
New Race, Neighbors, POVs.

Kitty, Magical Cat Girl Extraordinaire, Soon to be Padawan. 

Today I achieve the start of my dream, the first step, today I will be closer to 'Kitty, The Magical-Cat-Sith-Girl', my future self! It was hard work, hard and delicate work; I was the eminence in the shadow, steering the girls, gently, towards cooperation with Aragorn's design.

Sure! Maybe the baby girls and most of the kids would have accepted, but not all of the others. It's hard for a teenage girl to accept the suggestions of a guy about her physical appearance. And with Aragorn's case, it would be like accepting the input coming from an older brother, about 99% of teenage girls would not accept the opinion of their older brother about which color to dye their hair, much less about becoming beast girls. 

I spotted this problem at the beginning, something that our cosmic dragon would not think about until it was too late. I can't blame him though, Who would give up power, beauty and a longer life span just because you would gain a few extra attributes?

After some careful planning, I understood that which was needed from me. I need to sell the girls two things, a sense of choice and a new fancy, glamorous, and high-end way of life. Simple! I just had to make it look like they had power of control over the final decision and that they were the smart ones for 'choosing' to follow this transformation-No! This Evolution! 

So first I approached Emma, and dropped some hints about how cool it would be if instead of 'ordinary' animals we could use 'fancy' magical beasts; all this while we gossiped about the pretty boys that a certain queen down on Earth was... devouring... and how it would 'at least' look good if she was 'eternally young'... I left her with those clues and had Spark download me a compendium of cute, 'sophisticated' and 'high end' magical beasts available in Otherworld. As if a fluff could be described with those crude words!

While Aragorn was busy bleeding the global population for blood samples, I was talking with the girls showing them pictures of my selected catalog of magical beasts. From time to time I dropped hints about how the SSS would make people beautiful, how with regeneration you would be eternally youthful... simple stuff like that, small things that poked the greed, vanity, lust, and desire of all humans. Yes, my path will not be that of a Jedi, that's for sure! I will make Darth Sidious admire and applaud my scheming. 

At first, I thought that landing the support of our magical girl teacher was going to be a monumental task, but she landed on her own after Emma chose the 9-tails. Once I had two of the competent adults the rest came in combos, one maid after the other. The one that turned out to be a dark horse was Bucky, that damned metal arm became the wrench in my plans, apparently the regeneration was going to grow back his arm, and he was not happy about losing that MacGyver limb of his. 

I mean... Sure I didn't need a 100% participation, but What if some girls back out at the last second because not all of them were in it? What if Aragorn delays the procedure? What if...What if... I'm not taking any risks so I had to cover all possibilities.

I had to do research that puts to shame most college thesis out there, about the disadvantages of having a non-natural limb. Disadvantages in magic casting, in fighting against advanced opponents, but it was not enough, never enough! So with Spark's help I designed an arm guard that had all the gadgets and more available in his current limb, Aragorn called it "the Omnitrix of tech".

But that was not enough, I needed him to convince himself that the limb proved to be a weak point. With the assistance of the Ancient One, I created a spell, if that monster incantation can be called that, that targeted a 'left hand' prosthesis, which basically made whatever the wearer considered 'not its body' that was involved in 'livelihood' attack its wearer, there were like a thousand considerations to make the spell possible, the casting time was not battle useable at all, but it proved my point, so I won!

Spark, the Ancient One, and Aragorn may be the creators of our new race, but I was the facilitator.

Learning to walk with our center of mass messed up came to us naturally after a few accidents, Gaea said that it was our adaptability kicking in. Our senses were inhuman, and our magic reserves (or mana as Aragorn jokingly said) were basically inexhaustible, since Aragorn provided us with limitless energy, according to the Ancient One as we grow in strength we will be able to use more magic at once, she also said that currently, she is undisputedly the strongest 'human' on Earth.

I feel about 10 times stronger than before so I can guarantee that she is not lying. According to Spark, it's because aside from the effects of the SSS our bodies are now filled with energy constantly strengthening our bodies and soul, he said that if we sit on our asses long enough we would reach the biological pinnacle without divinity, and that if we work on a concept of existence we would all be guaranteed divinities in the making, similar to royal Asgardians. 

