
Ch. 197: Pandora's Box (2)

"NYAARGH!" In the middle of nowhere, a bald, three-eyed man was screaming into a whirlwind of energy as the veins on his neck pulsed, looking about ready to pop at any moment.

"Tien! You need to stop! You're gonna kill yourself!" Chiaotzu screamed into the vortex, begging his friend to stop what he was doing.

"I NEED TO DO THIS... CHIAOTZU...!" Tien shouted at his small friend in broken fragments, barely able to push the words out through the pain wracking his body. 

"But Tien, this isn't like your other techniques! You've never done this before!" Chiaotzu tried to reason with Tien once more, but Tien wasn't listening. As Chiaotzu looked on, the skin on Tien's bare torso began to writhe. Slowly, then violently, his gut began to move, eliciting another pained scream from Tien, but he didn't stop. After a timeless period, Tien's gut slowly stopped moving, and then the torrent of energy cut off, as if someone had flipped a switch. A moment later, Tien collapsed to the ground, utterly spent.


When Tien woke up, he was back in his room at Legacy. Moonlight streamed through the window, illuminating a small figure sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, snoring softly.

"Chiaotzu..." Tien muttered, sitting up. The rustling of the sheets woke the small Z-fighter with a jolt.

"Tien! You're awake!" Chiaotzu said, with a joyous look on his face that sent guilt wracking through Tien's conscious. 

"Sorry, Chiaotzu... How long was I out?" He asked.

"A day and a half, Tien! I was honestly scared you'd never wake up!" Chiaotzu cried. 

After assuaging his little friend's worries and promising him that he'd never scare him like that ever again roughly five times, Tien put Chiaotzu to sleep and found himself out in the courtyard.

"So I am a little weaker, huh?" Tien muttered to himself. As far as power levels went, his had dropped from about 1.75 million to 1.5 million. He'd gotten notably weaker, but he'd expected that. "Now, I suppose it's time for the moment of truth... RELEASE!" From deep inside Tien's body, incredible power surged out. His power level spiked, doubling five, then ten times over before finally settling. "WHOO!" Letting out a whoop, Tien began testing his new power.

The concept behind Tien's new technique was shockingly similar to Pigero's Spirit King technique, with a twist that Hanna would've found incredibly interesting.

Technically, both techniques were downgraded versions of techniques that Hanna had used to break through the limits of strength as the universe believed it. Pigero's 'battery' was powered by the same idea as Hanna separating her energies into Core Girls who would then act as 'holders' for said energy, but Tien's technique referenced another technique that Hanna used in her 'true form.'

Tien had changed the structure of his body. 

By modifying his Four Witches technique that allowed him to grow two extra, usable arms, Tien had shifted organs in his torso around to create a new, small organ designed specifically to store ki. Then, he split a piece of his consciousness, or 'soul,' off, like he did with his multi-form technique and placed it inside of the new organ. It was too small a piece to allow his new organ independent thought, but it would be enough to allow the organ to generate its own energy independent of the rest of his body. 

Essentially, he'd created a 'box' inside of his body to independently generate and store ki. He called it Pandora. 


Now, after a year, Tien's Pandora technique had grown in leaps and bounds compared to before. He could store enough energy to compare to a Super Saiyan, and the box could generate ki just as fast as the rest of Tien's body, so releasing the energy stored inside would essentially not only grant him a temporary, incredible boost of energy, but also double his natural energy generation. He ate more now than he did before, but that was of little consequence. 

"RELEASE!" Releasing Pandora, Tien's third eye turned white, his skin turning a reddish color with the sheer energy coursing through it. Pushing that energy out in order to cancel Cooler's blast, Tien couldn't help but smile despite himself as his energy not only canceled the blast out, but knocked the Frost Demon back a few feet as a bonus. But the fight had only just begun.

Running straight through the dust cloud generated by their energy clash, Tien went to punch Cooler, only to have his fist blocked. Undeterred, Tien went on the offensive, with a lightning-fast barrage of punches and kicks, all of which Cooler blocked, though just barely. Realizing that he wasn't getting anywhere, Tien pulled his fist back, but Cooler wasn't having it. The dynamic of their exchange changed in an instant, with Cooler entirely on the offensive now, with Tien just barely blocking everything that he was dishing out, but that dynamic only lasted for an instant, as Tien saw his opening and took it, grabbing Cooler's wrist and flipping him over his shoulder in an instant, using his own momentum against him, but that wasn't enough to stop Cooler. 

As Tien let his guard down, expecting Cooler to be disoriented as he flew through the air, he made eye contact with the Frost Demon. Cooler's mouth was open.

"PAA!" With a shout, a red ball of energy flew from Cooler's open mouth and landed a perfect hit on Tien's ear, knocking the three-eyed man into the dirt while the Frost Demon gracefully flipped in midair, landing lightly on his feet with a smirk. 

"Nice shot." Pulling himself back to his feet, Tien gave credit where credit was due, putting his hand against his ear and coming away with blood. 

Shaking the blood off, Tien got back into a fighting stance, ignoring the damage. He couldn't hear out of his right ear anymore, but that wouldn't stop him from continuing to fight.

"You're beginning to annoy me, three-eye. That's a bad idea, you know." Cooler warned Tien.

"Then try to stop me." Tien goaded.
