
that hurt

Alec walked into the large room with a steady stride, his foot falls making hard thuds on the marble floor.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Jane twitch slightly to move to her brother, but before she could make a move, she went completely still again.

Looking at Julius, he gave me a slight nod of his head.

Me and Julius knew that when Jane saw her brother she would react, we didn't know what she would do, but we thought it best to stop her before she even approached him, so me and Julius decided to stop her with julius's telekinetic powers holding her in place before anything could happen.

Leaving my thoughts, I looked back at Alec, I watched as he approached the seated volturi, going up the few steps that raised the volturi above any they were talking to, Alec stopped and stood right behind Aros' gold and black throne.

I couldn't stop the chuckle that fell from my lips.

"And you attempt to bait us." I said, putting both of my hands behind me.

With a small grin Aro spoke.

"Bait you, no I only wish for a reunion of two lost family members."

"Pfft, you are not as funny as you might think Aro." I said.

"Ohh, I think I have my moments."

Pointing a finger at Alec's emotionless face I say.

"Maybe it would be a good reunion of two siblings, if he was still her brother."

Turning his head Aro looked at Alec then back to us.

"He is clearly her brother Adam."

"No he isn't, he isn't even a shell of the same person he once was, you used your manipulation bitch to alter his mind, making him your perfect weapon, killing the old Alec."

Aro shrugged at my words.

"So what, we gave him a purpose, an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than he ever would have in that run down village that was ready to kill him."

"You let him be a part of something bigger than himself." I said with a big laugh.

"What a jest, you didn't give him anything, all you did was take from him, you took him away from his sister, you took away his free will, you took away what makes him himself." I said, slowly getting louder and louder, until I was yelling at them.

Not because I was mad, but to intimidate them.

The volturi have been getting bolder since I haven't been checking up with them lately, which made them only get more confident.

Chuckling Aro looked over my shoulder at Jane, who hadn't moved since Alec entered, and Julius stopped her.

"And you, do you have anything to say?" Aro asked.

When Jane stayed still Aro continued.

"No, well then, that's fine."

I could see the frustration starting to creep into his movements because we refused to rise to the bait, the tapping of his finger on his throne, or the unusual amount of movements he was making.

"When will we be leaving." I finally asked.

The room went silent for another moment before Aro spoke again.

"In Two days, once we receive the needed stock for our journey we will be leaving."

I knew what he meant by stock. It was the slaves the volturi will be using on the trip.

The reason why was because while they were traveling, the number of vampires that the volturi had in their army could wipe out entire villages.

Long ago they started buying older criminals or those who surrendered in war and became slaves, the volturi bought the slaves from some king in the far east at a cheap price, giving the volturi good sustenance for their army, while not emptying half a region of its human life.

Of course if they wished they could just kill villages for there food but the volturi had already started pressuring other covens to go to ground and become shadows to the world, and to start following the rules of the volturi. in doing so, the volturi had to follow their own rules as well, because they knew if they forced all the coven to follow rules that they themselves neglect, it could start wars that they would rather not have.

If large amounts of villages were drunk dry, that might cause problems from some king or another, and with Christianity becoming so big, it wouldn't take much for some religious king to start a holy war with vampire kind because he thinks they are the spawn of the devil.

So to avoid that and to stay under the radar, the volturi turned to another disgusting practice, slavery.

Buying humans none would miss by the hundreds. the volturi would take them like a Herd of cattle on their March to war, or when they went to take down one coven or another.

The only time they would do so would be when all of the volturi were gathered together for a fight, if it was just the volturi heads and their guards, it was unneeded.

Not wanting to spend any more time here than needed, I turned to leave.

turning I saw Julius standing next to Jane with a hand on her shoulder, while giving her the use of her legs back so she could walk.

Following behind me we walked calmly to the large metal doors, but in Aro fashion he spoke again.

"And who said you could leave." He said in an apathetic tone.

Stopping dead in my tracks I let out a sigh.

'This bitch' I thought.

Turning around, I looked back up at the volturi heads. I could see the smile on Aros and caius's faces, while Marcus just sat there looking like he wanted to be dead.

But before I could get a word out, both of the nondescript vampires in the corner of the throne room moved.

In blurs, both came towards me at full speed.

Not needing to think about my actions, I launched myself at them as well, meeting them halfway.

My speed was faster then any vampire any of them had seen, shocking all in the room, even Julius and Jane.

Because for the first time they had seen me go full out and using full force.

Which surprised them even more, during all of their training together, both Julius and Jane thought that I was an opponent that could be defeated, but that my skills in combat is what always put me above them, at what they thought was a reachable distance, but instead was something they could only dream of.

Now they saw it was never just the skill difference that let me surpass them, but instead the hidden power stored in me that gave me the advantage.

In a blur of speed that even the present vampires almost missed, I appeared in front of the two vampires.

With both hands out, I grabbed onto their faces, bringing them to a dead stop…or at least partially, because only the heads came to a stop, while their momentum carried their body's forward decapitating their heads from their body's, their own speed tearing their heads off for me.

Now with both heads in my hands I looked up at Aro, but was only met with a black as night fog moving right for me.

Dropping the heads I stood still.

I watched the black fog surround me and circle around me, but as soon as the fog surrounded me, I started to chuckle.

Because unlike what his powers might do to regular people or vampires, which was to take away all of their senses, like sight touch, sound and smell, his powers didn't affect me, instead it was like semi black smoke that swirled around me, yes it was thick smoke, but I could still see through most of it.

As the black fog swirled around me I waited for something to happen, and like I thought, a massive foot appeared through the fog, reacting on instinct, I grabbed the foot before it could hit me, and pulled the owner of the foot into the smoke with me, as I pulled them into the smoke I saw that it was felix.

"Well hello there big guy." I said, as I grabbed onto the collar of his clothes and launched him into the air and straight towards a wall.

As he hit the wall the stone wall shook and a few chunks fell as he fell to the ground in clear pain.

As he hit the wall the black smoke retreated back into Alec's hands.

Turning I checked on Jane and Julius and saw that they were both still standing by the door.

So Turning back to the volturi heads.

"If I can deal with your guards then trust me when I say my two coven members are more than enough for anyone."

Aro let out a laugh.

"But you are forgetting one." He said.

And at that same moment a hand grabbed me from behind.

A hand went around my back and grabbed onto my chin and pulled me back, and before I knew it I could feel teeth sinking into the flesh of my neck.



The MC was finally bitten by a vampire.

I'm sure you are wondering how this vampire was able to get close to the MC and bite him, well the vampire that bit him is Afton, he is the mate of mind manipulation vampire, his ability is psychic invisibility.

So he can go invisible to others by altering if others can see him or not.

Now in the book and movies it's a mental ability which Julius's shield should have been able to neglect and they should have seen him get close to the MC, but in this world I made it to where his ability is just self invisibility, not an ability that needed to enter your mind to work so Julius and Jane couldn't see him.

The reason I did it now was because I wanted him to get his powers before fighting the Romanian coven.

Guess what his power will be here-

