
Chapter 101: All Fear Stem From Insufficient Power

Watching Zero use the magnetic restraint beam from the auxiliary end to directly immobilize Chester, setting up the auxiliary end for timed gene detection scans, H'el left the storage room like an arrow, his black cloak clinging tightly to his back.

He flew through the metal corridor and directly into the command room with the starry sky projection.

"Master, this is the form I will control in the future, with a total of three different transformation modes," Zero's voice transmitted from the keyhole.

A spherical projection with a super-futuristic and cold metallic aesthetic appeared.

H'el nodded and spread the projection with his hands, beginning to carefully examine the first form that Zero had projected.

The planetary form.

In the planetary form, Zero had a radius of about 5000 kilometers.

This was already quite large; Earth's radius was only about 6371 kilometers. With the addition of various machinery and structures in the future, it would undoubtedly surpass Earth and become a massive mechanical planet.

The plane of the projected planetary form was cut open, allowing H'el to observe. The stellar engine was set as the core of the planet, and next to the core engine of the planet was the auxiliary planetary energy, radiation, and energy converters that controlled and regulated the planet's atmosphere and managed various forms of planetary energy.

In reality, the core of the planetary form was not the stellar engine but the energy converter capable of controlling the distribution of energy on the planet, regulating radiation, and providing energy to the planet's various atmospheres.

It had a more powerful and intricate energy conversion rate and control than the stellar engine, naturally serving as the central hub of a planet and a mothership.

On the back of the planetary form was a 300-kilometer-wide, abyss-like dark maw, which had the ability to propel the planet through the cosmos. At the same time, it was planned by Zero to be the most powerful superlight migration particle stream weapon, capable of destroying the entire solar system with a single shot.

H'el shrunk the projection a little more and skimmed over the internals he had already seen, observing that the spherical interior was distributed with energy conduits, much like the blood vessels of a human, intricate and aesthetically pleasing.

The planetary form had the ability to devour an entire planet. Inside were multiple biochemical decompression chambers, material compressors, liquid tanks, and heat-melting spaces, equivalent to a digestive stomach. Finally, through an energy converter, objects were refined into various elements needed by Zero.

In the middle layer, it was a control center, which was connected to the entire planet and could be detached in emergencies. Essentially, it was the eighth battleship.

Inside the control center, Zero had set it up to be almost perfect.

There was a manual startup device, as well as a mental power control-based startup for H'el, and emergency settings to prevent Zero from being compromised, ensuring that even if there were issues with Zero, other personnel could handle various emergencies.

Zero is the center of the entire planet, but he cannot be the only center.

On the higher eastern level, there is a massive arms factory that manufactures various energy supplies, energy weapons, missiles, particle weapons, ammunition, and more for the fleet.

To the north is the maintenance and production area for various large war machinery and warships.

The southwest areas are designated living quarters, residential zones, study areas, training zones, and all areas for biological interactions. It is expected that this will be the gathering area for life.

When transforming into the second form, the mothership, this area will be situated in the belly of the mothership, offering protection and connecting to the control center for the quickest orders and wartime actions.

During regular planetary form, the surface is dotted with various-sized all-mechanical buildings, but during wartime, they can all transform into weapon systems, offering over a hundred different types of firepower. The combined firepower is enough to destroy anyone, any army, or any other unidentified objects attempting to land or enter the planet without authorization, making Zero nearly inaccessible in planetary form.

Both the surface and interior of the planetary form have complete defense systems. Only a very small number of approaching life forms or those permitted will survive. Any unfriendly life forms or invaders attempting to intrude will trigger the defense system, which has thousands of ways to capture the intruders.

The planet's atmosphere is filled with star harvesters disassembled and modified by Zero, forming a five-layer atmospheric barrier. It absorbs cosmic energy radiation and star energy. When running at maximum power, it can completely absorb Earth's sun within five years.

Moreover, the five-layer atmospheric barrier of star harvesters also serves as a warning system, a stealth system, and an energy protection shield. It absorbs cosmic radiation energy and acts as a radar for outer space detection, physical camouflage, radar invisibility, and a series of self-circulating functions.

This is an overview of the planetary form.

There are also various auxiliary planetary forms for battleships.

They have extremely high flight speeds, quick reactions, and can perform support, rescue, harassment, small reconnaissance missions. They are used for support, rescue, reconnaissance, monitoring, and assisting in ground combat.

These small reconnaissance ships will number in the hundreds of thousands, with each one being a Transformer.

The escort ships are high-speed medium-sized warships with basic weapons and armor used for escort missions.

Typically used for defense to protect the mothership, equipped with a large number of close-range weapons, solid projectiles, specialized for eliminating small ships and fighter missiles that can't keep up with the firepower of larger battleships, or they can serve as transport vessels.

There will be approximately around 150,000 escort ships that will comprehensively protect the mothership, transport supplies, conduct transport and landings, and engage in warfare on any planet.

Destroyers have densely packed firepower, including cannons, missiles, torpedoes, laser weapons, designed to deal with other medium-sized ships and small, light warships. They can carry various small and micro Transformers, space fighters, and conduct ground combat, suppressing the surface with all-around firepower, capable of causing terrifying damage.

The number of destroyers is the highest, at two hundred thousand.

Cruisers, large space battleships with slower flight speeds, massive in size, powerful firepower, and thick armor. They possess all-purpose weapons, and Zero equips them with heavy and destructive weapons as needed, such as fluctuation cannons, positron cannons, neutron beam cannons, and more.

In Zero's design, cruisers are the generals leading large forces in combat.

The number of cruisers is not large, only thirty.

Lastly, there are powerful battleships classified by Zero for when he suffers damage and cannot execute H'el's commands. These battleships have the ability to take over command and the capability to launch planetary-scale attacks—the dreadnoughts.

There are only seven dreadnoughts, and they are massive warships that are beneath the mothership. They possess the formidable firepower of other warships, virtually all weapons available, and they have the mothership's most potent offensive weapon, a planet-killing weapon known as the Annihilator Cannon.

In necessary situations, dreadnoughts will preserve their strength and serve as the last hope. They have the capability for jump drives, warp drives, and superluminal speeds, allowing them to escape from the battlefield.

Out of the seven dreadnoughts, Zero has limited them to never all engage at once. At least one dreadnought must remain at home, depending on the circumstances.

Zero seems to have thought of everything from every aspect, taken everything to the extreme.

H'el couldn't help but take a sharp breath and his eyes showed a desire for interstellar warfare.

When this vast fleet of hundreds of thousands of super-science fiction metal warships appears in space, with their ruthless and cold fluctuation cannons, positron cannons, neutron beam cannons, the planet-killing weapon—a star turbine cannon capable of destroying a sun—all aimed at any planet.

In the face of such formidable firepower from space, how many planets would dare to say no when faced with Zero?

A famous saying flashed through H'el's mind: "All fear stems from insufficient firepower."


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