
Chapter 58 Arrival_1

Although Dong Tianyu only visits the subway line refuge once every month or two, virtually no one, save for Dong Tianyu, enters through the entrance. As a result, the two young gatekeepers assigned by the street community have become familiar with him.

There's a warmth in their demeanor as Dong Tianyu approaches, and they greet him without replicating the initial precautions of summoning others to inspect his backpack.

Dong Tianyu takes out half a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and hands out two to each of them.

The gatekeepers accept the cigarettes from him naturally. They lift their ear protectors, tuck one cigarette behind their ears, and put the other one in their mouths.

Dong Tianyu doesn't offer them a lighter, but they don't seem to mind.

Although the old saying suggests, "providing cigarettes without a lighter equals mockery", at this time, even though fire is not a rarity, ordinary people rarely have access to matches or lighters.
