
chapter 13- museum event (II)


"Oh, i forgot to tell you since you don't look like a person who hates museum. The cafe is near the museum."- Do i really look like a person who doesn't hate museums?. but i'm sure i hated museums in my previous life.


"Well, next to it would be more appropriate."

I knew it!!. I should have just stayed shut.

"D-do you not like museums?."- said a really glum en-woo

"YES!, I mean, no. It's just that.." come on Arin think of an excuse fast.

" I have some bad memories with it. I don't mind going in as long as we are away from the weapons section."

"Ok!!"-said en-woo cheerfully.

he's really sus. if I asked to be away from a specific part of a place, people would think that i'm hiding something there. why isn't he asking anything?.

by the way, Is this even a museum!?!?!?. I mean sure, it has all the historic stuff but, this one side of the museum was like a freaking mall??!?. And not even any small malls but a big one!!!!.

i'm pretty sure hajin never added a mall like this attached to the museum. 

" want do you want to order?"- en-woo asked once we reached the cafe. It seems like the event hasn't started yet.

" i don't know, you're the one who knows everything. You decide. " - i said giving en-woo a confused and pondering look.

" ok!, I know the best things you might like!!."

He's really getting on my nerves. why does he answer every single, damn question so cheerfully???. and most importantly, i should meet the writer fats and leave. being here won't do me any good. just then.


  ah shit. why am i so unlucky.

A thunderous sound reverberated through the museum. In an instant, everyone became silent.

Koong. Koong. Koong. Repeated thuds pulsed through the deathly silence.

but it was not near this part of the museum. that is until a wall next to the cafe broke down. a playful voice came from there.

"ehhh~~it broke~~, this is not fun anymore. I also want to come back brother!!!!."- said a very whiny voice. thought it was whiny, it felt dangerous.

Following the voice I crouched and hid from a audible distance from there. Eun-woo also followed me.

People were running around and screaming. some babies were also crying everybody was trying to run.

" you'r so noisyyyy, i'm thinking!!!!, so SHUT UP!!!!

as screamed his voice echoed and everyone fell silent.

"Oh!, i know!."- said the djinn in a cheery voice after a while of pondering.

After saying that out loud, the creature sat down with it's legs crossed and started .....playing?, no doing something with his necklace.

tch, what is doing?. Is he a djinn?, no question he seems like it. But wasn't there only one djinn in the museum event?. and most importantly how do i get rid of him?. 

"I think we need to get help. I will try to distract him while you escape and get some help."- eun-woo said as he looked at the djinn.

How brave, but reckless. With your stats you won't last a minute and you want to help. How pitiful.

[Park eun-woo(#####)]


Variable Stats

[Strength 3]

[Stamina 4.3]

[Speed 3]

[Perception 4]

[Vitality 3]

[Magic power 3.5]

*Invariable Stats

[Intelligence – 6/10]

[Perseverance – 7/10]

[Luck – 4/10]

[Charm – 8.5/10]


How pitiful indeed. but what's that'#' alongside his name?.

"What rank are you?"

"...1000, why do we need it anyway?"

"We do need it. My rank is 20, which means I'm stronger and i can protect myself. But you, you can't. So you do the evacuation."

"Stop joking, this is a serious moment arin-ssi."

"I'm not. I'm serious."

am serious. Well, maybe half serious. With my true power i can easily defeat this monster. His gift is a bit annoying but, nothing i can't handle.The biggest problem is the witness.

"This guy to be more precise."- i thought as i looked at eun-woo. It'll be really bothersome if anyone finds out.



just as he was about to say something a loud howl, came from behind.


This troupe of someone interrupting another person before they say something feels really nice when you read it. but when it happens right in front of you. it's really ANNOYING!!!!!. 

"There, now you take care of here. I'm leaving to be with my brother. make sure you have fun little guy."-as the playful djinn said that he left, flying from where he came.


this is going to be a big problem.

"LEAVE . NOW" - i said in a stern voice. eun-woo flinched a bit but, there a bigger things to handle.

"sigh....fine, but i will bring help as soon as possible. just hold on for few minutes and, don't get hurt."

Actually, I think it's better if you bring the 'help' as late as possible.

"only then will i be able to enjoy this."- i said smiling in a low voice after he left.

[monster ###### - Werbus ]


*Variable Stats

[Strength 5]

[Stamina 5]

[Speed 5]

[Perception 5]

[Vitality 5]

Hmmm, strange. maybe not but, why are all of it's stats the same and what's up with that name??. doesn't matter. what matters is.....THIS!!!.

[whip sword(?) -name(not decided) ]

hehehe, just thinking about it makes me feel happy. ah~~ I've been itching to use this.

*CRASH* ,the sound of big things throwed on top of Arin.

"UGH, you want to die so badly huh. fine, i'll be pleased kill you."

I took out the sword in my hand and rushed forward.


—A lot of time later—

huff...huff....ha, hahaha....

I feel so good!!!

I feel better after venting all of my frustrations on this monster. And even more better since I used the sword!!!!. 

"Wait, can it be called a sword." 

I said to myself as i took a chair to sit.

Who cares about that. What i should care about is the fact that how good this sword is. But, i wouldn't say that it's OP.

This sword has 2 functions in total.

One - It's able to turn into a whip or a splitting blade depending upon the amount of mana I use.

Two - It's customisation ability. Changing the colour, the weight, the shape, the design, you name it.

Awesome right?. Sadly this hunk of mana also has it's disadvantages. You'll know in a second, why i call this thing a hunk of mana.

All of these mechanisms here have it's disadvantages.

The first function's disadvantage is that to retain its form of either a whip sword or a split sword it needs mana. It's takes a lot of mana to change form, then constantly drains another small amount of mana every minute I keep that form. And I can't even use both the forms at the same time!!!. It's either a whip sword or a split sword.

The second function's disadvantage is that I can't customise the sword too much. If I do it'll be a hindrance to it's first function. And even the second function requires mana.

Well I don't use much of the second function apart from using it for easy carriage.

This thing needs a lot of mana. That's why i call this sword a hunk of mana.

I wouldn't even think of using this sword if it weren't for my mana stat.

Thankfully, my mana stat is very high. Guess it was worth it, investing more into mana more that anything. 

*BEEP. BEEP. BEEP*- a alarm came from Arin 's watch.

"Right on que."

I had placed a tracker on eun-woo that'll send me a message once he's in the 1000-800m distance.

"Well then, let's get ready."

As i said that I held a bag in my hand and ran towards the nearest restroom.

Ummm, sorry for the delay?

Ya, after a lot of useless worries and thinking (about the fight) I've decided to just remove the fight scene.

Is it fine????. I will add it more if you want to buy, just saying i don't know how bad that'll turn out.

Hope you enjoy the story so far.

And I'll appreciate it if you would speak out your opinions. Especially regarding the story right now.

ShuriOccreators' thoughts