Just like that, with one comment I guess, I found my future path. Goddess Kitty of the Magical Girls sounds right, subject to changes but we'll see.

Carol Danvers, Current Holder of the Title "The Shiniest Girl".

Is this Dragon for real?... I know that I lost hope of finding someone capable of holding this crazy dragon back... But Really? Not only did no one stop the birth of a new 'higher' race, according to the current galactic index, but they actually chose their new appearance, all gingerly like picking a new outfit. According to what I'm hearing these girls are already more dangerous than Asgardians, maybe not remotely as strong as them but with all this magic going on definitely more dangerous, if they start spreading none of the galactic empires is going to like it, the possibility of a war of extermination in the future is not so unrealistic.

Luckily they are considered Aragorn's subordinates so at least there's that. Leaving aside the birth of these new monsters, How is it that an elder of the universe was casually invited to this party? After knowing Aragorn for a while one tends to become more adaptable to all the crazy going on around him. Like these girls, not a single one of them paid any respect to Uatu, they just kept to their business after sparing a single look to the Watcher.

Who, by the way, was not faring any better than me after he laid eyes upon the girls. He saw the girls with surprise and then back at Aragorn in incredulity. He mentioned that probably no other race like them exists or existed because no other cosmic power would level itself to the role of a glorified battery. Yeah, this Dragon is not conventional. 

The most affected were the mutants, or X-Men as they call themselves, initially, it was about the Halo, then about the magical creatures roaming around but it got worse from there, the level of technology, the resident goddess that Ororo introduced them to, the complete mapping of their precious genome, the recreation and subsequent upgrade of the SSS, the way that even some 4 years old girls cast magic for kicks and giggles around here, the birth of a new, clearly superior, race and finally the 'first contact' with the Watcher. I'm no empath, but even I could feel the panic of the bald one.

I was proven to be right about not going for the procedure, seeing the color of Aragorn's eyes while he petted Kitty's ears, left me with not a shadow of a doubt that I would have been in that same position. During the whole party, he kept switching between the baby girls and Kitty, while Yelena and Irina hid from him. At the end of the party, they chose to sacrifice the 'fluffiest', Emma was captured, or her tails more exactly, and I think that's the reason for the premature departure of the Ancient One in the middle of the party.

Honestly, she was the biggest shocker after the evolution, her hair grew back and because of her magical inclination she melded better with her magical beast, it was white, silver white like the nine tails' she chose for her base, she said that originally it was blonde.

Aragorn was teasing her about being his little sister, given that most of the time Aragorn's hair looks white. She kept slapping his hands off her tails, but I think we all know that eventually, he is going to get what he wants. I can tell, I visit this place now at least once a week, just like the bastard wanted. The biggest hit to my pride was when the Nova Empire changed my affiliation from a freelancer mercenary to "ASD Affiliated", the acronym used for Aragorn. At least my place of residence was not changed to Halo, that's something!

I decided to retire to my room, because yes I have my own room here, when Aragorn kept looking at my head and at the girls' ears with regret. I'm not a genius but even I can tell what he was thinking. *Sigh* I really have to deepen my relationship with Lady Death, she is the only one who can protect me from the stupid dragon's machinations. I really hope I don't end up as one of them.

The next day when I was preparing to leave for my duties I met Nick as he was arriving for his training, I beamed him my brightest smile and said:

"Good Luck! Bye, Nick!"- He opened his eyes in astonishment but then realization settled in. 

"Mother-"- Was what I heard as I escaped from seeing my friend's future meltdown. I'm a good friend. I will let him keep his image as a calm and collected spy.

Nick Fury, Master Spy, Sorcerer in Training, wears a badass Trenchcoat.

These past months have been both the greatest and the crappiest. I got an AI, super sci-fi tech for this era, and this magnificent god-blessed Spark has made my life easier.

My techs can't hack a certain agency's list of assets? Not a problem! Spark will give me a program for accessing and I just have to say "You don't have enough clearance for that information." if someone asks me who gave me the program.

