
Essence of the Lost Primarch.

By drinking form a vial of the Emperor of Mankind's blood, you have become one of his Primarch sons, taking the place of one of the two who would be erased from history.

You may choose to regain consciousness as a Primarch baby in the moment your pod hits your new home planet, or was a fully grown adult with a brief lifetime of memories at your disposal.

Because of the warp's wibbly wobbly timey wimey shenanigans, you may choose when in the timeline your gestation pod crash-landed. It can be anywhere from the war-torn age of the 30th millennium, to the war-torn, grimdark, ass-fuckery chaotic age of the 41th. However, no matter when you crash, your new home planet will be untouched by the imperium of man during that time.

If you choose to fall in the 30th millennium, the Emperor of Mankind will inevitably find you, but you may choose exactly when that will happen in accordance to the findings of your fellow Primarchs.

You may 'design' your new home planet and the culture of the human population in it, in any way you wish, be it as a mirror of one of the cultures from the old Earth, or something you came out entirely on your own. However, your homeplanet must have a challenge or several for you to overcome, for example; it can be periodically savaged by warp beasts, it can be an post apocalyptic wasteland, it can be dominated by a cruel race of Xenos and many more. Depending on the design your homeplanet, it will gain the designation of Death World by imperium scholars in the future.

As a Primarch you will grown at an accelerated rate, reaching the size of a tall adolescence within the first year of your life, and reaching your full maturity within 5 to 10 years, with your height anywhere from 3 to 5 meters (10' to 16' feet) tall.

You are excessively strong even as a baby. At full maturity your physical strength will be among the top of the Primarchs, allowing you to fight armies with your bare hands.

You can move blissfully fast, with unmatched agility and, if you try, unnatural grace, so much so that you will be able to easily keep up a fancy sword duel with an Eldar veteran of the War in Heaven if that somehow come to be.

Your resilience is extremely high; to the point your naked body itself could be considered an extremely strong armor. You can take an insane among of damage before you go down, and recuperate from all but the most grievous of wounds. As a baseline, you can survive something that would kill a Adeptus Astartes.

You have all the additional organs an Adeptus Astartes have; only yours are naturally grown and function at the highest efficient possible.

You mind in enhanced to the level of a supercomputer, allowing you to, for example; learn new skills in a matters of minutes or hours, make complex calculations about the coordinate of a space fleet in your head, bring wonderful innovations a field of study you are interested in, and many more.

You have a record of the collective knowledge of all humanity installed in your subconscious, including knowledge of the Dark Age of Technology. This may give you direct knowledge about a few subjects, but it will most likely appear in the form of intuitive grasps of 'new' technology or philosophies.

This will allow you to uplift a civilization from brozen years to a space faring state in a few decades.

Your will is unshakable and inviolable, this may show itself within aspect of your personality, but it affects or soul mostly. With this, you are highly resistant to the corruption of chaos, you will never fall or be tempted by it if it's not your own wish. Only a direct and continuous touch of a God of Chaos is capable of making you fall unwillingly.

You may choose to inherit the Emperor of Mankind's perpectual gene; with this your already high cellular regeneration becomes insanely fast and unnaturally efficient, allowing you to regenerate back to full health from a few cluster of left over cells if the needs be. This makes you virtually unkillable to all but the nastiest players in the galaxy.

