
The Only Link To The Culprit

The lord's manor was obviously very big. It was the biggest building in all of Red Cliff City.

In the guest quarters, Erika and the others can choose a room each, or they can choose to stay with another person if they want to.

With how big the guest quarters were, it would still be able to accommodate all of them even if their numbers doubled.

Miguel, Erika, Gasper, and a bunch of others obviously chose to pick a room each, with the exception of the servants, who decided to stay in a single room.

At this moment, inside the room chosen by Miguel, Erika could be seen sitting in the bed while Miguel sat at the chair right beside a small table along with Edith. 

"You will help me find the mastermind, right?" She asked with a determined gaze on his face.

"Of course," Miguel answered truthfully.
