
Chapter 34 Empty

Hendrix POV

One month. One whole entire month since he left, and it feels like years. The only way I know it's been a month is when Christmas comes and goes.

I can't believe it. It has to be February, maybe even March. But sure enough, it's still December. December 31st to be exact.

The nights wage war on me. Sometimes I'm awake all night, just picturing him in my head. I don't have any pictures of him, and he didn't leave anything behind to remember him. So I try to picture his face often. I don't want to forget what he looks like.

Unlike my Daddy disappearing, I don't have a picture of him.

Other nights, I sleep like a baby, even waking up at 1:00 in the afternoon. One of my sleep filled nights, I was woken by a phone call. I had rolled over to answer it. I didn't even check to see who on earth would be calling at that ungodly hour, I just flipped it open and held it to my ear.
