
In The Bathroom - R18*

Iccb-chapter 210:

The sound of water dripping from the faucet echoed in the bathroom.

His tongue intertwining with Aaliyah, Miguel made sure to wrap his arm around her waist and make her comfortable as he pushed her to the wall of the bathroom.

Aaliyah submissively allowed him to do anything he pleased.

Her body was his and his alone.

Her eyes were closed tight as she received Miguel's passionate kiss full of love.

Unlike Edith who would have groped Miguel's dick or back by now, Aaliyah was different and just clenched her fist on the side.

She was submissive and did not do anything out of her personality.

Knowing her, Miguel took one of her hands and let it wrap around his back.

His other hand also moved as he guided it toward his now-hard dick.

Feeling the bulge, Aaliyah finally decided to grope it softly.

Even with the fabric of his pants in the way, Aaliyah could still feel how hard it was.
