
The long broadcast[1]

"Hey everyone, it's your favorite chef Scarlet here to teach you how to prepare some of the easiest foods and snacks to take you through this cold winter. This is my first live broad cast since winter started, I know that this time of the year is hard on us all but I urge you all to be patient and kind to your neighbors. Let us all maintain law and order during this time. The blue star has donated a lot of wheat and corn flour to all the stars, so those who are starving contact your governors for supplies. This activity has been approved by the emperor so if you are rightly denied the allocated food, make a complaint at your nearest RGB station."

[Will our yellow star finally have some food?]

[Long live the emperor and thank you governor Scarlet.]

[Here on the grey star rations are already being delivered by the mecha warriors and RGB officers from door to door. We just didn't know that the emperor's hand was involved in this. Long live the emperor.]
