
Ch. 49: Potential Problem

"What's Hanna doing?" Gohan asked, wiping sweat off with a towel. He'd just finished his final bout of training with Piccolo before the group's expected arrival time on Namek, and finally asked the question that had been on his mind for the last five days.

We'd spent day one getting acclimated to the 10X gravity. Day two was intensive training in the enhanced gravity. About halfway through day two, I'd decided to stop training with the other three, as they were beginning to grow a little too fast. I spent every single day from then on simply meditating in a corner of the first floor, rather than doing actual physical training. I emitted a large amount of ki every once in a while to show that I was doing something, but I was basically just slacking off. Yesterday, I'd released my seal, bumping my power level up to around 12,500 or so.

Meanwhile, on day three, they had upped the gravity to times 20, and begun training intensively in that. It took them two full days to get acclimated to it enough that they felt like they could bump it up to 30x yesterday. They'd more-or-less gotten acclimated to it since, but since we were arriving today, they weren't going to end up anywhere near as powerful as my dad had.

Though I couldn't be totally accurate, my guesses on their current power levels were as follows:

Gohan: 10,500 

Krillin 9,000

Piccolo: 11,500

None of them had caught up to my seal, but it annoyed me quite a bit that their power levels (other than Krillin) had jumped so high. In the anime, Gohan's power level had increased more than tenfold when Guru unlocked it. He'd gone from barely 2,000 or so to over 25,000 in an instant. Even stronger than Vegeta was when he landed on Namek. If Guru was able to unlock that kind of potential in Gohan this time around, Gohan's power level would probably end up at the same 120,000 or so as Captain Ginyu. Unfortunately, Goku needed to be the one to take Ginyu out, so that I could unlock his own potential during his healing process and up his power level to the 3 million that it needed to be at to challenge Frieza. Krillin and Piccolo's potential unlocks would need to be partially delayed as well, to make them weaker than Jeice and Burter. 

'Wait a second! Oh no!' I fell out of the air as I realized the huge mistake that I was about to make. 'Guru!'

Guru was the Grand Elder of the Nameks, but it wasn't as simple as him just being the oldest Namekian around. No... he had something that all the other Namekians lacked. Something that could seriously jeopardize my plans, if I was correct.

During the anime, Guru's powers had been shrouded in mystery, more or less. Nobody knew how he'd figured out how to unlock potential or what other strange powers he had, but I had a pretty good theory as to where they came from.

Ancient Namekians were the first ones to create Dragon Balls. They did so by carving out a piece of one of the Super Dragon Balls... but that didn't explain everything.

I'd extensively researched certain things throughout universe 7 while I was in the Core. The two things that I'd put the most effort into researching were the Yardratian techniques, and the Super Dragon Balls. It'd taken me years of watching every single thing they did from inside the Core, replaying it over and over again, before I'd been capable of learning the Yardratian techniques, but the Dragon Balls were a lot simpler.

They were simple vessels.

Each Dragon Ball carried a very small portion of a dragon's soul. By analyzing these souls in detail, I'd totally revamped a split off version of my own soul to create Shay. Technically, her soul had almost no relation to mine anymore, with how heavily I'd modified it. 

But the most important thing to consider is the fact that they only carried a very small portion of the dragon's soul. They didn't contain the whole dragon. The main portion of the dragon's soul was contained in its own dimension, similar to the Core. In lieu of her own dimension, Shay chose to use my body, but she was a weirdo by dragon standards.

In other words, the dragon balls only acted as a sort of 'terminal' to anchor the dragon to a certain spot. When the dragon's power was used, it'd simply cut the connection, turning the balls into stone. 

Breaking off a small portion of a Super Dragon Ball would naturally not create another dragon. In order to do that, you'd need to get the dragon's permission to split his soul, similar to me and my Core Girls, or the Grand Minister and his Angels. From there, the partial dragon would retain his ancestor's skills and abilities to whatever extent that the higher dragon allowed.

What that meant, was that the ability to create dragons was something that the Namekians had wished for after somehow contacting Super Shenron.

Maybe an experienced Supreme Kai would have been able to do it with small pieces of the dragon's soul, but I honestly wasn't sure. I could technically do it, but only because of how much I'd analyzed them. It was more likely that they'd gathered the Super Dragon Balls and made the wish themselves, or somehow persuaded Whis or Vados to interfere... I didn't really know or care.

Either way... that meant that ancient Namekians had almost certainly been in contact with someone at around the same level of divinity as a Supreme Kai. Maybe even higher. I had a few ideas in mind of who that was, but honestly the specifics didn't matter too much right now.

Why did this connection to a higher power matter at all, though?

Guru had a specific ability that made me wonder... the ability to unlock potential. It'd almost certainly been learned from whatever higher power the ancient Namekians had been in contact with.