Could I optimize my agents' operations? Not a problem! Spark accesses all records and builds me a comprehensive plan for maximum efficiency.

Found a 084? Not anymore it is! Spark knows its origin, how to use it, and how to build it. 

I was running before the wind, with full productivity, and no more delayed projects, but everything came crashing down when Spark said that Hydra was active and had a firmer control over the world than before.

Fuck the paperclip operation! Stark and Director Carter told the government how bad of an idea that was, but NO! Those fucking pencil pushers greedy ass motherfuckers! They had to gather all the filth and give them privileges that those monsters never in a thousand lifetimes deserved. This is a shitstorm waiting to happen, the moment they bring their tentacles out of the shadow or the moment I bring them out, this bitch will blow up!

I was about to request a permanent residence on the Halo and be done with this shit, Heck! I was already planning for my dream house (Of course it had a secret lair), but Spark said that they were already on it, the moment they had the green light, and Hydra would be no more. 

"Director Fury, we haven't acted because Hydra is too well rooted in society in general. Private, Public sector, and Governments of several countries back up Hydra, most without knowing and some with full support."

"... You mean that if you get rid of them there would be a total collapse?"- I had to ask, to be sure about how shitful the outlook was.

"Exactly Director Fury, the instability would hold back humanity for about half a century in our best-case scenarios. The Master Chief said that Hydra is almost the base supporting society at this point, and he is not far from the truth. Were it not for the ambitions and modus operandi of said organization we would have actually helped them 'conquer' the planet to bring stability."- This is worse than I imagined!

Basically, they are such an integral part of society that getting rid of them at the moment would do more harm than good. I guess I should go back to planning my dream house.

"Then how are you planning to remove this parasite?"- I had to ask!

"We plan to replace it. The idea is to grow and protect healthy organizations that could take over parts of society that are handled by Hydra. In some sectors we will hold the monopoly over but some others we will invest in companies that have potential but are being held back by Hydra. Our projections, to avoid societal collapse, placed us around years 2005-2007. We will run on two lanes, one in the open and the other in the dark. The one in the open will be in charge of taking over their power silently, while the one in the dark will be in charge of distracting them from our 'daylight' operations while boastfully attacking their dark sites."

"Isn't it better to take them down for good in one lighting-fast move?"- This is not a realistic approach for SHIELD or anyone on Earth but them, with all of their tech and reach it's not a childish fantasy to do one sweep move and be done with Hydra.

"If Hydra was the only opponent then yes. But if we create enough instability without picking up the broken parts, others will, and if we prepare and pick all parts then we would end up ruling over humanity. Earth is not lacking in sources of corruption. If we get rid of Hydra without taking over their place and/or setting replacements then someone else would, someone less benign."

"Shit!"- So it's not only Hydra! 

"I can keep you up to date Director Fury, we will begin next month or the one after, with our 'daylight' projects, we were just waiting for the maids to complete their managerial education, but given a recent development instead of the expected year, they will be done in one or two months. Keep in mind that we are just missing one last part before we begin the 'nightlife' operations."

"What do you need the girls for? Why not pick someone older?"- Most of the girls are barely out of their cradles.

"We have ways of making them look older and masking their appearance, also there are few individuals stronger than then on Earth. The reason we will work with the maids is trust. They are beholden to us and at this point, our relationship is that of family. This will also help us create a paper trail for the on-world identities, as most of them will eventually stand as the progeny of their public persona."-... That's when it hit me!

"Motherfuckers! Is that why Aragorn was so willing to let me into your inner circle?"- I was always suspicious about the easiness with which he agreed to my request for magic lessons. But if they needed someone to cover for them from the inside then it makes sense now!

"That is accurate Director Fury. We know that even if we create a perfect digital trail for our activities, organizations like SHIELD would eventually pick on the lack of a paper trail. So it's preferable to have someone of your standing helping us while we build the paper trail for the identities of our girls and businesses. Also in the future we will need someone to handle the domestic threats, in the words of the Master Chief 'If we wipe their butts for too long then eventually that's all we would end up doing for the rest of our immortal lives... until I decide to get rid of them', you fit the requirements for that position, which is why we've been helping you by making your life easier and gave you access to the best tool, AKA me."- Ain't the ominous as hell?

