
You're Making It Obvious


When Uncle Ed said the caterers would be coming I thought he meant, they would drop off food then leave, not set up so that my other living room connected to the dining room would be converted for small party preparations. There were tables with different kinds of wines, sparkling wines, juice boxes, non-alcoholic beverages, finger food and a dessert pile. 

I was glad I picked a house with a large dining room because family gatherings like this always needed a lot of space and by the amount of chefs in my kitchen and servers running around I knew tonight was going to be a lot. Yet when Uncle Ed said he was throwing a celebration party, no matter how small it was, he always went out. 

Everyone would be arriving in an hour so I decided to head upstairs and take a quick shower. I trimmed my beard just a bit so it looked neater then ran some mousse through my hair so it was pushed back slightly to give me the clean CEO look. 
