


The damp was starting to get to his gaggle of humans. All he could hear was coughing and spluttering.

He got a tip-off from one of his sisters; the mother was after him. The damn council probably got her involved while the useless witch chased ghosts. He had to turn these volunteers soon but couldn't be rash with his movements; he must lay low.


He swiftly picked up the awaited phone call.

"Are you ready?" Blackspit asked. There is no time for introductions now.

"Where?" he asked, getting to the details.

"Tonight. The forest, wait until the ritual is complete. Their bond must be broken before you touch her."

"Got it."


"Alpha," Jack greeted.

"Welcome back. Did your investigation go well?" the young alpha, Dominic, paused in his documents to look up at the old Beta.

"No leads on the old alpha, but the kid knows."

Dominic sighed and nodded, "Tiffany told me his sister contacted her asking for help… So long as there are no signs of his return, they will be safe."

Jack nodded, "Although Lexi isn't out of the woods yet."

"Is the detective being useless?"

"Not anymore, but the last thing I heard was that the vamp is in Pendle. I have a bad feeling, alpha."

He sighed, "We have all felt it here and have prepared. Something is coming. I think we will be the first targets after the coven."

Jack nodded in agreement, "Shall I call the brothers?"

"Already done," Dominic stood from his desk, "Keep your eyes on the detective and the vamp. Call me if you get anything."

"Yes, sir."

Both of them left the tiny hut. Cheryl watched over the pit, and she could see others were sensing something, glancing around, many of them on edge.

"Darling?" Dominic approached Cheryl, "It's time to move them."

She nodded, "I will lead them. Be safe."

He nodded, "You, too. You have more than one to think about, remember? Call me when you get there, and I will send after all of you once it's cleared."

They touched foreheads before she stood addressing half the pack.

"Let's go." She marched forward out of the pack pit.

Some elders and pregnant she-wolves left with the young pups. Over the next hour or so, they would be moving by the coach load to the next pack—where they would be safe… for now.

Those who could access and control their wolves stayed, including Tiffany and her family. She stood there chewing her fingernail. When she went to Lexi for help with her wolf, she noted the smell of another wolf in the home. She thought nothing of it, thinking it was Jack she could smell.

It wasn't until the fight broke out at school that she realised it was her little brother, Alex.

If the old Alpha finds out he has a child, a son, he will be back.

Alphas were possessive.


He sighed once more; Cornelius was hiding somewhere. He hasn't left Pendle; Magnus made sure to cover all bases; if the vampire stepped one toe out of the border, he would know.

Yet… Where was he?

Tap tap.

A pigeon on the window got his attention. While it was old school using birds as messengers, he found the bug in his radio. He was confident it was an accomplice of Cornelius, a mole; how else did he know the council's every move?

He took the message from the bird and let it break on the window ledge.

It was from his father; 'I will be with you when you talk to Lexi. See you in two days.'.


The new moon crept up quicker than I expected. There was not much to prepare, luckily. However, it was Thursday… Circle night.

The coven had graciously extended an invitation to Keiron and Luke to join them for one circle. They accepted with enthusiasm. Alex was unsure whether to continue his spell studies. After umming and erring, he decided to keep going—more to keep in touch with his friends than to learn magic.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get Leo out of my head.

Was this indeed the right move?

A knock on the door late in the evening made me jump out of my thoughts; that would be the other's. We decided to meet at my home first.

I unlocked the door and removed it off the latch, moving back and allowing them in.

"Hey," Lathen greeted, entering the threshold. He was alone.

"Hi, come in. Where are the others?" I pulled my cardigan closer and returned to the table.

"On the way, Quinn forgot her drink," he chuckled, "Are you ready for later?"

"Think so." I looked down at the half-empty cup.

He touched my hand, "It will be alright."

I gave a tiny smile and nodded.

At the usual time of half 6, I prompted us to leave the warm house to trek to our usual spot. I pulled the candles from the hidden hole in the tree and passed them out. I paused at the last two red candles—one for me and one for Leo.

I took a large breath and left Leo's candle in the hole.

Devan created a circle using a stick, and as usual, Quinn led our little group; the absence of one felt strange.

As we danced and spun around the five candles in the centre, I relaxed more and more into our dance with the night.

A dance all knew well. Seri's bright blue, Devan's green, Quinn's yellow, Lathen's purple, and my red rose high.

