
Chapter 154: Wind Card Yasuo?

Next up is the atlas for the[Wind Listening Power].

[Wind Listening Power]

[6]: When you collect 6 Wind Sound Inscriptions in the current journey, gain the[Loyal Listener]effect.

[10]: When you collect 10 Wind Sound Inscriptions in the current journey, gain the[Windbreak Forest]effect

[15]: When you collect 15 Wind Sound Inscriptions in the current journey, gain the[Calm Heart Law]effect

[?]: Unknown, waiting to be unlocked

[Loyal Listener]: Energy recovery efficiency of wind listening cards doubles when they are at a standstill

[Windbreak Forest]: If all three outer cards are wind listening cards, restore 30 points of[Healing]when your side cards are stationary

[Calm Heart Law]: All the cards on your side gain 10 points of[Healing]+[Purification]every round

([Purification]: Remove target's negative effects)

[Purification]has the same priority as[Healing].
