
CHAPTER 2: On Korean vibes

4 the pure @ ❤heart

1.] Luv Bubble

Love is presented with a heart logo for truly it's fragile. You can't claim to fully know love when u can't see it; which leaves one with the urge to really cross check, what he or she think is love/ test it limits.

More like a comfort Zone: in real life, not stepping out of your comfort zone means you aren't growing. While in the love Village, stepping out of your previous love zone becomes an addictive habit. Because you know the new step forward becomes a higher, and more climates.

How can u explain feelings u don't know? How can u determine the direct expression to call it; when you are yet to see what extreme care real feels like.

Even when the bible tried advising people not to trust anyone, loving all was part of the deal. 

To be honest, even the emotion fear is scared of love. the mind signals a treat to the senses when it detects danger, especially from an unusual scenes, that feels totally unknown to you. One of those reasons you get scared when watching horror movies, the fear of not knowing what horrible things could happen to the movie victims!

However, this level of fear is nothing compared to the gravity of terror one could fall into, when you try thinking of the mental pain, that comes with the idea of living life without the one you've "addictively" Love.

Love is crazy! But u need be sound to feel love. It's the most priceless element in the Universe, yet true :"love don't cost a dime" (aka. Magixx)

The extent, to which one could go just to retain love, is as difficult as finding the edges of our planet. Even though receiving love, is as simple as Nigerian kids memorising the English Alphabet. (A b c…)

No one can predict exactly when they fall in love; saying you can is like saying you can predict the exact time you fall asleep every God given day. ("Haba!")

Betraying Love: is one of the rare dark feelings with extreme guilt subjection. This space of mind could push one to commit suicide, in a fantasy that he /she is doing it for hopeless reasons. At least! We know who did such in the bible (Judas is "carrot").

Honestly it's extra amazing to have a deep assurance, that another beautiful Soul is sharing the burden of your well-being, in another alternative time and place. Someone who by careful observation has taken his or her time to study your exact mood, action, non-verbal signals etc.

If you think love is thy mate; then why is it the only weapon enforced to stop generational wars, Religious war, and racism? One of the best ways to merge 2 different cultures is by making sure both genders become totally unified, using the most sacrificial initiation globally known to Man, "marriage!"

The strongest rules are the ones agreed without a paper contract. Despite how stupid it sounds, rules agreed by two sincere heart is stronger than the entire "Force" rotating our solar system. Although! The pain gotten from a bridge of such deep unspoken agreement, only ends in one destination, "a dry cracked-line in ones sticky heart".


2.] Blood on Display

I was opportune to see a Junior-sister crying with every vain in her nerves, running 2wards the danger, and trying to bite the three huge muscular guys bullying her Senior-bro.(Sister in this context means 11 to 12years old.) To the surprise of humanity, none of the big boyz had the "mind" to touch her. It looked unbelievable to know such kind of love still exist in their life time, something that happens once in a "blood-moon". To cut the story short, she won the fight. Overpowered the 3 huge boys, rescued her senior brother, and won the Wonder girl title of her time.

In an alternate scenario: watching a real-life action of one's wife crying, and calling the entire neighbourhood to come help the husband, who's currently under another epilepsy attack, gives one an opportunity to appreciate love. Because real life events like this, makes Telemundo look useless.


3.] Love shortcut

Knowing who loves you is simple! Place them in a situation where they can take advantage of you and watch them express their true colour. (Please don't experiment if you don't have mind.)


4.] Selfish Love

It's amazing loving yourself. People will then love the way u choose to love yourself, which turns your life to a reality show. Chipping unaware entertainment of interpersonal love; a scenario people watch out for, because they know the chance of experiencing such personalities is rare.

Put it like this! Everyone really needs someone to have their back, and treat them special. Now! Remove that "Someone" having your back from the picture, and fix yourself there, equation @ balance.

Introducing Money as a debate here isn't an option at all. When you are faced with health issues, as related to life and death, you would know money is just what it is, "Digits & Paper!" Or when a gun is pointed at your fragile forehead, and the question is asked; "Your money or your life?" only then will you understand the dumb effect of vanity as compared with your priceless life.

So learn to spoil yourself now that you're still alive. Treat yourself like the royalty you dream about. Except on extreme love cases; no one will come to thy rescue when it comes to loving yourself, not even your inseparable significant other. At the end, nothing invested within will waste away. cuz till the end the only thing you really own, is your physical body and mind.


5.] Purple Flower

Pride is one of those things we have as far as mental reasoning exists. And a Baby's pride is all she got, so don't take that away except it her choice.