The Emperor of Mankind created each Primarch to fill a role during times of war and out of it; you are no different. While your brothers already fill most of the roles the Emperor had in mind, there is two left for you to choose, these roles are flexible and not all encompassing, but they will affect you in a deep level, you may choose only one: The Successor: The Emperor of Mankind created you to succeed him when the time come. With this, your psionically might will be second only to the Emperor himself, and your spirit will gain the aspect of chaos anathema, making it utterly poisonous to the creatures of Chaos, thus making you completely immune to their corruption. You are destined to surpass the Emperor of Mankind someday, becoming the new milestone on Humanity's ever-growing evolution. You may even, after the appreciated amount of time and experience; evolve to a higher state of being similar to the Old Ones of the past. Or the Trump Card(Chosen): The Emperor of Mankind created you to be the ultimate weapon against Chaos, and also as a failsafe against himself if he ever stray from his path, or fall to the corruption of Chaos. Your soul now has become an Anti-warp soul, a unique type of soul that radiate a nullifying energy not unlike those of the Blanks. This 'Blank Energy' turn you into the great equalizer of the galaxy, utterly nullifying the might of Chaos by your presence alone, affecting Warp phenomenons, Warp creatures, or beings with a great connection to the warp like the greatest of the Blank would. Your control over this energy is unmatched, allowing you to lowering the effects to almost non-existent or directing all of it to an individual target. You may even use it as a improvised Gellar field for your spaceship if you need it, and with much training and time dedicated to it, you may become able to bask the entire galaxy in it, turning the warp back into the peaceful realm of soul from before, and nullifying Chaos back to it's harmless primordial state. Be warned though, this makes you the greatest threat against Chaos, even bigger than the Emperor himself, The Chaos Gods will certainly dedicate their undivided attention to your destruction if they ever realize it.

You have a legion of Adeptus Astartes made from your gene seed, essentially making them your sons, the legion number is either II or XI, you have to choose.

No matter what, they will worship the ground you walk on, and even if you greatly antagonize them or reject them entirely, they will still have a deep level of respect and admiration towards you.

Your legion share traits with you even before you are found, you may decide exactly what those traits are, but they must follow the aspects given to you by your role, one way or another.

Your legion will adapt itself to what you need/want. This will show in legion-wide changes in their doctrines, battle tactic and even culture, and on individual level; like a greenhorn neophyte growing to be a argumentative adviser, an apothecary becoming a deadpan smartass who had your best interest in mind, or a mechanicus turning into a fun-loving drinking buddy who you can decompress with. These changes are always natural, and seamless. The legion will also assimilate the parts or the entire culture of your homeplanet.

Your passage through the Warp was a baby has given you a set of mutations; these mutations are utterly invisible to the eye and will not be detected without throughout examination.

Your mutation make so your great Primarch penis will always fit the orifices of your sexual partner in the way that brings the most pleasure for both parties no matter the size differences.

Your mutations make your semen become highly nutritious and devilishly delicious.

Your semen also temporarily enhances your partner's physical and mental attributes after sex, and also gives them a cloak of Psychic protection against chaos. This cloak gives them a blank-like warp immunity if you chose the Trump Card as your role.

Your mutations make it so frequent exposure to your semen naturally increases your partner's life, slowing down or even stopping the passage of time over their cells, this essentially allow your lovers to live as much as you do, as long as they are getting some.

The need for more semen exposure to maintain their immortality decreases over the years, but never truly ceases.

Your mutations make it so you have a 1 in 100.000 chance of actually impregnating someone, in this case your child will born a naturally born Primaris Space Marines regardless if it's a boy or a girl. They will born the size of normal human babies, to much of their mothers relief, but will quickly grown to an appropriate size, though their grown is slower than a Primarchs.

If you chose The Successor as your role, this chance drops to 1 in 1.000.000, but your child will be a naturally born Primarch instead.

Your legion and any Astartes made from your geneseed will share all your warp mutation; they have a much higher chance of impregnating someone than you, though their children only will be taller-than-average enhanced human lacking the additional organs. The boys will make for perfect space marine candidates, however.

You now have an essence granted, perfect cloak over your out-of–the-universe knowledge and your true nature as an otherworld being. NOTHING is able to break through this cloak, and any that try will receive a different stream of information that perfectly fits the in universe narrative, and will be satisfied with it. The only way for anyone to discover that your true nature is for you to directly tell or allow them to see it in your mind. This also has the unintentional side effect of confusing any precognition vision that involves you, as the future shown will be a highly convincing fabrication created by the cloak. This essence power can be toggled on and off as you wish.
