
Vlad & Yavok


I knocked on Vasilisa's bedroom door late at night. She seemed to be on the phone and by the way she was giggling I was sure she was speaking to Christina. I waited for a few seconds before she let me in. 

I gently closed the door behind me then leaned against her couch as she finished up her conversation. After many 'I love you's and giggles she finally ended the call. "What do you want?" she did a complete volt face switching back to her cold self. 

"Have you heard from Ethan lately?" I twisted my lip as I casually looked out the window so she would not sense my inner turmoil. 

She shook her head, "He hasn't called me yet but we spoke through email. He has a bunch of meetings in the south, then he is going to Japan, South Korea and Hungary for a while. Seems he got some tip off of a huge contract that side so he's trying to bypass everyone before they can give it to anyone else. Why?"
