
Chapter 6: Welcome to Fyrestone (Rework)

I watched as Claptrap annoyed the Hell out of the group of Vault Hunters.

Unlike the game, all of them had an Echo device already. Claptrap giving an Echo device to the player is just for introductions and whatnot.

Why would four of some of the most battle hardened Vault Hunters and beings on Pandora and a Siren who had the potential to be as powerful as an entire Galaxy, not have an Echo device for more then 30 years.

All of them are 30+ years old as of this moment. They are double my age so I concealed my identity with a voice modulator I bought from the System and merged it with my mask.

I watched them from the roof of the Fyrestone Motel as they followed Claptrap.

They also didn't go to the New-U station since they don't exist. Why would they? If they did, Roland would still be alive and would just respawn at a nearby New-U station.

I mean...why would Jack allow Hyperion New-U stations to revive the player?

It was just a game mechanic to explain how you revive in game at a checkpoint.

I was still invisible since I was still using the Invisibility effect from Patience and Time, one of my favourite Destiny sniper rifles. Only the Whisper of the Worm will stand above all!

Having quickly following after them by going up ahead to a high vantage point. I teleported to a watchtower just above Zed's place and slit the throat of the Bandit there.

I laid his body down gently so no noise would be made from his body falling and impacting with the metal platform we were on. I didn't decapitate his head since his head would then fall as well.

I stored his body in my Storage Space and aimed down my sniper's scope, causing me to turn invisible once again.

Moments later I heard the Bandit Outrunner vehicles drive into Fyrestone and watched as they wreaked chaos as they shot at everything.

I killed a few of them with simple headshots and had them crash into areas seemingly at random.

Although it wasn't random.

I had made sure to use a silencer and shot the driver in a way they would crash exactly where I wanted them to so that no buildings with the civilian inhabitants of Fyrestone would be destroyed and as a result possibly be killed.

I head Mordecai sniper at work and the caws of Bloodwing. I wasn't there, but I can tell that Mordecai must have shot first from a distance to provide covering fore so that the others can get in close for a better shot.

Roland was the second to shoot with his assault rifle.

I can hear a fast fire rate from what could be Lilith SMG and Brick's yelling.

I literally saw a round object fly from their position to the center of Fyrestone.

Holy shit!

That was a head!

Brick you absolute Savage!

Eventually I saw them in the backway into Fyrestone.

I took a few shots to help them out.

They put themselves on guard and hid behind cover upon instinct.

"Sniper!" Lilith shouted to the rest as she took cover.

"Mordecai! Can you tell where he is!?" Roland asked.

"I can't. He's on one of the towers." Said Mordecai as he made sure Bloodwing didn't fly off, thinking I was an enemy that would shoot the good bird.

Since all the Bandits there were dealt with, Claptrap went out into the open without a care in the world.

"Oh! You must mean Spectre. Great guy. He's been helping around here for about a week now. I met him few hours ago, said he was a Vault Hunter like you guys...but he's wayyyy moody...er then you guys. I think he has family problems? He migh-" Claptrap nonchalantly said as he rolled by everyone whom was still hiding.

When Claptrap mentioned my family, that was it!

Noone speaks ill about them!

Sure, I won't murder people if they insult ir offend my family.

But Claptrap is a machine and isn't a living being.

He is fair game for me to deal with...permanently...

I wanted to kill him but...

"Please! I need you to stay calm! Dont be alarmed, I am your guide. You don't have any reason to trust me, but I need you to believe that I am here to guide you. I'm here to help you find the Vault. Whatever offense that the funny little robot may have meant by those words, I hope you can forgive him, but you will need him on your journey-" Angel said inside my head before being cut off.


Before Angel can finish her Siren Telepathy power thinggy with me, I fired a shot at Claptrap's location...

I didn't actually kill him, but I did fire at the ground next to him.

"I think he didn't like you mentioning his family?" Mordecai spoke as he petted Bloodwing.

"No kidding..." Brick added in.

I did a second shot at a certain location and a banner unfurled itself. I had prepared this before their arrival.

The banner said:

"Welcome to Fyrestone! I am Spectre, I will meet you shortly. For now, can you help in dealing with the rest of the Bandits? I look forward to meeting you on the ground fellow Knights."

I uncloaked myself just long enough for them to see me and for me to nod my head at them as I rested my rifle on my shoulder for a moment before aiming down the sights again, turning invisible once again.

Damn I was edgy as he'll at that moment and I loved it!

As for why I said "Knights" at the end of my banner message to them...

