

"It's great to see your again, senior. "Said the Waking Moon as she welcomed the Thunder Emperor to seat.

The Thunder Emperor looked at her in a weird manner. She was thousands of years old and he was not even one thousand years old.

She noticed the way he looked at her but she did not respond.

In the cultivation world ,power decided seniority and with him being in the chaos step ,he was clearly to be respected .This was before she even accounted for the fact that the Thunder Emperor had saved her father ,giving him the time he needed to reclaim his power and glory .If it was not for the Thunder Emperor ,she was sure that things would be much worse .Up to now ,she got shivers when she thought about how her family and all they stood for had almost come to an end due to the treacherous actions of her now dead brother .

She had killed him with her own hands but even now, she still felt that death was too good for this traitor.
