
Snow Killer

I looked at the scenery as I stood at the window of the hotel Alice and I decided to rest at. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. "This world, Wonderland. It's nothing like I've read in the fairytales..."

"This world once was a world of Wonders, it used to be beautiful. When I was just a little girl, this place was full of nice wonders and people. The games I played with my friends were actually fun...but due to the Goddess's Greed, she turned something that used to be a fun world into a place of constant torture." Alice said as she sat on her bed and looked at her phone.

I heard my bracelet beeping and felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it.

[Due to the completion of the Challenge, you have been rewarded.]

[Challenge Reward: Card - 5 of Hearts]

"Five of Hearts?" I asked.

"That is being added to your Life Force. Five Hearts equals 500 Life Force, equating to Five Days. Every 100 Life Force equals to a day you can keep living." Alice explained.

I decided to check my Life Force.

[Life Force: 9500]

"Dammit...I only have three months and five days to live..? What was the point of bringing me here if she's just going to kill me again..?" I sighed and placed my phone in my pocket.

"That's how cruel the Goddess of Wonderland is. That Wonder Bracelet is your lifeline. It keeps track of how long you have to live. Every day takes 100 Life Force from you. To increase your lifespan, you can find Number Cards on the ground and if you find Face Cards you get an added year to your lifespan or 36,500 Life Force. Face Cards are only rewarded from the Kings, Queens, Jacks, Aces, and Jokers. There are Four Kings, Four Queens, Four Jacks, Sixteen Aces, and Four Jokers.." Alice explained once again.

'Sixteen Aces..?' I thought to myself.

"Sixteen? Aren't there only Four Aces in a deck of cards?" I asked.

"The Aces are needed for survival. It used to only be four of us...Me, Aladdin, Tethys, and Dorothy. We were the four original Aces then soon...more Aces started to arise as the Goddess of Wonderland wanted more people to toy with...Thus giving birth to 16 Aces." Alice said and stood up to begin undressing.

I noticed Alice undressing through the window, but just kept focusing on the scenery. "Going to bed already..? The night is still young. We should be out there finding more Challenges and Number Cards, expanding our lifespan. Every day counts."

Alice put her hair in a ponytail then looked at me. "I have 20 years left to live. Even if I die, I'm only losing 36,500 Life Force and I'll basically respawn. You on the other hand, if you die, you're dead. Your days count. If you want to go out there alone, be my guest."

I turned to look at Alice then frowned a bit. "You could be taking this more seriously. I need help. I only have a few months to live. You have years."

"I'm being as serious as I possibly can. I'm not gonna risk my life for an Unranked...especially for one that I don't know. You were unnaturally impressive against the King's Gunman, but that's all you're getting from me. If you want to join me tomorrow, come in bed and sleep off your 100 Life Force." Alice said and got into bed.

"It's lonely at the top.."

"Sacrifice everything to win..."

"Is every piece needed..?"

"Self Sacrifice or Sacrificial Benefit..?"

"Intelligence or Luck..?"

"Chaos or Unity..?"

"Unpredictability or Transparency..?"

"Do or Die...Life is your Final Game.."

I held my head and grunted softly. I closed my eyes and swallowed my pride. I needed Alice...Even with my wits, my intelligence, my Preflex, I couldn't fight these battles alone. Not anymore..




The next day, I woke up and noticed 100 Life Force was taken from me. I noticed Alice was already awake and getting dressed. She looked back at me and looked ahead.

"Look alive...uhm.." Alice started.

"Leo." I said and sat up then got out of bed. "The name's Leo."

"Right, look alive Leo. Today we have a long day ahead of us." Alice said and fixed her dress.

I closed my eyes and sighed softly. "Right."

Alice and I left the room and made our way to an elevator. We walked inside and Alice leaned against the wall.

"So...About the Number Cards. There are only eight of them and three face cards and one Ace traditionally...right?" I asked and looked at Alice.

"Right, but here...Every Suit or Region has Four Aces. I am one of the Four of the Heart Region. We are currently in the second strongest region of Wonderland. Each Region has one Joker, that Joker potentially being the strongest in the Region." Alice explained.

"Who are the Four Aces of the Heart Region?" I asked.

"Me, Snow White, Suimin or known as Sleeping Beauty, and Kaguya also known as the Moon Princess." Alice answered.

I nodded and looked at the number on the elevator counting down. "You all have been in this world since Childhood huh..?"

"Only me, Tethys, Aladdin, and Dorothy. It was only when the Goddess grew corrupt when she started to drag those who died tragic deaths to come play her game. She hand picks people so it isn't like she drags just anyone here." Alice answered as she scrolled through her phone.

I noticed the elevator doors opening and heard my bracelet beeping.

[Challenge: Eliminate the Snow Killer.]

Alice lowered her phone and sensed powerful energy. She put her phone away and walked out of the elevator. She looked around, trying to find the Snow Killer. I noticed red crosshairs appearing on Alice.

I rushed forward and pushed Alice out of the way then noticed energy arrows land on the ground. I looked up and noticed a brown cloaked figure above me. I dodged his arrows then formed a clone of myself then ran off with the clone.

