It took her long to get her confidence back

" I can't afford to go through that kind of shame, I won't forgive myself". Magedelene sighs out loud, then post out on her Instagram

" How does it feel when you are slowly getting your groove back, after so many month?".

When all of a sudden your mojo pops in like it was never gone?".

Immediately Amanda had seen it and reacted with dancing emoji and other of her trusted followers , some of her clients responds with " The Queen is Back".

While others responds with something casual. She goes back to drawing with smiles on her face

She checks her Dm, Amanda had sent her a message privately

" Philip has done it, love has brought your mojo back". Magedelene smiles as she reads it, contemplating if she should tell Amanda that she hasn't heard from Philip after the kiss.

"I did it all by myself, please ". She chuckles as she types into her keyboard, immediately she got a responsefm from Amanda

" That's very typical of you, I expected nothing else".

" Oh Please, any news on that restaurant".

She types in, if there wasn't any news yet, she was ready to tell Steph who is a lawyer.

" Nothing yet, but I am keeping my ears wide open till the end of this week".Amanda responds with a sad face emoji

" Okay, My mom's a lawyer, and she will fight this case for you, over the past 25 years of her being a lawyer, she has only lost 7 times, so just be rest assured you're gonna win the case " Magedelene assuring her

"That's so sweet of you Magdalene, now I see where you get your fiesty spirit from, but let's just keep our fingers crossed till then baes" Amanda responds with laughing emoji

" Anything for you babe, and I meant it". Magedelene responds, clicks on her phone, then she goes back to colouring the object.

Magedelene knew this city was a new era in her life, she could feel the changes that were about to happen in her life.

She looks over her Art, it was a picture of a Girl, in a new city, looking at it, one could tell big things were about to happen to the girl in the drawings, one can't tell exactly what but things were about to change.

She looks at the image, gave herself a look in the mirror. Magedelene knew she is the girl in her drawing, the girl in the drawing is Her.
