
A Confused Pigeon


Before I could reach for the door handle to open it, the door was pulled open and a brown eyed, long blonde haired woman with sun kissed skin appeared. She was tall, tall enough that she reached my shoulder with a slender body, white dress and slippers. Her smile was so big I would have thought she had just won the lotto and instead of staring at solely me her eyes were on Ethan. 

"Ethan!" she screamed and he looked up a bit startled. I expected him to stop her crazy self from running to him but instead he caught her and gave her a tight hug. 

My head recoiled back at the revelation. My lips in a jutted frown and my eyes suspicious as I watched his hands. They stayed on her waist luckily and never went lower. 

"Helena," he sounded surprised when he put her down, his eyebrows high, "I thought you said you went back to New York."