Come on dude! The "Punani" is not even yours; at least have mercy while roaming around looking for flowers to suck up nectar.

Feelings never felt b4 either joyful or fearful always comes with a kind of anxiety for an expected unknown. Thinking about several mixed images, of what life would be after such incident, isn't something you would want to remember the wrong way.

She's already @ a state of balanced confusion, either to let her insecurities exposed, or protects such detailed information from another independent mind. The fear isn't about the initial pain, but the assume one she might feel, having her first experience with a "mental dustpan", thinking he was prince charming.

Listen closely you would understand the effect; A naive fellow ones asked the obvious, and was expecting the usual answer like; "Don't you know it's painful?" but this time around he got a different view about pain.

A dangerous reply: "Oga! Assuming you have a big sour in your leg, and someone held both edges of the 'wound ends' to try splitting, expanding, or tearing it apart… yap! Exactly the face I expected you to display! It doesn't sound funny right? Now do you know the meaning of it painful?" (Bloodiest Education)


6.] A letter @ future wifey

Thy authors music choice; what's yours ?

9ja vibe; Find Somebody; P-Square

4rin vibe: Hide & Seek, stormzy

Daddy is a sure king. He won't go below standard just to get you, because he's very sure once you're his baby, (by your approval off cause!) sharply will you realise what it truly means to be treated like a Solid Queen.

First things 1st: your mindset & well-being will experience "The" total freedom of behaviour, reasoning, and raw communication. "Secondly", you know that freedom derived from stretching out legs, on top the Chair arms in your dad's parlour, Okay! Remove "dad" from the equation and start the 2nd sentence again. However, don't 4get that someone shares the parlour ownership with you. Guess who?

Boss will take u personal including; ur well-being, mood-swing, weird actions, when u're physically down, when u've being disappointed, bad days, good days, ambition, family disturbance, emotional needs, sexual need….

King-charming will make sure, when someone sees your angelic appearance, it would be difficult not noticing who thy global king is. Pidgin: "My love goes too stain ur appearance like perfume".

When he finally traps you down through a brutal ritual call marriage, @ this point u got "Yahooed", cuz u just giva him full access to hack, & destroy thee with Love.

Back to were we started: "Ali won't beg Simbi for bubbles", because deep down he knows his fantasied plans about the unaware adventures she's going to receive along the luv journey.

The End…

Maybe not the end! but sincerely! u can't choose to cage your future or current wife down in one place, with total absence of love/care.

She's also a certified reasoning being, so don't act like you don't understand the attention she needs; the same attention you so displayed to make her convince. Lavishing all that cash, @ you couples blockbuster Yoruba wedding.

These babies are not like men who get confused separating love from lust. They know exactly what kind of man they love, or about to. As far as u retain that behaviour / personality that made shenkes fell in the first place, u might never be cheated on.("I said might o!")


7.] Don't push it

My 1st music choice: song lyric "b" the reason for this "Sub" (DJ Tunez-Already ft Amexin)

2nd choice: Love don't cost a dime (Re Up) Magixx ft Ayra Starr.


Just as we have a rough estimate of 7-billion spirit floating around the planet, so we have billions of ways people can feel about you. Just because you didn't get the exact love u wished from an opposite end, doesn't mean you can't experience love from someone else beyond your wildest dreams.

Let's crack the code; picture an alternate universe where by the order and principle of nature, thy soul clicks with someone whose love is exactly the same as yours. It will mean; emotional problems related to the feeling of loving someone, and not getting the same love back won't even exist.

After-all in this universe, everyone can see each other's thoughts, and I doubt the fact that one won't fall for a pure heart who truly means well for them. Don't forget, not like you can game or trick your crush because in this galaxy, "Mr. Love" lost his power of getting people blind. So the person, who really loves you, can also see ur complete intention towards them. Crazy Right!


8.] Chin-Gum

Mp3: Mr. Eazi Skin tight.

Weird question: why shade only the lady? Ans: I ain't no gay, do u expect me to beautify a naked Man? Dumb ass!

"Gum-Gum" can be define as an odd addictive vibe in which love makes one get used to someone skin. For the record; I don't mean sex. You can have sex with someone, and still notice your disgust emotion works perfectly fine. A scenario that feels like one is "cuddling dustpan".

D intimacy I mean is the ones that make the senses adapt to one's scent. After a while, it becomes an addiction to always be around such person. Just so, someone Son / Daughter can renew the vibe that flows with the person's presence.

@ This point congratulations! You've upgraded from the ideology call familiarity, & modulated into the stable love zone of advance minds. (English "Noni")

Chin gum: so addictive she might forget it's a public place, till he reminds her b4 the magnet explodes.