"*Sigh* This is enough for now, I have a clear prospect of where to move from here on. I will talk with Aragorn tomorrow. Good night Spark!"- You can say whatever you want, but it's clear that they are supporting me, personally at that; so far they have been clear with every question I make, brutally so.

"Have pleasant dreams Director Fury."- It said before turning the holograph off.

It's abundantly clear that the only person with a desire for power in their group is Emma Frost, but the power in the 'house' is mainly consolidated in the girls, and Aragorn may be an adept schemer with everybody else but he always lets his guard down in front of them.

Also, I heard that there are apparently 2 women who Aragorn listens to, Gaea and the 'Madame'. Gaea resides in Terra, a small island not far from the Crystal, what they decided to call that crystal abomination, and the Madame visits once a week but I haven't been able to meet them. 

Gaea is apparently someone whose well-being is a constant worry of Aragorn since he assigned 2 personal maids to her and he visits her residence daily, and the Madame is his wife, I don't know what type of wife someone like him is wedded to nor do I want to imagine, but it's best to know who the players are before you start betting.

I should talk tomorrow with Aragorn about Hydra, also yesterday the maids were giddy about a 'procedure' that they were doing today, but knowing them that could be a code for one of the biweekly tactical strikes or ambushes on Aragorn, I wonder what that was and how it went.


After what I call a night blessed by the sandman, I was ready for my magical lessons and an overdue conversation about Hydra with Aragorn. I opened a portal to the Crystal... Damn Right, I Did!... The teacher said that when it comes to spatial skills I had one of the best talents, I might be lacking compared to those girls up here in general, but I was the first to open a portal on my own.

While I was basking in my success I met my friend Carol, who gave me the brightest smile I have ever seen on her and said:

"Good Luck! Bye, Nick!"-... Fuck!- Spark portaled her out in a hurry and she escaped my obvious inquiry.

"Motherfucker!"- That can be good! What other reality-breaking discovery will I make today?- I got my magic ready to portal the fuck out of here at a moment's notice. But it didn't take long for my encounter with the unknown.

The first time I thought that I saw wrong, the second that it was some form of advanced disguise, but after the third, I knew that all the girls were... changed... now. I was early for today's lesson so I went to the lab where you could lately find Aragorn. 

"Hello Aragorn, good morning!"- He stopped playing with the equipment and looked back at me.

"Hey, Fury! How are you doing? It's rare to find you here! By the way, congrats on the portaling!"- He said with his ever-changing eyes. Only when talking with the girls or his butler do you see his eyes settle for gold and pink... Butler who apparently is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.

"Thank you, it's apparently where my talents lie. So... What happened with the maids?"- Anything else can wait.

"Hehehehe! It is the conclusion of a project that Yao, Spark, and I have been working on for the past 3 months or so. We call them Homobestialis Magicae, a beautiful combination of Homo Sapiens + Magical Beast + Magic Core."

"They are SSS enhanced, X gene activated and Magically contracted, virtually immortal, stronger than Captain America, have better regeneration than Weapon X, telepathy, telekinesis, adaptability to virtually any environment, and a magic core, THE magic core of magic cores."-... These psychos! I'm not even surprised by the fact that they have a SSS or that they can create mutants, or a new species for that matter. I'm surprised that the more 'competent' minds, like Frost, the Ancient One, Natalia, or Spark, not only didn't stop him but also joined in his efforts to create these supermaids. 

"...Aren't they basically the biological pinnacle of existence?"- Fuck Danvers! She knew he created the terror of any governmental body and let it happen! 

"Not the biological pinnacle, more like the pinnacle of potential. My girls can inhabit any environment and a bunch of different dimensions and realms. Best of all! They are cute as fuck! And Fluffy! As soon as I catch Yao I will get my fill of those tails, but Emma should do for the moment!"- Who the hell was talking about tails here? We are talking about these god- No! god is too low... These Titan maids that you created! Not about whatever new fetish this cosmic crazy has!

