
Chapter 181: I Coaxed Her Into This so Don't Blame Her

Chapter 181: I Coaxed Her Into This so Don't Blame Her

"Mother, she donated all her alimony.

Please, stop embarrassing me any more than you already did," Edric said and his mother gasped, offended at his words.

Mrs. Harvey looked like she was about to cry but Edric had hardened his heart. He looked like he was about to say an even ruder retort.

Loreen didn't want to see him fighting with his parents so she held his hand to stop him even with his mother looking at them.

"Mrs. Harvey, I'm sure Aunt Selma and Edmund said I was nothing but a dirt poor whore and gold digger who clung to your son for money only to leave him hurt and bleeding in the end."

Loreen repeated what Aunt Selma told her more than a year ago in Edmund's room.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey glanced at each other probably because Loreen said something that sounded exactly like what Aunt Selma told them.

"But sorry to inform you, I am not any of that.