It's because I wanted to make a good impression of myself on Lilith.

She was a little hard to be friends with considering her childhood.

She lived with her dad until he had died when Lilith was roughly 7 or a teen.

That was when The Eldest, the previous PhaseWalk Siren had met her and told Lilith of the Sirens briefly before she collapsed and died on the spot.

Thus her powers transfered to Lilith and made Lilith the new and current PhaseWalk Siren.

Lilith would grow up and get bullied for her having her blue Tattoos, which please the idiot bullies didn't realise she is one of a 7..or 8, if you include me and not Troy since he is a Parasite Siren, most powerful beings in the Universe.

Also she was bullied fir her being a geek for fantasy and the game "Bunkers & Badassas". It was basically the Borderlands version of "Dungeons & Dragons".

So when I said "Knights" in my message, I saw that she had noticed what I had meant by that word in my message as her eyes lit up that I was a "Geek" as well.

Technically she isn't wrong, but I haven't seen any of the Echo shows, which is basically like TV series, Cartoons, Animus and so on in the Borderlands Universe I now resude within.

I was a "Geek" for fantasy and gaming. Mainly Skyrim, Borderlands, Dark Souls and Call of Duty Zonbies.


Round 255 on 5 maps on BO3...

I'm so sad I lost it all...

(A/n I actually did get max round of 255 on 5 maps. I got screenshot on my phone I'll post if you want proof. I used to help alot of Noobs do Easter Eggs for various maps.)

Anyway, after my warning to Claptrap, he certainly now will remember to not mention my family in a bad way.

"Your sweet and gentle voice was the only reason I spared him. You look beautiful as well. What's your name you beautiful angel?" I said, knowing full well of her namesake.

Haha! She definitely feels embarrassed since her name is also Angel named after Heaven's angels.

"-I-uh...*male ahem*! Yes! Thank You for your words. My name is Angel. Uh, you should follow the little robot for now. Do everything he says. I-I'll contact you again shortly..." She stumbled over her words but continued normally after I heard John in the background cough.

Angel had wasted no time in cutting of the Siren Telepathy ability she had used.

All Sirens can use Siren Telepathy to communicate with one another or with other non-Siren individuals which Angel, Lilith and Tannis all uses throught the multiple games during times when they are either captured and can't use an Echo device.

Or are meeting a person for the first time. Much like how Lilith used Siren Telepathy to communicate with Zane, Fl4k and Moze for the first time. Amara is different since she is a Siren.

Angel had only talked to Roland and the gang except for me before since I has no background on myself which Angel could trace and thus Angel doesn't know of me and I inwas a possible Vault Hunter candidate.

However, now that she knows, she decided to communicate with me.

Jack was with her and was probably fumming that I, a mere "Bandit", was trying to court her Daughter.

He couldn't evade my ears since I had also linked myself to Angel with my own Telepathy I quickly learnt and replicated on the spot.

This way I can connect to her other senses when she uses Siren Telepathy on me so I can hear if Jack is there or not.

I also could see him and saw he was barely able to hold his anger in.

I was able to replicate a lower version of an amateur level, since I had 90% of my Brain functionality unlocked, thus it helped in quickly learning something. Especially if it's sone practically like what I did now.

Angel also failed to mask her emotions and her quiet stuttering.

I could feel her embarrassment and happiness that she was able to talk so casually with someone, even though she is being forced to trick me and the others so it is mostly fake and one sided.

I followed and provided covering fire for the group as they proceeded into Fyrestone.

After dealing with the last of the Bandits, thanks to mine and Mordecai's covering fire, Roland's military skills and Sabre Turret, Lilith's powers and Bricks Shotgun and pure muscle strength, Angle had contacted us again.

"Excellent! I knew you were the right choice friend, friend. Now go. I'll contact you again soon."

"I certainly hope so. Your voice is so soothing to the soul...sweet Angel."

I can still feel her connected to me.

Lilith may not be able to tell, since she doesn't know Angel is a Siren, but I do.

She had then severed the connection but only after she heard what I said.

It was too easy. I may not have alot of romantic experience...if any at all.

But neither does Angel since she was isolated by her father from the rest of the Universe and outside world after she accidentally used her newly acquired Siren power to kill her mother and a Bandit.

Thats why Angel is so easy to make her embarrassed with my cringe filled attempts of romance. 

Cause all this is new to her and she is taking it without any offense as she enjoys this.

She never had any friends and in Borderlands 3. The Player can find a drawing of Angel and the the four original Vaukt Hunters on the drawing. On the picture it said "New Friends".

