
Erza is Arrested?

" So, let me get this straight, you're telling me that in the span of a single day, those idiots managed to destroy two train tracks, a train, a train station, the conference hall, and a mountain pass?" Satoru asked.

" You know, some of that might have been the dark guild's fault, but yeah that's about the sum of it." Happy told the man as he chowed down on the fish in his mouth.

" Alright...." Satoru muttered. Satoru turned to Cana and started rustling around in his robes. " Set me down for one hundred jewels on Erza."

" You got it." Cana happily took the money from Satoru and added another Mark on Erza's side of supporters. 

" Whoa! No way, they're really going through with it?!" Lucy exclaimed.

Her sudden arrival drew the attention of the other wizards in the area.

" Oh, hey Lucy!" Mira said to the girl.

" If those two are real men, they better go through with this." Elfman spoke up.

" Erza's not a man." Mira told Elfman, correcting him on his previous statement.

" You've got to admit, she is mainly though." Macao told the woman.

" Heh, don't let her hear you say that Macao." Satoru told the man. " Though I agree with you. Poor Natsu isn't gonna stand a chance." Satoru stated. He watched as the crowd grew more and more energized, feeling the very excitement radiating.

" But Gray, aren't you worried this might break up the strongest team?" Lucy asked.

" What are you talking about?" Gray wondered. " Strongest team?"

" Strongest team?"

Gray and Satoru both questioned Lucy on what she meant, looking at her questioningly.

" Gray, Natsu, and Erza! You know, you three are the three strongest wizards in Fairy Tail." Lucy told the man. 

" We are?"

" They are?"

They asked.

" Heh, what idiot told you that lie?" Gray asked Lucy.

It was quiet for a moment, and then Mirajane started crying all of a sudden.

" Way to go, Gray." Satoru mumbled to the young man.

Realizing his mistake, Gray tried calming the woman down.

" Oh! You're not an idiot, Mira." Gray told the woman.

Satoru walked over to Erza and gently rubbed her head, comforting the woman.

" I'll give it to Natsu and Gray, they're pretty strong wizards. But neither of them are close to being the strongest, there are guys in Fairy Tail that are stronger than both of them combined. Like me." Elfman exclaimed proudly.

" Though calling Erza the strongest woman in the guild is a pretty safe bet." Levy spoke up from the side.

Her teammates Jet and Droy hung back with her.

" As far as the guys go, at this point in time, I'd say it's a tossup between Laxus, Mystogan, or Shira." Jet told the girl.

" Wow, really?" Lucy asked.

" Yeah, it might not seem like it, but I am strong." Satoru told the girl. He proudly laid his claim, while still holding Mira. " There, there Mira. It's alright."

" I didn't mean to offend anybody, I just meant that they all worked well together, and they have the best team chemistry." Mira stated.

" Okay, and this is coming from the same person who asked me to make sure Natsu and Gray didn't kill each other while Erza wasn't around?!" Lucy exclaimed.

" Which, you did a good job on. I don't think I've ever seen Natsu, and gray go on a job together, let alone with Erza." Satoru told the girl. " Though, I have to admit, seeing them fight is much more fun."

" No kidding. I'm pretty excited to see how this fight turns out." Elfman muttered.

" Oh yeah? Well, I can't wait to see him get his butt handed to him." Gray stated.

The Wizards quieted down as it appeared things were about to start.

Surrounded by the crowd of wizards from Fairy Tail, Natsu and Erza were getting ready to begin their bout. 

" I have to say, it's been awhile since we squared off like this, hasn't it Natsu?" Erza asked the boy.

" Yeah, but I was just a kid back then." Natsu stated. " Things are different now, and I'm going to beat you." He said boldly. 

" Well then, I won't be going easy on you. In fact, I have the perfect armor for this occasion." Erza told the boy.

Her body started glowing and a bright light filled the town area. Erza was using her requip magic. When she reappeared, she was dressed in a regal red and black armor. Her hair was tied up in two pig tails, she was wearing a single piece corset, with boots, and had a single red blade.

" Whoa."

" Flame empress Armor? A good choice against a fire wizard." Macao stated.

" So now Natsu's flames will only be half as effective." Laki exclaimed.

" Come on Erza, at least give the kid a fighting chance." Wakaba told the woman.

Happy was quiet for a moment, observing Erza and his friend, and then after careful consideration, he also placed money on Erza to win.

" Put me down for Erza on the first round." Happy told Cana as he handed her his money.

Lucy was quite surprised by this. You could tell she definitely didn't want to watch the two fight.

" Just try to relax a little, Lucy. You gotta learn to go with flow. Natsu's competitive spirit is what drives him. He just loves a good fight." Satoru told the girl. " Besides, it's not like they're trying to hurt each other for real. Just testing their limits. I mean, just look at them. They're excited." 

Natsu and Erza were both smiling from ear to ear.

" Wow, Flame Empress Armor, huh? Good news for me. That means I can turn up the heat as high I want to." Natsu exclaimed.

His hands caught fire and he readied himself.

" Round one start!"

From out of nowhere Master Makarov appeared and commanded the first round to start.

" Immediately, Natsu charged Erza, swing his flaming fists right at her. 

