
The Best Creation Of The Dark Magus

Listening to Rayna's words, Tilon needed to snap out of his daze. For a long time, he had been longing for a great shield made by the Dark Magus.

Especially after seeing the great effects Reno and Kizer had with their weapons. If anything, he was getting annoyed with them being rubbed in his face every day.

The anticipation was building in him, and now finally, he held the shield in his hands, but it needed to be used almost instantly.

Tilon looked toward Alba. "Great Shield, right now I need your help more than anything!"

Firmly Tilon held onto the shield, and used one of his well-known defensive techniques. He charged forward, driving his leg into the ground with it pointed in front of him.

The pointed edge of the bottom of the V-shaped shield ripped through the ground with each step he took. The Behemoth Clan members, seeing this, went to strike the shield.
