
Ch. 155: Managing Legacy

"Ugh... Chelsea... so much work to do..." I mumbled into my desk at Legacy as Chelsea massaged my shoulders. 

"I know, Miss Hanna, but it's all going to pass. Legacy is just beginning to get off the ground, and there are going to be a lot of bumps along the road. I'm here now, so you're not doing it alone anymore."

Now that Legacy had seven Namekian Warriors, three Namekian Gardeners, Cargo, and Pigero working for it full time, we were able to begin our work in disaster relief all around the globe, but I wanted Legacy to be a way for high-level martial artists to make a living, while doing actual good around the globe. Right now, the system was placed into two separate distinctions, warrior and staff. Warriors took jobs dealing with disasters across the globe, while staff dealt with basic upkeep, or in Cargo's case, healing after the warriors trained. I was still running Legacy off of a healthy stipend from Capsule Corp, and it was my job to divide it into the staff's salaries, basic upkeep, and the warriors' pay, but it, honestly, was a huge chaotic mess.

Firstly, the staff pay. Naturally, after the brunt of the Namekians left, I found myself with a huge complex, with no real staff besides the three gardeners, and with Tien, Chiaotzu, Pigero, and Raditz staying in it along with the Namekians. In order to prevent trash pile-up, I'd ended up bringing in a half-dozen Core girls, including Chelsea, to deal with Legacy business. While they didn't technically need to be paid, I was still paying them, in order to keep up appearances. That meant that I was paying nine staff salaries, and holding Cargo's until he grew up a little more.

Then, I had to deal with the warriors' and their jobs, which had turned out to be a whole stack of boxes, all painted with the word 'Pandora.' Even with Chelsea's help, it was a huge load. 

The sensors that picked up disasters across the globe and translated them into job requests tended to work overtime, even though they were only dealing with natural-type disasters at the moment. That meant that the warriors could basically choose to do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, and we'd still be swamped, so I'd opened the job board up to just about anyone who could complete the jobs, under the requirement that they wear something to conceal their identity while they do so. Naturally, the full-time employees had special uniforms that both concealed their true identities and denoted them as a part of Legacy. Now, I had to pay Raditz, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Pigero, Krillin, and the Namekians as part of Legacy, which meant that I had to comb through the system to figure out who'd taken the job, see how they dealt with it, and then track down whoever actually did it long enough to actually give them the money, which was the most difficult part of it, since Tien, Chiaotzu, Pigero, and Piccolo didn't like taking money for the jobs that they considered to be 'training exercises.' 

Tien, Chiaotzu, and Pigero were staying here, so they were easy to track down, but I had to spend a half-hour explaining why they should be paid for taking Legacy jobs before they'd take the money, while Piccolo actively avoided me on payday. After spending a full day chasing Piccolo across the planet a second time, I finally just got Piccolo's written agreement to skip the middleman and just give the money to a random charity.

Even after paying the warriors, that part of my job wasn't over, because I needed to check news reports all across the planet in order to see how the Legacies were influencing things, see if the world was ready for phase 2 of the plan yet. Long story short, things were going even better than I'd planned, and it was absolutely exhausting.

Apparently, while the non-uniformed Z-fighters were being largely treated as they'd been before, as myths and legends, the Legacy uniforms had caught the eye of dozens of news agencies around the globe. Stories about mystery superheroes saving settlements from natural disasters were plastered all over the various news stations, which had triggered an interesting change in future events.

Somehow, the Legacies had caused the 24th annual World Martial Arts tournament to happen four years earlier than it had in the original series. Now, instead of being hosted right before the Androids appeared, it was being hosted 4 years earlier, only in one month. Apparently, the appearance of flying superheroes seemed to spark old memories of Goku and Piccolo's last battle, making the World Martial Arts reconvene and begin speaking about starting the tournament back up again. After learning of it, I'd immediately begun checking the sign-up sheets for names, ensuring that none of the Z-fighters signed up for it. Luckily, the only one who actually tended to interact with society was Yamcha, who'd not even thought about martial arts once since he'd been brought back to life, his interests solely invested in winning back Bulma, while staying at Capsule Corp, mooching off of his former relationship with her, and cheating on dozens of girls at once. Nobody with true power seemed to be interested in participating in a World Martial Arts tournament without my dad, or even knowing about it at all, meaning that the strongest person to participate would still end up being a certain Hercule Satan, according to my research into it. 

After figuring all of that out, all I needed to do was contact Bulma about Legacy's second stage of growth and have Chelsea massage my shoulders in order to relieve all of the stress from the huge amount of work that I was needing to do in order to ensure that Legacy stayed on track. Luckily, this wasn't going to be a huge problem for very long. Once we began implementing Legacy's second stage, I'd be able to hire a team, headed by Chelsea, to deal with the majority of Legacy's logistic and management issues, leaving me free as a bird.
