


Paris, France -

At the construction site for the main Shimmer Exports HQ in France, Sunset Shimmer the CEO and founder of the company was busy laying down the ground work for her grandmaster plan. Some parts of the warehouse is operational but construction is still going on for other parts. The complex has been fully built, which is part office building and lab, which is Sparkle's Lab that is funded by Shimmer Exports.

Sparkle's Lab is a R&D lab that works in improving existing technology, create new ones and create programs for computers. The founder of the lab Twilight Sparkle has a close relationship with Sunset Shimmer who funds her lab. With smaller labs handling other projects, mostly making software for companies, with employees being able to work at home if their job doesn't need them to be in an office. The labs are built near the Shimmer Exports for easy shipments. All of which has paid off, Sparkle's Lab has made Shimmer billions thanks to all the patent technologies the lab has created. And as the only backer of the lab, Shimmer gets 40% of the profits as a return investment.

Shimmer Exports being in the Fortune 500 and employees being treated good within the company, is seen as a great opportunity for Paris. The jobs and money that the Shimmer Exports will bring to the city, will be a big boom. The area where the warehouse and the office complex is built on is a poor area that had few jobs to go around, forcing people who live there to have to travel outside the area to find a job. With the new Warehouse and Office Complex providing jobs in the area, empty shops got new owners and people moving in caused the area to boom.

The PR and how Shimmer does really care for her employees, gave the prefect cover for her other operations. Her export company allowed shipments of supplies and equipment to be hidden among the hundreds of other containers, among other things smuggled in. With containers going in and out, no one notices a crate or a container just showing up mark for Sparkle's Lab.


Sparkle's Lab -

Sparkle using her doctor octopus tentacle arms held up a piece of equipment as Herman bolted it into place. Agatha Is nearby at a table welding something together, Kirin on the other hand is working on the power system. All four of them have been working on building the generator for the portal device, for weeks now.

"Alright from what Washuu said after looking over the blueprints, till we connect all the power sources there will be insufficient power to operate it and we have to compensate by freeing up power for it. But it will open a small portal. Of course the power system will overheat but will do the job," Kirin said finishing adjusting the power system for the device.

"And I have the cooling control system about done. If not either Snow Or Elsa can just cool it off," Agatha said earning her a look from Kirin. "What? If it fails we just jury rigged it using one of the ice queens."

"Only if the cooling system fails. Sunset isn't spending millions on this for nothing," Sparkle said.

"And we don't want to disappoint her," Asami said working on something with Korra. Who is using her metal bending to create an alloy that normally couldn't be made.

"This is as close as we can get to vibranium without, Sunset figuring out how to bring it out of the comics," Korra said having spent years in different Marvel cannons using real world metals to get an alloy that acts like vibranium. Having trained under the different Gaia's, Captain Planet, and other element masters to learn to fully master the elements to her will. Allowing her to create alloys and materials that have never been seen before. (1)

"You already made sakuradite for the superconductor," Sparkle said.

"And Nth Metal," Agatha adds.

"Where is Shimmer?" Kirin asked.

"She's going after the Rainbow of Light. It seems that while the dragon did fused with the rainbow, when he was dying after battling that Shadow Phoenix or whatever who cares he's dead. The main point is that the rainbow of light didn't die with the dragon, it left the dragon and headed for the resting place of it's old owner here on Earth, but it ended up landing somewhere in Australia. Of course seeing how because of the dragon leaving Equestia and ending up in the past, there's the whole time ball thing. Seeing how the dragon accidental traveled into the past long before Megan Williams was even born, it's just a big mess to understand," Korra said.

"Best not to think about it. We all traveled with the Doctor and even with all that we gain in knowledge and wisdom. I still have no idea what he talks about," Herman said.

"Tell me about it," Sparkle adds.


Australia -

Uniscorn and Kuvira step through the portal that Elizabeth created, having them appear on the coastline on the Eastern part of Australia, near the city of Megadale at night. They're not alone as Adagio, Aria, and Sonata the 3 sirens also came with them. The 3 came from Equestria before being banish to Earth and teamed up with Shimmer to get back home. After spending lifetimes with Shimmer in book worlds to learn new skills and knowledge they're fully on her side and trust her.

"The rainbow is located under the seabed. I'll cast a underwater breathing spell on Kurvira after you three locate it," Uniscorn said to the siren sisters.

"Good we can show off our siren forms," Sonata said.

"No, the whole point of doing this at night is so that no one will see us," Aria said.

"We don't need Shezow to show up," Adagio said.

"How about her villains?" Elizabeth asked.

"No that's worse. Having another villain thing interfering with what we're doing will just cause a mess for both of us," Uniscorn said.

"Well there's a pirate ship," Kurvira said pointing out to sea.

Uniscorn held up the locator showing where the Rainbow of Light is located at. Showing that the rainbow is on the pirate ship that belongs to the local supervillains, a trio of pirates who call themselves the Pushy Pirate Posse or the PPP for short. Given that they're pirates and all, they plunder the most valuable booty they can find. That happened to be the rainbow which is covered by crystals and gives out strange energy readings when exposed to light. Which the pirates found while searching shrunken wrecks.

"Well at least they did the hard work for us. Elizabeth open a portal and let us make a deal with those pirates," Uniscorn said.


Later -

Guy Handon was weirded out by his new identity for about two minutes before deciding that the superpowers and she-matic super gadgets were well worth the price of wearing a girly costume. Being the one with the super strength, (s)he naturally does all the heavy lifting, but also has to work personal appearances into his/her schedule, as SheZow is a very public figure in Megadale. Who use to be his late great aunt the former SheZow.

He is helped by his older twin sister Kelly, who's the president of the official SheZow fanclub, and the superheroine's self-proclaimed number 1 fan. Unlike Guy, Kelly jumped at the chance to actually become her idol and would have if not for his interference. She takes it in stride, though, and becomes SheZow's backup with her in-depth knowledge of everything she-lated: powers, gadgets, and enemies alike. As the more serious-minded of the siblings, Kelly constantly has to remind Guy that he has she-sponsibilities as a superhero. Heroine. Whatever.

And help by Sheila the snide, smartmouth supercomputer that inhabits the She-lair and consistently monitors Megadale for threats. Initially she doesn't think much of Guy. And is the reason why Shezow is outside the city, after detecting a massive surge of energy out at sea.

"Well, I don't see anything," SheZow said flying over the sea in the jet.

"Keep flying, that's the last location of the strange energy reading before it disappeared," Sheila said.

"Might be one of the villains up to something," Kelly said.

"You're right about that," SheZow said as she brings the jet hovering over a part of the sea. She brings the camera to the floating wreckage of what's left of the Pushy Pirate Posse ship. Which she knows it's theirs thanks to their flag that's floating among the wreckage.


Author's Notes -

1 - Vibranium is a rare metallic ore with energy-manipulating properties.