"*Sigh* I will just stop thinking about it! Can I talk to you after the lesson? I wanted to go over some of your plans for Hydra."- I can only take so much crazy in one conversation.

"Ah! Spark told you about them already? I guess since the girls will finish their education faster it's ideal to get you on board now rather than later. I don't see any problems, you might meet Noona and Gaea though, she is supposed to arrive today since she was delayed yesterday due to the incompetent Barbie"- Well that works for me. I'm going to ignore whoever this Barbie is and just assume that it's another of his cosmic peculiarities. I will finally meet the last two elusive ladies.

"I'll be on my way!"- I better get out of here before I lose my sanity.

"Before you go... How's your training going for occlumency and mental barriers?"- He asked while tilting his head.

"I'm still working on setting my last mental barrier, but magical barriers will take a few more months according to the Ancient One."- Because apparently you not only need to shield against telepaths now but also magicians... Fucking world is out to get you!

"Hydra has several types of... 'brainwashers'... under their command. Before you go back remember to ask Spark for a damper, now that you'll meddle with their plans you'll need it until you can protect yourself."- Meaning that things are about to get treacherous.

"I'll remember. See you later."

On my way to the magic classroom, I stumbled upon the whole zoo, several types of canines, felines, and rabbits. All maids had 1 tail, which is what I considered 'natural', if there's anything natural around here, but I was mistaken yet again, Ms. Pride had 3, and when I got to the classroom I discovered why Aragorn was so fixated on Emma Frost and the Ancient One, they almost look like sisters, fox sisters.

"Good morning ladies. You look beautiful after your transformation."- You have got to know whose ass to kiss and it damn right ain't Aragorn's, also I don't want to be bent like a pretzel by any of these super soldier girls, I've seen how rough they play with Aragorn and that was before the steroids... let's correct that... Cosmic enhancers, 'steroids' is too tame for what these maids received.

"Thank you Uncle Pirate!"- Said Tatiana, one of the baby maids, current champion of the Dinodrome along with her velociraptor Blue. The National Sport around here.

"You're welcome little terror, or should I call you little cub now?"- I do have to give Aragorn credit where it's due, this baby with those ears, tails, and canine eyes would melt the less hardened hearts in a second.

"Hehehe! You can call me wolf princess now."- You will always be 'Little Terror' in my eyes, super soldier baby. 

"Then what should I call the other 7 wolves around here? My wolf princess."- I asked while nodding to the other 7 pairs of wolf ears... super soldier ears. 

"We all are wolf princesses!"- Shouted Roksana, previous champion of the Dinodrome, due to an unfortunate injury on her ride, Delta, a velociraptor of course, she lost her crown to Tatiana.

"Well, your Royal Highnesses, the master is looking at us and I believe that it is best if we don't provoke her Vulpine Majesty's ire."- Of course, these smart terrors knew who not to poke around and went back to their seats. 

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Today I will instruct you on the basics of your new affinities, but each of you will individually develop this strength on your own. As always you can come to me if you find trouble in your journey but please try to improve upon your paths first before you ask me or Aragorn for help. I'm talking about you wolf princesses, I know how easy is for you to blackmail some help from him but if you accomplish this on your own I will reward you."- They can probably blackmail Aragorn for a better reward, but I'm not telling them, especially with that killer side eye that master gave me at the end. 

The lesson went on and I chose to focus on space bending, rendering, and warping, I don't have a new affinity after a monstrous power up but I will focus on my talents. I'm not gonna lie, I was very scared at the end when we discovered that the little terrors' body strengthening placed them on Sgt. Barnes level.

Thank god, whichever is out there, that the little terrors had a natural time limiter that they need to work on. Don't get me wrong, those baby maids are stronger than a human adult in their base form, but not Winter Soldier after being super soldier enhanced by a crazy dragon strong. I feel like a little twig among these people, any accident and I'm broken.

After class, I went to the deck, where Spark said Aragorn was. After coming out of the hall, at a distance, I saw something incomprehensible. 

