
Mrs Shoplifter

music recommendation : About love by Marina.

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Melbourne residence.

Monday night (11pm)

After narrating my misfortune to Sophia, she couldn't stop screaming. Like the good friend I am, I didn't leave out any detail. I even showed her the wound on my arm.

'You're getting scars on the first day of school? That's rad, girl. Take me to New York.' Sophia beamed with joy.

My eyebrows went down in confusion. 'What? I got hurt. I. Am. In. Pain.'

Sophia scoffs. 'So? That's the experience every American teenager wants. You say this Hide and Seek is like an escape room but this time the audience is the school authority and a bunch of rich folks on the internet. I wish I'm the one in your shoes, Char.'

I turn aloof in my swivel chair. 'Unbelievable.'

Sophia begins to plead. 'Babe, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you got hurt. I get that. I got too excited when you told me your school plays a "Purge" kind of Hide and Seek. You know between us, I'm the wild one.'

I turn back to the computer. 'I know. You're dangerous.'

'See?' Sophia nods. Then she begins to grin.

'What is it?' I ask. What evil scheme is cooking up in her head this time?

'Levi said you're his.' Sophie begins to laugh maniacally.

I try not to blush. 'He didn't say it like that.'

'Then how did he say it?' Sophie took to her feet. 'I love you, Charlotte. My heart calls out your name?'

I laugh so hard my stomach hurts. Just imagine Levi saying that. I'm sure he'd rather jump into the Mariana trench than say that to me or any girl.

Sophie joins me in the laughter. 'With what you told me, that makes you Mrs Shoplifter.'

'God no.' I scoff.

'The sexy shoplifter says you're his. Wait you haven't sent me his photo.' Sophia asked.

Before I could reply, the connection begins to break.

'Sophia.' Her image is frozen and soon the call gets disconnected.

'God.' I exhale frustratingly. Just when the gossip was getting good. I crawl to bed to get some sleep when something hits my window.

'What the hell?' I almost yell. I throw my curtains open and see a tall shadow from Levi's room writing something on the window. Wait. When did I start calling him Levi?

He steps out of the window and I make out what he wrote. It's backwards. I squint my eyes. Wait. It's an email address. I hastily copied it with a pen and paper. As if knowing I was done, he closed his curtains. I rushed to my computer but wait...why was I being excited? Why was I feeling jittery like a little girl? Were the butterflies returning because he saved me from those paedophiles? But that was brave I'd admit. And sexy. Ahem !

From : CharlotteMelbourne2006@gmail.com

To : Thebigbadwolf904@gmail.com

Subject : Hello

Wotcha. That's how I greet my best friend, Sophia, back in London but I guess that would not sit with you so hello. Let's start with introductions. My name is Charlotte as you can tell from my mail. I'm 17. Just moved from King Charles's land. I've got a little brother, Johnny. I've considered putting him up for sale. If you need a little sidekick, I can give him to you for free. Honestly. What else am I missing?

I hit send. Satisfied with my message. The reply came fast. And it was short and cold.

From : Thebigbadwolf904@gmail.com

To : CharlotteMelbourne@gmail.com

I found your phone. Come get it tomorrow. For now, go to bed.

That was it? Now, he's offline? Just like that. That was pure rejection. And my heart went all fluttery for nothing. I frowned. Well, his email did say he was the big bad wolf. A terrible one. A mean one. Very rude. I push out my drawer and reveal my new phone. A blush crept to my cheeks. At least he found my old phone but wait. How did he find it? Had he been following me since I left their house that time? Then did he see me cry? I rush to his window. The lights are now off. shit. I guess I'd have to muster up courage to ask him about it tomorrow. Walking back to my bed, I rolled into the sheets and lay awake. In 3, 2, 1...

There is a knock. 'Are you still awake, Q?' It's mum.

'Yeah.' I mumble.

Mum enters and close the door behind her. I always leave the lights on for her to come give me a bedtime talk. It's been the Melbourne gals ritual.

'Are you okay?' she pats my arm softly.

I sit up and face her. 'I'm scared.'

'Charlotte, I've told you. Nothing is wrong with school. I was surprised when you let your mouth run riot at your father. Honey, Alan institute is second best in New York. There's nothing like a dangerous after school game called Hide and Seek. I promise you.' Mum repeats what she said to me earlier.

'But mum, that's how I got hurt. From the game. I'm not lying. You can ask our neighbors - the twins. They saw it. They're both players. They'll tell you the truth.' I protest.

Mum shakes her head and pats my hair. 'Get some rest, honey. I'll talk to them. Doctor Mishael will be here tomorrow.'

'No school for me?' I ask softly.

'Not until that arm is healed up.' Mum kissed my forehead and takes to her feet. 'Now get some shut eye.'

She heads to the door and I don't see her again.

Laying on my back, I look at the purple painted ceiling. Now, I feel like Lucy from Chronicles from Narnia. You say the truth and no one believes you. Let's see if Jacob and Levi will say the truth or if they'll think I'm crazy.

[ Author's POV]

'She says she got hurt from playing a game.' Martha informs her husband was already in bed.

John frowns. 'She doesn't want to live here in America. She still hates it here. Even after all I've done for her? Look at her brother. He never complains about anything. Now, on her first day of school, she gets herself hurt and cooks some childish story for us to believe? Martha, what's happening to our girl?'

