
Chapter 25: The Final Struggle


In the calm and cool night, the White House, with its strong blend of European and American architectural styles, appeared tranquil and composed.

Not even crickets dared to chirp in this atmosphere.

Oval Office.

Covered in a vast blue carpet, footsteps of the twenty individuals present remained muffled, but their breathing couldn't be stilled.

They were all high-ranking figures, loyal to the president's faction.

Although the U.S. President had, under pressure from political opponents both at home and in the United Nations, issued apologies regarding the extraterrestrial situation and announced his retirement from politics to dedicate the rest of his life to charity in an attempt to seek forgiveness from the public, it was clear that many citizens and political parties remained unconvinced.

Furthermore, due to the overwhelming power of the extraterrestrial being, even after the president announced his retirement, other political parties had effectively tethered him to his presidential position during this critical time, allowing him to emit a final glimmer of influence.

The vice president didn't dare to take the president's role immediately.

In any case, the plan was for the president to remain in office for a few more days, observing how the extraterrestrials would act before making any further decisions.

If the extraterrestrials didn't retaliate, the president would resign immediately, considering the gravity of his transgressions. After all, he had committed such a heinous act, endangering the peace between humanity and the extraterrestrials, effectively committing a crime against humanity.

If the extraterrestrials sought revenge, however, the president would still be in office, as it would be a result of his own decisions, and he would have to face the consequences.

Politics had always been quite pragmatic.

Inside the Oval Office, there were those who had once advocated for the dissection of extraterrestrials and those who had greedily sought immortality. They were all now branded as greedy power-holders and labeled as criminals against humanity.

They were a group of individuals awaiting execution, reluctant to part with their power, wealth, reputation, status, and lives. They were now waiting for the start of the press conference.

"It's beginning!"

Someone who had been keeping a close eye on the large TV hanging on the wall interrupted the collective contemplation, as they could think of no solutions to their predicament.

In an instant, all twenty individuals in the Oval Office turned their gaze toward the television screen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the reason I am still on Earth and have not departed is because I wish to conquer the world," echoed H'el's charming and magnetic voice from the television.

With a resounding boom, the twenty occupants of the Oval Office were left thunderstruck, unable to comprehend the situation.

They couldn't fathom that they, who had once aimed to dissect extraterrestrials, were now left alive by the extraterrestrials to assist in controlling Earth.

During the first extraterrestrial war in Anchorage, the extraterrestrials had already disclosed their intentions regarding them.

"We have no plans to leave for now. Rest assured, as long as you don't resist, you'll die without pain. This isn't directed at Earth, but at those of you who wanted to dissect me."

That emotionless, superior treatment that disregarded their lives was a feeling they were familiar with; they often treated insignificant beings with the same attitude.

Only now, they were no longer in power but were the insignificant beings themselves.


One person, seated on a white leather sofa, dressed in a meticulously tailored suit with exquisite and extravagant gold and diamond accessories, even his white beard was impeccably groomed, exuded an air of old-fashioned gentlemanly nobility.

He leaned on his cane with both hands, his face so flushed with anger that even the wrinkles seemed to redden, and he repeatedly pounded the blue carpet with his cane while cursing angrily.

After a few rounds of curses, he suddenly passed out from anger, prompting those around him to call for urgent medical attention.

Once outside, the old man woke up, promptly instructing them to take him to the hospital under the pretext of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. During the journey to the hospital, he switched to his private car, hastily making his escape from the city and retreating to a deep underground air-raid shelter base, prepared long in advance with supplies to last at least 20 years and located 860 meters below the surface.

Back in the Oval Office, the remaining 19 high-ranking figures were left utterly agitated when they saw H'el single-handedly disperse the thick dark clouds with ease.

"No wonder he rejected all our offers of territorial concessions, whether from the United Nations or our secret overtures; he wants the entire Earth."

"Damn it, he hasn't responded to any of our attempts at negotiation."

"Alien, your ambitions are too grand."

"Damn it, if it weren't for the dissection incident, we wouldn't be in this predicament. Even if he conquers Earth, we could have continued to live comfortably. After all, he needs human hands to manage the world."

"I'm willing to pay any price and do anything for him to spare my life."

"With him conquering Earth, everything you have is his."