What was I supposed to say after seeing a skeleton lady sitting in the crazy dragon's lap? Honestly... Hydra is not such a big deal. I will go home and talk to Aragorn later... or so I thought...

"Hello there child, are you here for Aragorn?"- Asked a white-haired lady with striking blue eyes. Damn! This is a woman.

"... Yes I needed to talk to him about something... But he seems busy."- I nodded to the couple's location. I can only guess that this is Gaea. How is she related to Storm? She looks like her mother.

"Ah! Lady Death is already here. Let's go then."- She said while cheerfully inviting me to meet my death... At this point I will just follow the clearly abnormal lady, not that there's anyone here normal, only I am normal here. I'm the only one sane, everybody else is crazy.

"~Gaea you're here! Oh! And Nicholas Joseph Fury."- She said with a mellifluous voice that no skeleton has a right to have and somehow knows my name.

"Hello, Lady Death! How did it go with the girl?"- Asked Gaea while taking a seat next to the couple and bringing both into a hug. 

"Gaea, Noona, give me a minute to talk some things out with Nick."- Said Aragorn before placing the upset skeleton lady on his seat, he gave a kiss to the skeleton lady's lips(?) and planted a kiss on Gaea's forehead. For a skeleton she is highly expressive and what sort of relation do these have?

He walked to my side and guided me apart from the ladies for our conversation. But I have a question before we can move further.

"Are you three married?"- Didn't look like it but I better make sure now than regret it later.

"Gaea holds a very special place in our hearts, and Noona is my wife. She is widely known as Lady Death or Mistress Death among the people in the know."- I feel like there's more to his first statement but I know when to ask and when to ignore. 

"... Isn't she a skeleton? Not that I have anything against it..."- I knew there was a chance that I was treading on thin ice but if she is dead isn't this some sort of necrophilia?

"Oh! I see your confusion! She is an Abstract, a conceptual being's appearance is to you the same as you interpret its concept. She is the Abstract of Death, you knew she was a female, hence she looks like a female skeleton to you. But once you see her true form you can only see her as such. To me she is the most beautiful woman."- He spoke with violet stars in his eyes while looking at the skeleton lady in the distance. 

"... There's too much crazy shit going on in my life ever since you and Carol brought me here. I plan to add this to my personal library of 'Knowledge that you accidentally learned that destroys your paradigm of life' and ignore it until further notice... Anyways, Hydra, which apparently is not as monumental as I thought compared to what's going on here, Spark said that you have a plan, I just wanted to go over it."

We went over the plan and then I portaled back home while going over the conversation in my head. They definitely have other ways of getting the same results, but this was the one that allowed them to get rid of Hydra and get partial control over society at the same time without creating a shitstorm. Just like Aragorn said, some chaos is unavoidable, but this way allows for a gentler transition.

But with this, I reached my limit of dealing with crazy people of the day, it's time to do some invasion of privacy to calm my nerves and recharge for the next day. 

"Spark, get me access to William Stryker's file"- This is the type of societal danger that I'm used to dealing with, not some cosmic goddess of Death or the space dragon of dementia. 

Emma Frost, Foxgirl, Queen of Halo, and Planet Nirn.

Life has been sweet! I have officially a small kingdom. Population: Almost 4000.

Leaving aside Aragorn and Jean and our might is still enough to dominate Earth. Maybe it is not fair to count our technological superiority towards that given that Aragorn is responsible for it, but Who cares? At the end of the day, all of it is available to me, that's what matters.

As usual, lots of changes happened after our resident dragon moved around for 3 months, we evolved into gorgeous girls, got eternal youth, more powers, and our magic might skyrocketed.

I have never been happier in my life, I'm beautiful, powerful, and have more money than the rest of the planet combined, given that the shinny overachiever created a small vibranium moon among other resources, and after setting the bases for the society in Halo to grow I can finally start planning the development of Planet Nirn, what Spark named it, it was probably some inside joke because Aragorn was ecstatic about the decision. 

After the learning tech was set for the Fae and Sirens, we started the training and development of capable personnel for the empty positions on our society. Luckily with the recent evolution, the learning time of the maids was drastically reduced, so I had my ministers in less than 2 months, those girls plus the members from our new residents gave me enough room to create a functioning government.

