
The council______3

To the deity of life, nobody, not a human or creature that had been created by them had ever been more arrogant than the reaper in front of him. Every single time she opened her mouth, she managed to infuriate him. He looked at the pair below condescendingly, one was a thief and the other was rude and she talked a little too much for his liking. 

If it were up to him, he would strike her down immediately, however, his actions needed justification. In his view, the more that she talked, the more he was justified. 

The head of the council, Tridon looked at his fellow gods and then at Scarlet. While he found her charming and delightfully interesting, he was sure that many others did not. "Little reaper, do you understand the gravity of the situation right now?" 

Scarlet nodded. "I do."

"Do you still maintain your stance?" 

Again, she nodded. "I do."