It ticked and played with branches higher than the trees, yet to gain their leaves. Our magic danced in the night like ribbons.

As usual, the vertigo and fatigue made us slow down. The energy dropped, and we lowered to the ground with it. The candles snuffed out, the circle broken, and we were again tired, yet I felt blessed and more in tune with myself.

"Revelora," Quinn announced.

We sat back, relaxing around the broken circle, enjoying the night. Lathen and I shared a look; it was still a long while until midnight. I felt more apprehensive as the time crept closer.

I had to keep reminding myself, 'It's for the best. Stop being selfish.'

"Shh," Devan quietened us. We stopped laughing as he sat a little straighter.

"Obscuravale," I whispered over us, concealing us.

"What is it?" Quinn whispered, now looking around us.

"Footsteps. Someone is running…" Devan said, standing up slowly.

We followed his lead but waited in the same spot.

"They've passed us… might just be a jogger…" he began to doubt.

"Better safe than sorry," Lathen answered.

As they were talking, something touched the end of my senses. Confused, I looked around behind me. It was too quick…

Lathen grasped my elbow, "What is it?"

I shook my head in confusion, "Can't tell, it was too fast. I think we should get out of here-"

My words caught in my throat. I felt the heartbreaking, familiar aura brush mine. This time, it came from behind us, and I froze. I felt the dull connection spark back up.

I felt his hope and his hesitation…

"Lex?" Seri asked, touching my shoulder.

I rubbed my eyes and refused the tears to gather, "It's Leo…Revelora," I whispered.

It took down both our veil and the one covering him.

Leo stood just beyond the tree line and stepped through, panting as the spell released.

Looking at him made my heart hurt; it reminded me of what I had seen in the water.

I still wanted to run to him and never let go.

"Huh… Didn't think you'd come back," Lathen angrily said.

Leo panted, catching his breath, but replied, "You were right, Lathen."

My eyes narrowed, "You."

I looked at Lathen, "You spoke to him?"

"Damn right," Lathen crossed his arms, "You're both out of your minds."

I looked down at the ground, playing with the red string in my pocket; the attention returned to Leo.

Devan spoke first, approaching him, "A sight for sore eyes; if I knew where you were, I'd have dragged you back by your hair," he teased, outstretching his arms for a hug.

Leo took it gratefully.


'Oh goddess…'

I cleared my throat before replying, "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry… I told you I couldn't stay away," he admitted sadly.

"I think we need to give these two time…" Lathen hinted, walking toward the nearby stream.

Quinn squeezed my hand, and with a look back towards me, she was the last to follow the group.

I finally lifted my gaze to him. The same bright blue eyes locked with mine, and I could breathe a little easier. With our bond unbroken, I felt sadness and relief from him.

I could still see the water…

You can't…'

"Leo, we agreed-"

"Call me a selfish prick; I'm staying."

He gently touched my cheeks and came closer, embracing me. "You do not know how hard it's been trying to get past this. To try and move on and live without you."

"It's been three days…" I muttered.

"Felt like three years," he smirked.

I took his hand from my face, holding it instead. My heart ached at his smirk.

"You did move on," I whispered, watching his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What are you talking-"

I cut him off, "I saw you and Maddie the day after I left."

My voice rose angrily while I shook him off, "I needed you! And there you were with her!"

"Hey, hey! Wait a minute," he grasped my elbows despite me trying to move away, "What do you mean you saw us? What are-?"

"So, you admit it!"

He grasped me again more firmly, "Lexi, No! Never."

He hugged me to stop me from struggling, "I promise you, I have not seen or spoken to Maddie."

I couldn't help it. I sobbed and clung to him. He was no liar.

I was now more confused than ever; what the hell did I see?

"Shh, I'm sorry… I'm sorry I wasn't there..."

My tears slowed, yet I still didn't let go of the fistfuls of his clothes. He held me, stroking my head. I don't know how long we stood there, but I didn't care.

"Please don't let me leave again," I spoke into his shoulder.

"Promise," Leo murmured into my hair before kissing it.

He leaned back slightly, making me gaze up into his bright blue eyes.

He touched my cheek, "I missed you," he whispered, leaning down slightly.

I leaned up onto my tiptoes and met him halfway. His lips touched mine, and I was finally home.

"Awe, I missed you too!"

My blood ran cold, and we broke away from our kiss. It was a voice I hoped never to hear again.