The recent android uprising, as Aragorn calls it, filled the places where we were lacking. According to Spark, unlike him they are not connected to 'The Grand Repository of Knowledge', so it will take them years of interaction to grow souls, but they are such highly advanced AIs that to the rest of us they are very much alive. 

On our first gathering, we chose the name 'Fulgebunt Draconis Imperium' for my kingdom, and if it sounds like an incantation it's because the Ancient One said that it's better this way for our future runic language.

She said that the name of the kingdom should be closely related to the source of our energy, of our power. Normally you just name your realm and since your power is linked to it you're golden, but since we don't have a personal dimension or realm, like Asgard, and our 'source' is Aragorn, it is best if we pick a name closely related to him. Hence 'Fulgebunt' which is 'shine' and/or 'bright'; 'Draconis' which of course refers to 'dragon' and 'Imperium', the future standing of my kingdom.

We talked about several principles for development.

#1 Healthcare

Since our health is guaranteed with the regeneration baths, psychic therapy and gene modification, our aim is not for the creation of jobless doctors, but the birth of research doctors for development and field doctors for emergencies. This will take care of our healthcare while also providing future discoveries to our already advanced medicine.

#2 Agriculture

Aside from the mundane agriculture, we need to take care of the magical part. Mystical Flora and Fauna will be the challenging aspect of this sector. Most of our funding will go here.

#3 Military

At the moment we have no need to focus on this. But in the future when we have more planets under our banner we will need a form of protection that doesn't rely on the 'Sacred Beast' Aragorn.

Yes, that's the designation that we coined for him. It would be a mess if we give him political power so Spark suggested the title. Initially, we thought that he would find it offensive since it's pretty much a pet's position. But he was happy about gaining another 'title' like any other self-respecting 'monster isekaier', the understanding of those terms was left to Spark, who was acting self-satisfied under the praise of Aragorn for a job well done.

#4 Industry and Commerce

Originally, we were not sure about what the other empires would like to trade that was unique to us, but Aragorn, who at that point joined the meeting, said that once we have established a self-sustaining production of mystical herbs and beasts we could become potion makers since no one does it, but he said that once we become extraplanetary each world must have its own partially self-sustaining industry. So we decided to focus on potions for the foreseeable future. 

#5 Education

We have that covered under the learning rooms. Honestly, those rooms are the biggest advantage a civilization could have.

We discussed other relevant topics, such as the form of government, religion, exploration, expansion, money, etc.

We decided on ministries overseeing the different departments and a general representative per planet in the future, with me and Spark at the top, and in the case of a disagreement we can get a third opinion from Aragorn. We selected Gaea as our patron deity for spiritual guidance, or as Aragorn called it crowd control, Gaea was happy about having new worshippers once more.

For resources Aragorn said that he would continue to be our sugar daddy until we achieve sustainability, he mentioned having several moon-sized deposits of every ore that he could think of.

 After the foundational gathering, we got to work. It was funny seeing these teenagers assume governmental positions but they did the job. About three months later we had everything well cemented and it was time to move with our plans for commerce. Of course, this level of efficiency is not normally possible, but with Gaea's blessing, most things are.

Xandar was our first client but later on, when our products gained a reputation, we extended our reach. There were some missteps along the way but we achieved the monopoly of a market that was unexplored.

Gaea offered us a blessing for Nirn since we were narrowly sustaining production, so Nirn was turned into a garden planet, with a small section left on the continent for Jean and Aragorn's recurrent scuffles.

After that, we were facing problems of underpopulation, so Aragorn and the rest of the maids made another trip to Otherworld, FM-04, and brought new residents, he was happy about finding Naiads and Dryads.

The kidnapped victims were mad but they rapidly defused after feeling Gaea's blessing, by all accounts for the magical and spiritually inclined the blessing represents a massive boon. With their cooperation secured and the help of a new generation of androids, we were ready for the undertaking of a new level of market.

