
The End of Childhood - Four (IV)

"...Indeed, there is some disagreement among us, because some have suggested that you can be won over, giving Hydral an additional pact head and us an extra helping hand." 

Wendigo stared at Seraphina: "But I, we believe, there is no need for that. Those people are also troublesome, so we acted first, and that's why... I've been lurking in your village for so long, just waiting for you to return." 

"An additional pact head for Hydral does not mean an additional helping hand, but rather... an added element of instability." 

"Moreover," the man paused and said emotionlessly, "you are not worth it."

You are not worth it. 

Those who, like me, are oppressed, who wish to annihilate those damned nobles, even to overthrow the empire, who should stand with me, yet they say this.
