
Fish sticks Friday

Music recommendation : Players by Coi Leray

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'No way.' I took another peek outside again and I found him still staring. 'Shit. He found me? This is a very almost impossible goddamn coincidence.'

I steady my breathing and take to my feet. With my left hand shielding my face, I close the window. Turning with my back against it.

'You're acting creepy again, Char.' Johnny walked in.

I scoff. 'You're short and you think I'm creepy? Go wash your brain.'

Johnny defends himself. 'I'm not short. This is just a phase and you know it.'

'I know nothing of it.' I walk to my bed.

'Put that aside. What about Sophia? You both done talking?' he asked shyly.

'Yeah. You like my best friend?' I ask.

'Well....yeah.' he hesitated. Scratching behind his neck.


'She's 5 years older than you.' I say it matter-of-factly.

'So? Mum said she was 18 when she got married to dad and that time he was already 24.' Johnny made his point in clear. That was true. Mum married young and poof, we both came along.

'This is silly.' I turn to sit behind my desk when little Judas threatened me.

'I'll tell mom about your kiss with a stranger.' Johnny grinned. 'I heard you. I've got sharp ears.'

'Shh.' I rushed to cup my hand over his mouth. 'Don't yell.'

'I don't care about the details. I've had my fair share of kisses.' he brags and I almost vomit.

'Who would want to kiss a troll like you?' I scoff in disbelieve.

'Mom !' he yelled.

'Okay. Fine. You win. What do you want?' This guy is impossible. Where can I trade siblings?

'I want Sophia's number.' he demanded.

'I'd have to tell her first.' I folded my arm over my b-minus cups. Don't mind them.

'We can do that or we can tell her I stole her number from your phone when you're not looking.' he suggested.

I shake my head. 'That won't work. Sophia knows I worship my phone. It'll be too easy.'

'So? What do you think, genius?' he is annoyed. So am I.

Light bulb.

'Or you make it easier and ask her yourself, little man whose been kissed by so many girls.' I laugh inwardly. He's gonna back down.

'You should've said that in the first place and saved me all this trouble.' Johnny said nonchalantly.

Wait a minute ! I'm the quiet one while my little brother's the wild child? Who the hell switched places with me?

He winked at me. 'I'm a lady's man. Now, your phone.'

In shock, I gave it to him and he left my room. Damn, I need to pick up the pieces of my life before I get left behind.

There's a tap on my window. I remember shoplifter. Shit. Did he recognize me?

I sneak a look through the curtains. The family's gone. Maybe they're in the house. Phew. I heave a sigh of relief and throw the windows open. Staring back at me from his window is shoplifter. I scream.

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'Fish stick Friday.' Dad laughs during dinner. Everyone is eating except me. Earlier they had heard me scream and rushed in thinking I was having another panic attack but I claimed I saw a cockroach. Mum says the house is insect free. Dad gives me hugs and kisses. Johnny laughs his ass off and returned my phone.

I kept thinking about shoplifter watching me from the window. This is the worst thing that could happen to anybody. Sleep might just be the remedy I need.

'I'm going to bed.' I push back my seat.

'Queen, you didn't touch your food.' Dad has a worried look on his face and so is everyone. Shockingly, Johnny.

'I'm fine. Just tired.' I fake-yawned.

'Okay. May God's angels keep you safe at night.' The fam said.

I completed. 'And may I wake up with God's bliss.'

'Good night, Queen.' Mom smiled.

'Night.' I walk upstairs quietly.

Before I turn to my room, I hear Johnny ask.

'Is she having one of those PMS?' he ask.

Laughter escaped my lips and I almost fell down the steps.

'I heard that.' Johnny called.

'Good night, little John.' I called back and walk to my room and shut the door behind me.

I can see light coming through the curtains. I need to get rid of these white curtains. If it were Sophia, she would say "they reveal too much." I crawl to the window and peek. The light's coming from shoplifter's room. He's still awake. Someone else walked into the room. That must be his brother. Is he older or is his brother older? Well, in my opinion, shoplifter must be older. He's arrogant and rude. Most oldest are. Except me, people. I am righteous.

With a yawn, I walk to my bed and fall in it. Embracing my soft pillow. Why wouldn't I wake with God's bliss in this feathery heaven? I smile before going to sleep.