Hope u know a mother truly means the kisses she stamps on her son's forehead when he's finally leaving for Year-1 (University freshmen), or a girl kissing her first and true love after realising he loves her too.

Both examples are very different categories, but same kind of love. For the mothers! It's an insult to educate them on "skins-matter", Dude! That woman freaking gave birth to you, what more can u ask from "cuddliness"? (Bond).

As for the "Boyfriend/girlfriend something" (High school sweethearts); to attain such kind of advance love, you guys' skin needs to adapt to the cuddliest point, were irritation and 90% disgust becomes irrelevant. "Except for the remaining 10%; the 10% which results to the obviously misunderstanding (love fight), that must occur in a relationship. I mean the ones like not closing the toilet seat, not picking petty calls, or so-call wrong toothpaste squeezing method.


9.] True Love

When someone knows u truly love them; "like the normal luv thy neighbour as yourself!" their perception of how they see u is bound to change.

That's when you start hearing them say things like, "Left for me! I won't do this task, but it's because of you, I'm agreeing to do this nonsense".

Suddenly humanity sets in: And a stone heart is compelled to compromise on their core beliefs, because they've grown a soft spot 4 your dumb ass.

No Human past / present /future, can command such kind of love and loyalty through fear. No amount of fear and oppression can compel someone to willingly do something for you. It's either such backup is done by force or free-will, u can't have them both. Jesus was the king of love, and now he spiritually commands legions of disciples, who 100% chooses to willingly, accept him as their personal lord and savoir; no one can beat that record.

To have assurance that someone is standing out for you in your absent, you must have establish a mutual agreement with their soul; the meaning of worthiness, love, & loyalty.

Such beautiful minds, needs to be deeply convinced that you would be there for them too in their absent, else you'll be classified as one who play games.

(Not the true love you thought right? )


10.] Loyalist

There's also 2 solid ways to gain loyalty: Loyalty by fear and loyalty by love. Last I check! Love still remains the strongest force in our galaxy.


11.] Love blasphemy

If there's any word or phrase like the above subtitle, I think I might have something weird to contribute.. Have someone ever refused to treat his or herself well just to affect your feelings and attention? & I don't mean emotional blasphemy?

Emotional blasphemy: is a direct weapon on which ever gender plays with the trick. But love blasphemy is a God-fearing version of the latter, strictly on love track.

Here! The person, who is being taken advantage of, actually loves it. Take for instance; your girlfriend knows you're germinating soft spot for an unknown baby-bird that chooses not to stop "Chin gumming" around her boyfriend. She confronts you as expected: and Bad boy denies as expected!

One faithful day, our anonymous pretty bird "fly-lands" around a similar event, this time! "Queen B" takes the bull by the horn on open grounds. Made sure boyfriend looks straight into her eyes, and then release the weapon of side-chick destruction which states: "Kiss me for 2minute!" While making sure his eyes are on steady "clock-down".

I think u get the point; "on a normz" Mr. Playboy will quietly murmur@ "Boss Baby" 4 spoiling his flirt with other girls.

But then! In his most silent and deepest self, Baddo is freaking happy. Not everyone is lucky to have a Queen, who's ready to secure them as their official heartbeat.


12.] 3 parties 1 love!

This sub is synchronised with its follow come image.. (find it in full version)

13.] Saying Things

The best part of intimacy is not even about the physical shit! Humans are reasoning beings either alone or with someone. More reason you often see some people talking to themselves; till they forget that interpersonal communication in real life look crazy "from someone else's angle". (Thy boy is guilty as charged.) When you become intimate with someone other than yourself, you suddenly realised how boring it is to think in oblivion.

Once such magical connection is established, it becomes weird if your partner doesn't contribute or give opinion related to the deep questions asked! Because guess what? His / Her opinion becomes the only real feedback that matters.

Before you guys know it, sharing of connected thoughts becomes as fast as Bluetooth pairing. And few things that were once your little dirty secret, becomes secret "for 2".

Slowly both gradually, love controls both minions to dish out random pieces of dry skeleton hidden in both Cupboards. Trustful exchange of one's insecurities preserved in an extended heart.

There's no end to it; Communication between both parties evolve into signals and facial expression, depending on the things u plp gossiped, argued, debated or laughed about.

Even during room-connect; baby knows she's secured enough to say dirty things from her romantic mind, "After all you guys' gat ur backs right?" So she makes life easy by directing your steps in locating her G-spot. 4-instance: backyard sex on quickie vibes; hotel travel trip; body worship vibe; hot turn on @Hard- fuck. (Lolz, you guys are still falling for my illusion pranks.)

