
Chapter 190: His Majesty Has Won

Kalu endured a punch from Wonder Woman. The insignia on his chest armor was dented along with his chest, and he was sent flying seven kilometers away.

Liquid surged in his throat, and blood sprayed from his mouth.

Surveying the surrounding starry sky, with gunfire and green lights flashing incessantly, laser beams flying chaotically, Kryptonian soldiers kept falling, and warships exploded into fragments splattering across the stars.

"Zero... Still couldn't reclaim communication?"

Kalu's face was stern, surrounded by Kryptonian soldiers cut into pieces, making it impossible to regroup and fight.

The Green Lantern Corps was too adept at interstellar warfare. Apollo's divine decree prevented Kryptonians from absorbing sunlight to replenish energy, severed communication, disrupted quantum information waves, and weakened Kryptonian physiology with divine magic.

At the moment when the Divine Corps weakened all Kryptonian soldiers, they split the Kryptonian Legion apart. Unable to effectively organize resistance due to their communication being cut off, the Kryptonian Legion began to be isolated in space, entering battles dominated by the Green Lantern Corps.

Kalu could only disperse his soldiers and lead various parts of the Kryptonian soldiers in battle, but it was futile.

Their experience and technology in cosmic warfare were far inferior to the Green Lantern Corps.

Two Marshal-class ships had already sacrificed themselves in the stars for a chance at victory, but without communication, chaos reigned, scattering them too severely.

The Divine Corps, scattered by the death of a battle-ship, began to regroup under the cover of the Green Lantern Corps again, releasing magic to weaken Kryptonian physiology.

Even with the annihilation cannons activated, the warships couldn't break through the protective barriers constructed by over one hundred thousand Green Lantern Corps soldiers, helplessly watching as the Divine Corps regrouped and unleashed their weakened magic again.

The weakening magic of divine power made it difficult for Kryptonian soldiers to sustain, bleeding in the starry sky one by one, drifting as corpses in space, accompanied by pieces of warship, mostly Kryptonian soldiers.

Kalu, originally stronger than Wonder Woman, was severely injured by the Divine Corps' weakened magic, enduring continuous strikes from Hal and Wonder Woman. His body couldn't recover, sweat dripping from his face, eyelids heavy with exhaustion.

"Kryptonians, pay with your lives for the fifty thousand Amazon warriors!!"

Wonder Woman's eyes burned with furious rage. She led a full fifty thousand Amazon warriors out of Themyscira, but now they're all buried in the Arctic.

With hatred that even death couldn't extinguish, she fought Kalu with the determination to tear apart his flesh and blood.

Under the influence of Hal's Green Lantern ring and the weakening magic of the Divine Corps, initially, Kalu could still exchange blows with Wonder Woman. But with the continuous weakening magic around him, Kalu's strength took a significant hit, and he began to be suppressed by Wonder Woman, eventually falling into a disadvantage and could only defensively react.

Wonder Woman threw her Lasso of Truth, which moved like a serpent, weaving through the void and binding Kalu.

Feeling a chill in his heart, Kalu's limbs weakened. As the Divine Corps regathered their weakening magic, and with the weakened physiology of Kryptonians, he couldn't evade in time and was ensnared by the Lasso of Truth.

Wonder Woman pulled with force, her eyes filled with hatred, raising her trusty sword and thrusting it towards Kalu.

Kalu's pupils contracted. As the sword tip approached, his eyes emitted a searing gaze, shooting towards the sword tip and deflecting the sword.

The sword then plunged straight into his shoulder. With a powerful sweep, Wonder Woman sliced through his entire shoulder, flesh and bone, blood spraying into droplets along with his arm, floating in space.

Some Kryptonian soldiers in the distance witnessed this scene and hurried to assist, only to be killed by pursuing Green Lantern Corps soldiers, their corpses drifting in the sky.

"I can absorb the sun now!!!"

In space, a Kryptonian soldier tore open his protective suit, facing the sun, absorbing solar energy, his eyes emitting a frenzied heat vision, energy pouring out as if without limit, dispersing the Green Lantern Corps' barrier.

"I really can, I can absorb the sun too."

"I feel the power rising from my body again."

"The divine magic has failed."

"The Majesty has won!"

Suddenly, in space, soldiers could absorb the sun, their weakened bodies beginning to regain muscular strength.

Apollo's divine decree has been nullified.

This meant victory for the Majesty, defeating the Gods!

In the dark starry sky, Kryptonian soldiers began to emit a reddish glow from their eyes.

"How is this possible! The Sun God has already rejected them, rejecting their absorption of sunlight!"

"Why can they suddenly absorb the sun!"

"Could it be that the Sun God..."

"It's impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Inside the Divine Corps, panic and chaos erupted as they watched the Kryptonians, their eyes glowing with cruel, beastly red light, veins bulging on their temples, angrily unleashing heat vision sweeps.

A sudden panic surged within the Divine Corps.

The divine decree of the Sun God had lost its effect.

The only explanation was that the Sun God had died, or had been defeated, falling into the deepest coma, unable to control the authority of the sun, causing the divine decree to lose its effect.

The Divine Corps grew increasingly worried, especially the generals closest to the divinities. Trying to contact the gods yielded only darkness, no response, and silence.

This was very unusual; even if there was no recovery, there would still be sunlight, continuous and shining, representing the authority being wielded, not a complete silence.

This could only prove that the gods had been defeated and had fallen into an unconsciousness so deep that they could no longer wield their authority.

Panic swept through the Divine Corps in an instant, chaos erupting regarding their weakening divine magic against the Kryptonians.

"The Majesty has won!"

In this perilous moment, Kalu suddenly felt the sunlight entering his body. The sunlight was absorbed, and the Kryptonian physiology's utilization rate of sunlight absorption once again played a huge role.

Bound by the Lasso of Truth, Kalu's severed arm quickly scabbed over, no longer bleeding. Suddenly, his eyes erupted with massive heat vision, hitting Wonder Woman, sending her flying fifteen kilometers away, crashing into a shattered warship.

"The Majesty has returned!"

With a single arm, Kalu broke free from the Lasso of Truth. Seeing many Kryptonians gazing into the distance, shouting hoarsely in space, he turned his head, witnessing H'el emerging from the distant starry sky, his right hand dragging a chaotic mess of guardians and gods, stepping across the stars, towering over the universe. The stars of the dark cosmos adorned his backdrop, shining brightly, while his black cape fluttered in the void.


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