
Chapter 240 He Was Never Your Man

Scarlett Glenn looked into Ruka Glenn's eyes, knowing that she was suppressing hate and anger but dared not unleash it. She deliberately said, "However... if you think about it, he isn't your man anymore, or perhaps, he was never yours. Isn't that right, Aunt?"

With her face drained of color, Ruka's body was trembling ever so slightly. Her eyes were red and swollen, as she stubbornly refused to let herself cry. It was a kind of "strength" that made her truly pitiful to behold.

"Scarlett, must we treat each other like this?"

"What else can we do?"

Ruka bit her lip and said, "Can't we go back to how we were when we were little? Why can't we reconcile? I'm willing to give Ethan to you, as long as you stop going down this misguided path, okay?"
