


The void of Amanda was hitting her hard, but she knew Amanda couldn't make it to school today cause of her Job.

This time, a five Star Restaurant had been following Amanda videos on Instagram, they had called her to come to do a food review for their restaurant.

She's so lost in the live video, she's watching Amanda saying

" Common people, come down to 'EAT AND GROOVE' Restaurant,

When I say need, this place is a Necessity,

Looking for a place to relax, enjoy good food, calm ur nerves, this is the PLACE.

Trust me when I say this is the place for that lover, the family get together, a business dinner .

Stay tuned as I crush those foods and give my yummy reviews".Amanda winkes on the screen as an adverr comes up.

Amanda is good at her job,she witnessed it when they went the restaurant the other day.

It the way she embodies it, she makes it enjoyable, entertaining, and ar the same time, she makes it look so easy.

The host of the orientation had distracted her,

" Hi everyone, put your tabs, your phones any sort of electronic device away and give this program your attention.

Everybody obliges.. She looks over, it was Philip sitting beside her .

She hadn't even notice it, that what's Amanda does, she thrills one.

He smiles at her, waves a little bit,

Magedelene returns it with a scrowl on her face

'What am I supposed to do, smile back. I don't think so'.

Our eyes meets again and he smiles again.

" Okay, Everyone, we all know why we are all here today , To be enlighten on the ethics, your do's and dont's". Our host speaks into the mic.

"So I still haven't gotten a response from you yet". Philip looks at her dreamily

What with those eyes she thinks

" Uhm, I made up my mind,I am not interested ". She says without looking at him..

He really didn't strike her as a artsy person

" Well, unless you give me a good damn reason, I am not backing down". Philip smirks at her.

" I don't have to give you any reasons ". She gives him a questioning look.

" Which it is, are you scared of stepping out your comfort zone or are you scared of me". Philip daring her this time

" Scared of you". Magedelene startles, what does he thinks is about

" That's what I am sensing". Philip replies, this time he didn't look at her.

" You know what, tomorrow after school, send in the location, imma be there" she says, she hadn't plan this, how did those words come out

Philip looks over at her and smiles, knowing he got her where he wants her to

" Okay, that's the spirit". He laughs,

God, he's so fine,with that muscular cheekbone of his.

I quickly averted my eyes, I am not suppose to be swooning over him

'We don't like him, remember'. She tries convincing herself .

"Any questions, from this end".the host pointing to her lane.

A girl indicates by raising her hand up.

"Is it possible to do make up test or examination, if we miss school due to emergency".

That's a good question, the host chimes in.

" The only valid reason, you get to be eligible for a make up test or examination is when one is ill, when you're very sick come back with a medical result and if not

You are definitely carrying over the course".

Magedelene attention drifts as Philip says "Let me take you home, I notice your friend isn't around today".

Magedelene gives him the stare death,

" I can find my way home".

So today this is the end of today's orientation, any further question, please ask them on the school platforms.

Magedelene quickly stands up, picking up her bag.

" I really want you to know your place, so I can come pick you up tomorrow". Philip chips in, not relenting.

She rolls over her eyes and nods her head approving it.


We've been in the car for fifteen minutes now, I can really tell she's avoiding me cause she's on her phone..

This time I could tell, she was trying so hard to get her groove back.

" Hey, I saw most of your works on Instagram,it is lit you know". Philip hoping it gonna start up a conversation.

"I know that, that's why am trying so hard to get back there". Magedelene hiss in frustration.

" You know this block, it happens to the best of us".

Trying to comfort her, he gives her a cute smile, he figures she's gonna roll her eyes.

Which she did, and goes to back to her phone.

"I can help you the figure this out, yunno".

Philip continues

"How Philip, how?". She blurts out, this time looking at him like he was crazy

" You stressing it, you getting worked up, you need to relax, let it come to you".Philip speaks with softness in his eyes

" You think I haven't tried all that". Frustration grips her.

"Okay, maybe am coming on strong here". He fixates his eyes on the road.

She pauses her video, he could tell she's is about to give him her attention.

" Yunno, I am a Market consultant, and sometimes I run out of ideas, I get stuck, it can be frustrating". He pauses, drives into a narrow space , they were at the front of her gate.

But she wasn't getting out, that could mean one thing, so he continues, she wants to be here.

" Over the years, I learnt that whenever the creative block starts, we have to learn to come out of our zone, Go out there, breath in that fresh air, go to places that's gonna inspire you, that intrigues you, get out of zone, that comfort zone Magedelene and go get your groove back".

Philip was actually surprised he could say those words,

That was the first time he was saying that and it sort of refreshes him inside

He looks over to Magedelene, she is having this little smile on her face, her hazel brown eyes sparkling

" Pick me up at 6pm tomorrow". She says and disappears.