(A/n The Location of Angel is one of three places. Control Core Angel at Thousand Cuts, the Angel Satilite in space (I doubt it since its too small) and Konrad's Hold, where Jack/John and his wife and Angel lived until the death of Angel's Mother there.)

The picture was located in the same room that the Hyperion Turret that Angel had accidentally activated to kill the Bandit but also her Mother as well in the process due to an emotional outburst she had.

The picture HAD to be drawn around this time since he had just met me and the others right now. Also when I looked through her eyes with the Suren Telepathy Connection, I saw a familiar area which is also like what Konrad's Hold looks like in Borderlands 3.

I parkored down to them from my position.

I didn't want to expose my teleportation to them just yet. I'll also try to hide it from Angel while she is looking at me and the others through her.

"Hello. You must be Spectre. Thanks for providing assistance earlier soilder." Roland greeted me.

"It was no problem at all. You had helped me out since I didn't have much protection with me to take them all on at the moment. So, you all are Vault Hunters? I wasn't much interested in Vault Hunting since its a fool's mission to go it alone, but now..." I said but Lilith continued my words for me.

"...But now you want to join us in searching for the Vault?"

I just nodded my head.

They thought about it and all turned to Roland for the decision. 

They all silently accepted me into joining with them since I had helped them out earlier and didn't kill them, since I could have have easily.

"We're happy to have you join with us soilder." Roland said as he extended his hand to me.

I grasped his hand as we shook each others once we had a firm hold.

After that Brick just patted me...really hard...enough that I was slightly off balenced as he roared mightily.

"Haha! Another one to bust some heads with! I like it! Name's Brick!"

"You can call me Spectre."

"Spectre...I assume your not going to tell your real name?" Mordecai inquired from the side.

"At one point I will. Not that I don't trust you all, but it is more for other reasons."

"That's understandable." Roland said.

Lilith and Roland gave their names too, but I already knew them. They walked away while me and Mirdecai lagged behind the others as we followed Claptrap. Brick was just ahead of us.

Bloodwing landed on my shoulder and I stoked her chest. She definitely enjoyed it.

"So...where'd you get the sniper from?" Mordecai asked as he eyed Patience and Time which I still held.

"Oh you mean this baby. She isn't the best, but still good. How about a bet?"

"About and what for?"

"My Sniper against Bloodwing. Whoever can get more headshots and Bullseyes."

"CAW CAW!!!"

Bloodwing took it as a challenge and looked ready to prove herself to me and Mordecai.

Speaking of which, why did she react so positively with me so quickly? We had only just met and she landed on me and ket me stroke her.

"Seems like Blood wants a piece of the action? Alright then. Don't cry yourself at night when Blood claims her prize." The master Sniper arrogantly proclaimed.

I didn't explain my sniper's abilities just yet. Mordecai may not be bad in the future, but right now we are basically strangers. And as such, I will gain his trust and him gain mine before I reveal my secrets.

He naturally understood me and my inner thoughts as he only just met me moments ago. He had a similar reaction with the others a while ago and they got acquainted with each other back on Marcus's Bus. Now he will have to do the same with me.

Mordecai just grinned. I knew what that meant. He was defintly not going to forget and will renind me of the challenge later for it, like how he had beaten Zer0 for his sniper.

He can try all he wants, he nor Bloodwing ain't winning shit against me!

"Attention Citizens of Fyrestone! There is no cause for alarm. The New Visitors has resolved the Problem!" Claptrap announced out loud so that all of the residents of Fyrestone could hear.

"Well shoot. I thought I was a goner that time! Damn bandits won't leave us alone. Had to lock the place up tight, I'll let you in...Come on. Dammit! Blasted circuits are on the fritz again. Give it a go from the switch out there, would ya?" Said a familiar voice that spoke from our Echo devices on the open Fyrestone's Echo frequency.

Roland was the lead of the group since he is the defacto leader of us. It makes sense since he is the most experienced out if all of us and a veteran soulder and leader.

"Thanks fer openin' her up again. Name's Zed. They still call me 'doctor', even though they don't let me cut on folks anymore since I lost my licence, so now I keep the med vendors 'round here up and runnin'. From the vendors you can buy all the healin' you could ever want from a real doc...thankfully without a "the-Vault-is-a-myth-you'll-get-yourself-killed" lecture."

And with that...

We had met Zed and begun our journey to open the Vault...

And my journey to one day save Angel from her long imprisonment...
