

I seem to have been doing pretty much good myself, or so I hope.

I can start from the night when I finally accepted the fact that I wasn’t that different from my parents. We were all rotten deep down inside and just too proud to admit it at times.

That night when I returned home, I found my father banging the guy I knew to be our mechanic. Seeing his lustful expression, I fell for the temptation and ended up sharing the man with my dad.

I was never a saint and being abroad for my studies; I have slept with both men and women, so sleeping with a guy wasn’t that too shocking.

The shocking aspect of the whole thing was how I loved sharing a partner with my father. How excited I became when I …. Anyway, that was the first and last time I did that.

However, that action that night enlightened me. Rather than pushing away what was already in my blood, I might as well embrace it and continue the family legacy.