Martha lays next to her husband. 'Please, don't get mad at Charlotte. She's just a teenager. I still don't understand why she did what she did but I'll get to the bottom of this. Don't you worry.' she kissed his forehead. 'Let's get some sleep. It's late already.'

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(Charlotte's POV)


7 : 45 am.

'Why aren't ya getting ready for school, dork?' Johnny narrowed his eyes as he ate mum's home made strawberry cake. That's Johnny for ya. Since he was little, which he still is, he has always eaten mum's cake for breakfast every Tuesday morning and I still don't know why but everyone goes with the flow.

I lifted my right arm that was in a cast for him to see. 'Take a look, dork.'

He rolls his eyes. 'How'd you get that wound? Karate?'

I snort. 'I got in the Janitor's closet?'

'Janitor? What were you doing in the Janitor's closet? Bedroom stuff with a boy?' he gasped.

'What do you know about bedroom stuff, kid?' I scoff.

Johnny leaned closer. 'I know that's what mom and dad did to get you and me.'

'Shh.' I cup my mouth over his. 'I did nothing like that. I'm innocent.'

'Charlotte!' Johnny tries to push my hand away but my left hand's strong. His screams are now muffled and I can hear mum coming.

'Johnny? Charlotte? What's going on?' Her voice is closer.

I'm panicking. Shit. If I let go off this lion, he's definently gonna roar. I have to act fast. I turn to Johnny. 'If I were to give you $20, would you shut up?'

He nods and I let go my hand out of his mouth.

'Make it $50 and we've got ourselves a deal.' Johnny smiles. 'That's for trying to cover up the truth.'

'What truth? I did nothing wrong.' I protest.

He resumed eating. 'That's not what your conscience says.' he points at my heart rest monitor. It was beeping.

'Where do I get that money? I don't work.' I almost yelled at him.

Johnny shrugs his shoulders carelessly. 'I don't know. Ask your boyfriend. The guy that kissed you. He'll give it to ya.'

Shoplifter is not my boyfriend. And that kiss wasn't even a proper kiss. It was through a mask which I still hold unto.

'You disappoint me, brother, if you think I have a boyfriend.' I try to remind him how single and lonely I was but he was adamant in his belief.

Unfortunately, his words put me to a halt. 'You disappoint me, Charlotte, if you think I don't know who you kissed is your boyfriend. You carry a strange face mask around. I assume is his.'

My pursed lips almost fall agape.

He continued proudly. 'Honey, I've spent dad's money since I was born. I want someone else's money so If you don't want me to start spilling Johnny's little exclusive, make some cash before I get home.'

Tears are almost in my eyes. 'Please. Don't do this to your sweet and only sister.'

'You guys fight? Fix it. That's why you fell in love in the first place.' Johnny pushed back his seat and went to drop his plate at the kitchen sink. I follow him like one of mum's secretaries.

'I love you, Jonathan Melbourne.' I smile at him.

Johnny scoffs. 'I love you. That's why I'm doing this to you.'

'Making my life miserable?' I asked dryly.

He flicked his finger with a wink. 'Exactly.'

I palm my face. He's gonna win.

'I know this boyfriend of yours, don't I?' Johnny squints his eyes.

'No.' I try not to look at the neighbour's. Don't look, Charlotte. Please! Please! My eyes betrayed me and I did.

'No way. Our neighbours? Look at you, Charlotte. You're all grown up. Dating men. Who is it? The cool guy or the delinquent?' Johnny smiles and pats my left arm.

I look away and say nothing. Trying not to blush.

'Wait ! the delinquent brought you home last night. He's your boyfriend?' Johnny's eyes are widen in shock and so are mine.

'No. He's far from my type.' I protest.

'I like that guy. I'm proud of you, sis. I hear delinquents get a lot of loot from shoplifting and stuff. He'll be a rich one. I wanna see my money when I get home.' Johnny pockets his hands in his blazers.

Mum and dad get downstairs and see us.

'Everything alright?' asked dad.

'Brilliant, right?' Johnny gave me slight nudge on the ribs and I force a smile.

'Bloody brilliant.' I say.

'Okay. I'll be taking Johnny to school.' Dad announce. Both our eyes meet and I don't know what to say. Last night, I threw a fit and now, I feel guilty whenever I look at him.

He casually gave me a kiss on the forehead. 'Do whatever the doctor says.'

'Cheers, honey.' Mum calls behind them as they both left.

'My money.' Johnny mouthed before he shut the door.

I could hear the engine rev before it zoomed off into the distance. Collapsing on one of the couches, I throw my head back.

'How did my life become like this?' I asked myself.

'Charlotte, the doctor's almost here. Go get changed.' Mum orders and I walk lazily to my room.

The cheerful smile was all I could remember from Doctor Mishael's session. The rest of what he said went from my left ear through my right.

'You're going to be alright, Miss Melbourne.' he said with his smile and I smile back.

While he's discussing with mum, I hear the door bell ring and went to answer it. I held it open and my eyes widen. Standing before me are the twins next door. I haven't seen them stand together before. So majestic. Blue eyes on the left. Brown eyes on the right. The same hair colour and clothes - A white T shirt over black joggers. Jacob's still got his curly hair and cute smile while Levi's on his usual face cap and face mask. Exactly the type he wore on me when we kissed. Shoplifter, my supposed boyfriend.