"You can't trick me!" The Snow Killer laughed and locked on to the real me.

I noticed the arrows headed my way at high speeds and grabbed a man that was in the lobby, using him as a meat shield.

"In your last challenge, you didn't show any remorse for using that poor woman as a shield. That's why the Goddess likes you. You hold no morals! Your lack of empathy is what got you to the top! Your quick thinking.." The Snow Killer said as he walked toward me.

Alice watched and noticed the Snow Killer was only targeting me. She ran off once again, leaving me to my lonesome.

'She only thinks of her own survival...She was clear when she said she doesn't risk her life for anyone she doesn't know...and yet yesterday she put herself in danger for me. I can't let her think I'm useless..'

I stared at the Snow Killer and backed up. I stormed out of the hotel and he chased after me, laughing like a psychopath.

"I love a good chase! Keep running for me!" The Snow Killer laughed and fired multiple arrows at me.

I used my Preflex to dodge the arrows and turned around then created seven clones. I noticed him walking forward then charged at him. My clones and I went for attacks at him, but the Snow Killer dodged each one of our strikes with his Supernatural Vision.

"These attempts of attacks only fuel me!" The Snow Killer laughed and kicked me away then fired multiple arrows at me.

I recovered and dodged the arrows then ran into the crowd. 'His reflexes are too good...I need to obstruct his eyesight somehow..'

[Promotion Gauge: 30%]

The Snow Killer looked around for me and noticed three clones of me running amongst the crowd. He knew none of them were me and looked around for the real me. He noticed me standing alone in a plaza then smirked.

'Even a Pawn has its uses as a Pawn. As expendable as they are...one technique of a Pawn people don't use...'

The Snow Killer laughed as he went for the attack then grunted as chains grabbed him and restricted his movements.

'Is Trapping..'

Alice watched from a distance and crossed her arms. "Luring the Snow Killer like that...with his own Clones...His intelligence is rather... intriguing."

The Snow Killer chuckled and glared at me. "You think you have me beaten..? You have to kill me!"

"I know...and I will. Unfortunately for me, a Pawn doesn't really have the best offensive capabilities and strength in numbers means nothing to them physically. Keep holding him!" I commanded my clones.

The Snow Killer began resisting and smirked widely at me. "Killing you...will be my greatest treat! The Goddess has made things interesting with you! After killing you...That bitch Alice is next for betraying us! Her and all of her Ace Allies!"

[Promotion Gauge: 80%]

"Kill her all you want. She's already left me twice, but I know she's nearby. Waiting for the perfect moment to help.." I said and my eyes shined.

The Snow Killer bellowed and broke out of his chains then his aura surged powerfully. He took aim at me and fired a fusillade of arrows at me.

[Promotion Gauge: 100%]

[Promotion Possible!]

I closed my eyes and my body shined. The Snow Killer watched as the arrows crashed down and formed a massive smoke cloud. He laughed in triumph and celebrated.

"Celebrating so early..?" I asked and the Rook Symbol shined brightly on the core of my armor.

The Snow Killer looked at me surprised and grunted. "What..? How did you survive that..?!"

"The battle should be easier for you, Snow Killer. You don't have to deal with my clones anymore...nor do you have to deal with my Speed.." I said and smirked.

'He lowered his Speed for a massive boost of Strength and Defense. I think I understand his power now...' Alice thought to herself.

The Snow Killer dashed toward me and went for a powerful kick, but noticed I tanked it. He grunted and jumped backwards, firing multiple arrows at me. The arrows struck me and exploded. He looked surprised as I charged out of the smoke.

I slashed my spear at him, but he dodged it and blocked my next slash with his bow. I stepped back and twirled my spear in a circle then thrusted my spear at him, generating powerful winds behind my thrust. The Snow Killer barely dodged it and grunted. He fired arrows at my core, but noticed an invisible shield deflected the arrows.

"It ends here, Snow Killer!" I bellowed and stomped my foot down then delivered a heavy blow to him.

The Snow Killer grunted then stumbled to the side. He groaned and coughed blood as I thrusted my spear through his chest, killing him. The Snow Killer disintegrated the same way the Gunman did.

[Challenge Complete: Eliminated the Snow Killer.]

[Award: Wonder EXP +100]

[Level Up!]

[Wonder Level: 2]

[Bonus: Promotion Gauge starts at 10%]

I reverted to my base form and sighed then heard clapping. I looked to my right and noticed a woman walking forward.

"Well well...The new guy in Wonderland proves he's more than dead weight.." The woman said.

The woman had ivory skin, white hair styled in an elegant hairstyle, steely gray eyes, and a slender and elegant build. She was enshrouded in holy attire, wielded a claymore in its scabbard on her back, and had an Ace of Hearts symbol on her shoulder.

"She disposed of doubt long ago.."

"Bloodstained hands doesn't stop her..."

"Her persona is cold as ice..."

"She's the Order to your Chaos..."

"Her Justice is absolute.."

I grunted as I held my head and looked at the woman. I noticed Alice walking forward. I looked at the other woman. "Who is she..?"

"My name is Snow White..~" The woman introduced and smiled a cold smile at me.

"Mirror O' Mirror...Who will be the fairest of them all..?"