"It's futile. The psychological team has already analyzed his personality based on his actions. He's a ruthless, life-disregarding beast, completely lacking empathy with Earth's humanity."

"Does he... have any weaknesses? Have you found his weaknesses?"


"Nuclear bomb...?"

"A nuclear bomb should be able to harm him."

"Launch the nuclear bomb, kill him!"

"Nuclear bomb..."

"Let's consider the nuclear bomb option later."

"First, let's use the threat of nuclear bombs and see how he reacts."

"After all, a nuclear bomb is most powerful when it's not detonated."

Faced with an extraterrestrial being that they weren't even sure a nuclear bomb could kill, they held onto these weapons tightly, yet hesitated to play their final card.

Everyone present felt utterly powerless. Their usual tactics of conspiracies, political maneuvering, and secret schemes were all useless. They could only wait for death to arrive.

That sense of powerlessness was something they had often inflicted on others, using money, status, and power to oppress them, leaving them feeling helpless, with no one to turn to, eventually leading to despair and death.

Now, it was their turn.

"From the moment I started speaking, Earth's finances, economy, banks, and networks have been locked down."

"I will create a magnificent empire on Earth."

"Starting tomorrow, I will spend one day cleaning up the most powerful nation on this Earth. I implore all nations to see the reality and avoid unnecessary resistance."

"I have no desire for excessive bloodshed. Ordinary citizens, please do not riot; this is an upper-level change that doesn't concern you."

The 19 high-ranking individuals in the Oval Office turned pale, their minds crumbling. Why did he start with us?

Is it even appropriate to go for the final boss right away?

We are the strongest!

We are the most powerful nation on Earth!

You should practice your nation-conquering skills on smaller countries, gain some experience in governance... 


"Nuclear bomb!"

"Nuclear bomb! Launch the nuclear bomb!"

"If we can't kill him, we only have a dozen hours left!"

"Launch the nuclear bomb!"

A group of people lost their composure, frantically loosening the tight neckties that were suffocating them. They began to shout with red eyes, their expressions turning manic.

"Calm down! You need to calm down. Contact the Minister of Defense and prepare the nuclear missile base. I'll contact other countries, find the right moment, and jointly launch the nuclear missiles to execute him!" The President's face was grave; launching nuclear missiles was something that absolutely couldn't be done by just one country.

He began contacting other nations, but the news he received wasn't promising.

"Hmm... We should prioritize peace and not rush into using nuclear missiles."

"We haven't been attacked directly; don't drag us into this mess. When we were competing on nuclear missile stockpiles, didn't you have enough to cleanse the Earth? Do we really need to jointly launch nuclear missiles? We'll decide in 24 hours."

"My country suggests you surrender."

"My country doesn't think this is a wise choice."

The President hung up the calls with several countries, feeling a chill run down his spine. Apparently, these nations wanted to see how things played out in his country over the next 24 hours. Besides, the United States already possessed enough nuclear missiles to deal with the alien threat, so they didn't need joint launches.

At this moment, the President felt abandoned and isolated by the world.

"Damn it! I'm requesting the nuclear missile. Defense Minister, process it quickly. The missile is ready!" One of the high-ranking officials, having finished a satellite call, cursed loudly. Even their own people had abandoned them. They swiftly processed the request for the nuclear missile; now, they only needed the nuclear launch codes from the President. 

If the nuclear missile killed the alien, the President would still have to step down. If it didn't, it was the President who launched it, and it wouldn't be their concern.

The President, burdened with a heavy decision, stared at the black briefcase with the bright red button inside. His heart raced, and he couldn't bring himself to press it.

"Press it!"

"The alien is finishing off the monsters, displaying its power."

"This is the perfect moment!"

"Press it quickly!"

"Don't hesitate!"

The President cursed under his breath, feeling a surge of anger at their insistence. If they wanted it pressed so badly, they could do it themselves.

Finally, after a painful internal struggle, a tear of anguish rolled down the President's cheek as he pressed the bright red button. From this moment on, his family, everything he held dear, his wife, children, lovers, wealth, reputation, power, and status, would all vanish into thin air.

Once the button was pressed, an eerie transformation came over him. His face contorted with rage, and his fingers relentlessly hammered the button, pressing it repeatedly, madly.



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