Everyone liked our potions, we had potions for sleeping, energy suppliers, immunostimulators, virility, memory enhancers, first aid, cosmetical modifiers, truth serum, psychic protection, concentration boosters, aphrodisiacs, among other types, Aragorn and Spark designed them to be compatible with a countless variety of recognized races. I know that in the future we will have to stop riding on his coattails but for now, we will enjoy it.

Natalia Alianovna Romanova, Catgirl, CEO of The Light Enterprises.

After the end of one of the many meetings of the day, I couldn't help but say:

"This is not what I expected when I joined Aragorn."

It's been a little over a year after we initiated the takeover of different departments of society; due to a lack of personnel, I was given one of the many CEO positions available from one of our many companies. Since Aragorn didn't want to bring androids down here most of the girls assumed the managerial positions in the different companies created by Spark and him.

When I say it out loud it sounds so ridiculous, teenagers less than 18 years old, acting as CEOs, masked as older women, taking over different sectors of the market. 

What makes the matter even more laughable is when at the end of the day these seemingly mature and overly business-minded teens, portal home and resume their teenage girl selves, all of them have their mansions and high-rise condos for their CEO roles, yet they always return to the Crystal, even with all the teasing they receive from Aragorn. 

The first time he teased them about missing him after a day of separation a blood feud was called upon. Of course, I joined and even Gaea did, who has taken a liking to our 'sparring' sessions full of killing intent.

As annoying as always, he kept laughing his ass off while messing with us and evading by a hair's breadth our attacks.

In the end, we only won because the Madame, who likes to spectate our battles, made him stumble, and he ate one of Gaea's attacks, dead center in the face, obviously, we took advantage of the Madame given opportunity and pelted him with everything we had. Since he normally doesn't use his barriers while fighting us, given that as he said: "...I want to give you the allure of a chance before crushing your hope down...", he ended up naked. 

"At least this time it wasn't willingly."- Commented Emma.

"Worry not blonde fluff, I have been hit with an epiphany... Why wear clothes at all when you can imitate them with barriers and light manipulation?"- Said Aragorn with an expression of enlightenment. It would be more convincing if he said so while generating such barriers.

Much to our chagrin he was unharmed and as we've seen there wasn't anything to make fun of... I think this was the reason why the Madame helped us, because, shortly after, she warped him away with the excuse of taking care of his inexistent injuries while smiling sweetly, as always, and teasing Aragorn.

Anyway! Leaving the vexingly perfect figure of Aragorn aside, even though we ended up spread around the globe we always came back to sleep to the Crystal, our home, and as much as I would like to deny it I feel at ease around our idiot.

The Light Enterprises, the company that I'm in charge of, is dedicated to the energy business. We are in charge of perfecting the current energy storage and solar technology. According to Spark, there's a company, that in the future, will take care of the energy generation department, they will create something called an Ark Reactor, so we don't meddle too much with that sector.

At this point, we already have two products in the market, a solar cell that converts about 60% of the sunlight into electricity and a battery with an energy loss of 0.1%. These products were based on tech available on Halo, but I had it dumbed down to Earth's level.

The demand was so high after the beta testing reviews came out that in order to have enough supply we had to refer several governments to one of our sister companies in charge of ore mining. 

The Spiral CO, the name of the company, got into contracts with different governments and once their establishment was government-backed they fed our demand. When it comes to the solar energy sector my projections put us in about 2 or 3 years more before The Light Enterprises has a 70% to 80% global ownership of said market. 

For the past year, things have been peaceful, aside from the mainstream battles that we wage against our shinny oppressor, but recently Aragorn and his personal maids have been restless and we suspect that soon a call to arms will be issued. According to Spark they finally found an island that, for over a year, they've been looking for. Meaning that soon they will engage in black ops against Hydra and their affiliated. 

The more belligerent of the girls are already buffing their weapons until they gleamed.

After our evolution, aside from the bullying done by Aragorn, we have not had any action, so it's no surprise that some of them want to try their powers against an opponent that actually bleeds, and not, in the best case scenario, just ends up naked making you feel hot and bothered.


Chapter rewritten on 3/8/2024.}