Erza dodged out of the way, and swung her fire sword at Natsu, forcing him to duck under it.

Natsu immediately went for a counterattack of his own, launching a strong kick at the side of Erza's head.

Erza blocked the kick and once again tried striking Natsu, only for him to push off the ground and backflip away.

Erza pursued Natsu, rushing straight towards him, however, as she grew closer, Natsu straightened himself up and released a breath of fire from his mouth straight towards her, forcing her to dodge it.

Natsu turned his mouth, bending the breath attack right after Erza and nearly ended up roasting some of the wizards on the sideline with his fire.

Lucy was impressed by the way the two fought each other. She was beginning to be taken up with the moment.

" Wow!" Lucy exclaimed.

" See, it's a good fight, huh?" Elfman said to the girl.

" This fight sucks." Gray stated.

He was obviously unhappy that Erza hadn't beaten Natsu down. 

" Hahaha! Natsu's gotten pretty good. He might just be able to win this if he got serious." Satoru stated.

It was easy to see how far the young fire wizard had come. 

' Maybe, I'll take a turn with him next.' Satoru thought to himself.

Natsu and Erza were getting ready to engage each other once more, however, a sudden clap and the sound of a gong ringing out caused them and everyone else gathered to stop in their tracks.

Everyone looked to see a frog-like woman dressed in the garb of the magic council standing in front of the crowd.

" Oh, what do these guys want?" Satoru grumbled.

" This fight is over!" She exclaimed. " Attention please, I am here on orders from the Magic council. As a result of the Eisenwald incident, a member of your guild has been charged with eleven counts of criminal property damage. Erza Scarlet! You are under arrest!"

This declaration surprised every single man and woman present.

" What? You're puttin her under a what?" Natsu asked bewilderedly.


And then.

After the Magic council took Erza away in cuffs, the wizards of Fairy Tail gathered within their guild hall, trying to rack their brains over what had just happened.

" Come on, this isn't fair you, guys. Let me out of here." Natsu exclaimed from his glass jar.

Natsu had tried to sneak away as a small lizard, but Macao managed to catch him before he could follow after Erza. Now, he was stuck inside a jar until things blew over to keep him from making things worse.

" Natsu try to calm down." Mirajane told the man.

" Come on pretty please, let me out of here." Natsu begged.

" You'd go on a rampage." Mira exclaimed. 

" I'll be good, I swear. " Natsu told the woman.

Mira leaned down to Natsu's jar and glared at him.

" If we let you go, you'll just go off to save Erza." Mira stated.

" Give me a break, I don't care what happens to her." Natsu exclaimed.

" Give it a rest, Natsu. Even if we wanted to go help her, it's not like we could face off with the council." Gray stated.

" But don't those guys at the council realized that Erza saved the Guild master's lives from that death flute?!" Natsu exclaimed.

" It doesn't matter, if the council says you're guilty, then you're guilty. They don't care what we have to say." Gray told the boy.

" I just don't get it. We've destroyed plenty of stuff in the past, and they never made a big deal out of it." Elfman spoke.

" Yeah, but this is different." Satoru stated.

" What do you mean?" Elfman asked the man.

" Think about it. This involved an item of dark magic. An item that should have been locked away, secured by the council. If news got around that Council let an item like that fall into the hands of a dark guild, who then used that item to try and murder the guild master's the people would start to lose faith in the council." Satoru explained.

" So, you mean..."

" Yeah, Erza's their Sacrificial Lamb." Satoru stated bluntly. 

There was a bitter taste in his mouth, but he knew he was right. Or at least on the right track.

" But that's wrong!" Lucy exclaimed. She exploded from her seat passionately and started protesting to the master. " We need to go say something on her behalf, Master." 

" We're not going to court." Makarov told the girl.

" Why not, master?!" Lucy asked the man. " We all know she's innocent. We can't just sit here and let them lock her away!"

" Even if we left here immediately, we wouldn't make it there in time." Makarov told the girl.

" But...."

"Hey, I've been stuck like this all day, come on guys you gotta let me outta here!" Natsu spoke up once more, still protesting his imprisonment.


" Are you sure you want to get out?" Makarov asked the young man.

Natsu paused for a moment, seemingly having lost his steam.

" What's the matter? It seems you lost the fire in your belly." Makarov stated. He turned to Natsu's jar and fired a blast of light that destroyed it, freeing Natsu. Or at least the person everyone thought was Natsu.

The moment the jar exploded, there was a great big puff of smoke and Macao appeared on the ground, rubbing his head.

Everyone in the guild jumped in surprise, as they had thought it was Natsu the entire time.

" Sorry, guys. But I owed Natsu a favor." Macao told the wizards. " I turned myself into a lizard and pretended to be Natsu."

" Do you know where he went?" Lucy asked.

" He went after Erza, didn't he?" Gray asked the man, knowing Natsu well enough to figure it out.

" Yeah." Macao responded.

" I don't believe it. That fool will probably try to fight the whole council!" Elfman exclaimed.

" Master? What do we do?" Satoru asked the man.

" Everyone, just calm down." Makarov told the fairy tail wizards. " We have no choice but to wait and see what happens."

