
Ch. 23: Saibamen (2)

"So, why's everyone acting all serious around here?" Yamcha asked. Krillin and Chiaotzu laughed, their number advantage finally settled.

"So, Nappa, looks like it's seven against five. Their warriors against our Saibamen. It looks a bit lopsided, don't you think?" Vegeta decided. Then, something I'd never expected happened. Vegeta pointed a finger at Yamcha. Shooting a death ray from his fingertip, he killed Yamcha in an instant. Nobody was fast enough to stop him, "Little better. Six against five. We can just forget the tiny one." He said.

"NOO! Yamcha! You monster! He didn't... He didn't even have a chance!" Krillin said, horrified. Everyone else was similarly shocked, even me. I hadn't expected for Yamcha to die this time around, but it had all happened so fast... The only way I'd have been able to save him would have been to use my powers, going against my agreement with Whis, at least in my eyes. We all watched as the proud, self-obsessed warrior fell to the ground, already dead beside Gohan.

Krillin went up to him to check his body, but we all could feel it. Yamcha's ki wasn't there anymore. He was dead. Everyone's expression got somber in a heartbeat as Krillin announced it.


"Raditz, can you feel that?" Goku asked his brother, as they flew through the air towards the site of the battle.

"Yeah, someone's already dead." Raditz answered his brother somberly. He didn't know these people, but his brother cared about them. Therefore, they were important to him. 

"We need to hurry!" Goku shouted, powering up in order to go even faster. Wordlessly, Raditz followed her.


Meanwhile, At Kame House, Bulma and Puar were sobbing uncontrollably. "No! Yancha, Please! Don't go!" Puar started screaming "NO!" over and over again, as he flew to the TV, but Pigero held him back.

"Bulma. It's okay to let it out." Master Roshi said, not even being pervy like usual.

"Yamcha..." Bulma collapsed into Master Roshi's chest, sobbing. Just then, Chichi and Ox King opened the door. "Hey gang... What's... up?" He was confused as to why Bulma and Puar were so upset, but even he didn't need to ask why. Yamcha was dead.

"Gohan and Hanna? Is everyone else alright? Master Roshi, please tell me! Where are my children?!" Chichi said, terrified.

"It's only Yamcha. The fighting hasn't truly started yet. He was hit with a surprise attack."

"Yamcha... Why!?" Bulma cried.

"It's okay. It's going to be all right." Master Roshi said to comfort Bulma and Puar.

"But why did it have to be Yamcha!? Why?" Bulma asked, sobbing.

"Don't worry, it's going to be fine."

"Yamcha!" Puar fainted. Bulma just kept sobbing. As scared as Chichi was for her children, she didn't have the heart to say anything while everyone was so hurt by Yamcha's death.

"Come on, guys. Let's cheer up. Yamcha wouldn't want us to carry on like this." Roshi pushed Bulma away to the point where he could look into her eyes. "He, Bulma. Enough is enough, now!"

"It'll never be enough! Bulma screamed back at him, "I'll have you know, I'm in love with Yamcha! I was going to marry Yamcha one of these days!" She said, crying.

"He'll be back, Bulma. Isn't that what the Dragon Balls are for? Reviving people who didn't deserve to die?" Pigero reminded her. At least, that was what Hanna'd told him once. He could still hear her words resonating in his mind, 'Pigero, there are these things. They're called Dragon Balls, and they can do just about anything with the energy that they have. But they can't save planets. They can't stop pain, and they can't destroy evil. That's our job. We need to be strong enough to do it. All the Dragon Balls should be used for is clean-up. Bringing people who we failed to protect back.' She'd told him. This was one of those occasions. He hadn't fully grasped what she meant until this moment.

"You're right! We can use the Dragon Balls to wish him back! You're a genius!" Bulma told Pigero, regaining her hope, "And you're an idiot!" She said, punching Roshi, who was back to himself, in the face.


"He didn't even have a chance to fight! You just slaughtered him, for what? To make the numbers even!? How dare you!" Krillin yelled, standing up, having finished confirming his friends death. He was angry... Absolutely enraged.

"Get over it, little man. Don't you get it? You're all gonna die in the end!" Nappa told them. 

"Calm down, Nappa. Give them a moment to clear the trash from the battlefield."

"How dare you... HOW DARE YOU!" Krillin yelled at Vegeta, who was clearly not amused, he turned back to the rest of us, "You guys stay out of this! I'll clear out the real trash, here! For Yamcha! I'll take on all five of them at once. How's that for numbers!?" He started charging up the same ki blast that he'd used in the show. Seeing it, Vegeta said one single word.

"Attack." The Saibamen moved as one to intercept Krillin before he could pull off the shot, but they were too late. He fired the blast right at Vegeta's head. Naturally, Vegeta dodged it without moving an inch. While he was doing that, the other Z-fighters ran for cover.

The blast curved sharply into the air as it passed the Saiyan's head.

"Heh. You'll have to try better than that!" Nappa goaded. In response, Krillin lowered his hands. The blast split into six separate waves, five of which followed the Saibamen, who tried to run away, but failed (except for the one who flew into the rock and barely survived). Naturally, the Saiyans just stood there and let it hit them. All of the Saibamen (except one) died in one single shot. And I didn't even have to do it.

"Wow, Krillin, nice job!" Gohan congratulated him.

"Yeah, that was great!" Tien agreed.

"Yeah, thanks, you guys. That was for you, Yamcha." Krillin said. 

"Don't get complacent. Great shot, but the real battle's just started." I said, watching the Saibaman hiding in the rock try to attack Gohan, only to be caught by Piccolo and flung into the air.

"Enough." He shot a ki blast even stronger than the one that Krillin'd just shot, blowing the Saibaman into smithereens.

"Thanks, Piccolo." Gohan said, embarrassed at being caught off guard.

"This is a battle, Gohan. Don't ever let your guard down. Next time, be prepared to save yourself." Piccolo reminded him.

"Got it!" Gohan nodded. 
