
458. Directly into the heart_2

Noland Lee spoke in an even tone:

"The Company gathered a large number of engineers to study the A.I.'s backend data. The A.I. designated to play the role of the Angel Enterprises Alliance is numbered T18. Its anomaly originates from a space station called Angel's Voice, belonging to the Archangel Group. We must eliminate the brain-like facility within the space station to remove the negative impact and get A.I. T18 back on track."

"T18... The root of the anomaly is in the Angel's Voice Space Station..."

Liam Bennett pondered and muttered, asking with confusion:

"Boss, why would the root of the A.I.'s anomaly be in the game? Can we not simply erase the aberrant data on the corresponding physical medium to eradicate the source of the anomaly?"

Noland Lee understood what Liam Bennett meant.

Simply put, Liam Bennett believed the root of the anomaly was a cluster of data residing on some physical medium.