These are but few deep desires that could be discovered at a higher level of intimacy. Obviously both partners will have to review their dumb dark secret pending whatever topic introduced, else! It becomes a sign of weird lack of trust.


14.] Unspoken feelings

Having a dope attribute were babies can neck with you means, your lover-boy status has gotten to a level too dumb for words to describe. Can sex beat that?

Okay! In Addy to sex matters: let's assume you've "done that thing" with ur shenkes, and she actually shares the grace, by necking with u in other to doze-off. What do you think will happen to your love memory when the entire Nollywood scene is done and settle? This could be the particles of little vibes u both will have in common, something you Can't even explain to yourself, not to talk of any third party.

Reasons: Bad side-chicks might decide to activate nerves of a cheated wifey, using offensive punchlines and abusive actions like; "Hey! Do u know ur husband loves holding my butt tightly just after sex; else he can't snore properly! I don't expect you to understand, after-all "yours" is nothing to write home about." Or u hear things like; "if your husband loves you that much, how come he keeps running down to me like a scared boy? 

We can both agree that I ended this subtitle with a different topic, confused zones.


15.] Special Beauty

There's nothing more amazing than seeing through ur queens eyes, knowing that she "knows", You both "know", She's totally in love with you. (On-puppy-level…)

Only a naive fellow thinks he can keep up with the playboy game forever. Wait until someone comes and stamps their picture in ur heart, then you will know how difficult it is to erase love.

The virus that's makes it impossible for one to focus set in, all because you keep thinking of her/him on repeat. Solving this equation is easy: make sure u find "X" in real life. Or you can choose to snub your feelings, and keep losing focus all day.

Mr. Hard guy you claim! But Deep down you really need someone to call you and say, "I miss you, that's why am calling". Gradually she watches your heart give into her brutal initiation, and connecting into the soul mate club. This level of feelings can only be attained, when both parties spiritually agree to ignore the world and freaking deal with love.

One of the most difficult task for a Barney; is letting you know her true feelings, cause that's the real bridge between personal space, and letting her mind agree to make most decision a secret for two.

 Ur "Official Number one", calls around 10:pm just to tell you how she got wet thinking about the times you both spent together; how she laughs when remembering that the only person capable of grabbing her booty on surprise can only be you, else that random idiot of a stranger, would have known the true meaning of hell. How you could delay her from attending lectures simply because anything you do, clicks her "softest" button.

Cowardice: is when you misuse the principles of love to contaminate a fellow heart, only to run away from the fire you started, making you a low-grade "scared-kid" who can't own up to his feelings. It's depressing always trying to dodge away from someone, all because you're too scared to handle their own entrusted secret.

As usual, Mr. Conscience keeps dominating your stamina when faced with the truth. A truth with zero words, but says everything when you accidentally clock eyes with someone who gave you their total heart. (Not guilt you want to feel on daily basis.)

Keep assuming your punch-words are normal guys stuff in getting Baby fishes; until she starts using tips of her fingers to "touch & play" with ur face during a cuddle section. Saying things like: "Baby! Please don't ever leave me, even if am @fault. Can I trust you to be there for me when am lost?" Or words like "Edieoz tell me the truth I won't hate you for it. Do you really want this? Or it's the normal one-time stuff? If it's for fun though! I won't feel happy, but I can understand". Then she finally hits you with the time Bomb! "So please be honest with my heart, should I trust you with it?" Until you've gotten to this level of road block, you won't understand why your words should be chosen careful, b4 putting someone's heart in fantasy, especially when you don't really mean what you said.


Brotherly! I don't care how hidden your thought is; once faced with such deem reality, you won't be able to hide the truth from a Barney who on purpose, gave you access into her head. A Gender so dangerous they can explain their feelings with a sincere stair; most dudes might still try to hide it, but common man! @ This point baby can read whatever truth she needs from your scared eyeballs.

There's this thing called public-display of affection: guys are good at it for prideful show-off, and that's fine! But when she decides to lavish you with public display, quickly will you grab the fact that it's a feminine trait to secure a love territory.

How deep do you think someone can zinc with you, to literally lick-up your face repeatedly in public, without giving a fuck on any external observation. A clear signal that says; "keep-off". Such weird experience could make a first- timer shy; but beautiful during flashbacks.

Envision a scene of you breathing fast; like an athlete who just finished a 100-meter race, trying to control the high vibration of your nerves instability. Even in such blurry visual, you can see someone smiling and looking at you like she's holding a baby, placing your dumb-head to rest in-between her chest, while using her palms to pamper your brain with captions like "Sowie", then she unleash the bullet kisses to clear your sleepy doubt. (Apparently you just woke up, after dozing off on her hips Remember?)

Parents are good at spotting the truth: simply by seeing the way you look at their daughter or Son. These demi-gods will always know when the universe is about to create a new bond. Calling their kids to ask question; this can only be answered looking through "dem puppy eyes". And if baby girl really loves the new family stranger, "OG Mama" will definitely know. Such a pity 90% of the world's population won't have the opportunity to marry their true love; worse most "%" will never experience true love.

If you have the stamina to withstand the energy given when she's on "love bubble", over time you too will become addicted. Understanding that her gesture is nothing but good intentions, will only open your mind to review the unlimited beautiful still existing in this dark world, such a dangerous feeling to ignore.

Do you know babies can spot your slow, but steady growth of love for them; most time, they even plan the plot of your perception, by creating scenes of actions that looks unaware. Down here it's called "Green-light".

Pop-Up questions like: "what happened, Why the change all of a sudden?" Or questions such as; "Yemi let's face it! As of 2-month ago, you didn't even notice I exist! What changed? I need to know, so I can secure my heart!" Or a wife saying things like; "I know the kind of man I married! He will never leave his daughter for anyone to take care of; he loves her more than life itself''.

The mind is wired to reproduce whatever is thrown @ it, dat way "Mr. Mind "can adapt and survive in its new environment. If you hit the heart with extreme love, you leave the person with no choice than to attack you back with love more extreme than yours, an endless game of Love attack.

Do you know how "Fly" one would be; knowing a different independent person is devoted to their life! "Someone's-daughter can only give you the right to her body if she really loves you, "and I don't mean sex". 

In this context: As far as her mind is concern, you've become an extension in a different time-zone, place, and body. (Not a Feeling to gamble with.)

It should only be natural, that once your mind starts wondering how someone can still be with you against all odds; the responsibility to make sure her heart is taking care of, becomes part of your unaware ambition. This time around! The love will no longer be about the vibe, but for someone who get your back. The least you can do is giving a baby joy, by making her feel secure of having a loyal dude. (Not 2-much to ask right?)

Random fact: It's almost impossible insulting a girl's boyfriend in front of her. Even as a Joke she won't tolerate such, weather from her closest friends or jealous family member. Truth is, her heart is the one being attacked not even the "Coconut-Head" in question.

I don't care if you are married; ones you can listen to someone else insulting ur man or woman and perfectly chill, then u're the wrong soul-mate. The only thing "we the association of book-lovers can do, is to fast &pray that God delivers such soul away from your dark heart".


16.] The love King

Being a professor of love is an understatement. God is the love. We are the offspring and adjective of his love. So loving him is not enough, you need to fear him else, love alone will get u emotional, & handed over to thy spiritual Nemesis. (Just like Adam got "casted" because of love.)


17.] Weird Jealousy

Through the supreme order of being a living soul, everyone is entitled to jealousy; especially when seeing friends, or someone in your perceived level, succeeding at an abnormal speed of sound.

The feeling is normal and allowed to flash around. However, thy decision to handle such dumb pressure becomes a life skill to learn in other to cope with ur own self -depression.

Personally! I feel the way forward, is to be sincerely happy with someone else success. That way, d motivation will be struggling to make urs a reality, and not focusing mental energy on gossip/ hatred toward something that won't benefits you in the long run. The ball has always being in ur court, so choose! 


18.] Soul-Matters

Quiz= " End with subtitle"

If Mbotidem loves you; you're her man. If she extends further to protect you; then as far as her soul is concern, you're the God dem king. With the above being explained, u don't just joke with your health. For this time around, it will surely affect another piece of ur soul found in a separate gender.

Let assume you woke up one God fearing morning and said; "You know what! I'm going to prank my woman with a sad face 2day", Be rest assured that ur jokes are becoming 2 expensive.

So Wifey leaves home knowing the love of her life isn't happy;"Even though it's a prank". We can bet she'll be uncomfortable throughout the day. Not a pattern of joke you'll be ready to keep up with at this level of soul-matters.


19.] How to play this love !

"The logic is simple; learn to sincerely engage with 'that' one person, full stop "


20.] Lamba!

If you are ever opportune to see luv, you would know the most beautiful girl our globe has to offer, is still "Dem" ugly were she is. ( Dats a Crack Brotherly!)

"Based on what we just read in bracket, Let's move on to the next chapter!"
