
Who let the dog out?

Arriving in front of the gargoyle, it moved aside without saying anything.

Guess he either has something to know what happens outside or observed me the whole night.

"Come in, Mr. Tonks.", he says before I could knock on the door.

"Headmaster, I found something you couldn't think of.", I say rather nervous.

Maybe I should have studied Occlumency, but I think he wouldn't think I lie, when I say something even he thought impossible.

"What would that be, my boy?"

"Peter Pettigrew!", I answer.

"Pardon.", he says perplexed.

"He is the animagus before you, sir.", I say while laying the cage on his desk.

"How would you come to this conclusion?"

"You can easily try it, but I found a peculiar map, that helped."

"Is that so.", he says, while staring at the rat. "Give me a moment."

"Sure, sir.", he made a corporal patronus that goes to either McGonnagal or Snape.

As it turns out after a few minutes, it was both.

"Albus what do you mean Pettigrew might be alive?", McGonnagal asks.

"Is the bastard here?", Snape simply questions.

"Yes, to both of you. But you should calm down, as you aren't the only ones here."

"Morning, professors.", I greet with a smile.

""Why is Mr. Tonks here?"", both say at the same time.

"Because I found him.", I answer.

"Care to enlighten us, Albus?"

"First I would like you both to test if the rat on my desk is an animagus. Either way there will be answers." , he replys.

McGonnagal uses a charm, I would believe to be the 'Homorphus' charm used by Lupin in the plot.

They should have probably put the rodent down on the floor, but most likely didn't believe it,

So now a nervous Peter Pettigrew sits on the desk. 

"May I introduce you to the traitor Peter Pettigrew.", I say.

"I can't believe it, Albus."

"Why do you say traitor, Tonks?", Snape asks me.

"He was the secret keeper of the Potters, so I would label him as a traitor, but you can name him otherwise, if you like."

"How do y..you know that?", Pettigrew opens his mouth for the first time.

"Wasn't hard to figure out, if you research a little. Sirius Black never got a trial, which I believe the headmaster initiated. His last words known was: 'I kill that traitor.' Now who could he mean, if he really was a spy? But what if he wasn't. Did you really believe an explosion could reduce a human being to nothing and only leave a finger behind. Well I didn't. And Mr. Blacks behaved to flashy. If he really was the secret keeper, he wouldn't behave like that, so I guessed he was the decoy."

"That's a nice theory, but can you prove that, brat?", Snape reacts.

"No. But you can with a little Veritaserum and by asking those questions."

"We will do that. Bring him to the tower and Severus please brew the potion. After finding out, we will have more questions, but for now you can go, boy."

"Sure thing, headmaster."

In the afternoon a few people from the ministry arrived and took Pettigrew away for trial.

The trial for both Peter and Sirius was held a week later and in response Sirius was hospitalised on cost of the ministry to gain his mental health back.

I wasn't asked to come to the trial, but had to explain to the staff again.

"Well Mr. Tonks it seems you were right. Now we have a couple of questions. I hope you don't mind answering them.", Dumbeldore begins the conversation.

"You would read my mind either way, which I don't like, but I would give you the truth either way."

My truth that is. And as I say this McGonnagal gives a stern gaze at the two men beside her: "Nobody uses 'Legilimency' on a student. Not without consent, do you two hear me."

Snape only grunts and Dumbledore tries to calm her down,

so to get us back on track I say: "Well what do you want to know?"

"Why did it interested you in the first place?"

"As you may know my mother and Mr. Black are cousins, so she didn't belief he did it and waited for the trial, which didn't happen. She also wanted to find out, but gave up, because somebodys signature on the paper reassured her the trial happened. Your signature, headmaster."

"I'm sorry for the past mistakes, but it seemed he was guilty at the time."

"So you only give murderers a second chance, but your followers will be sent to prison without trial?", I ask with an angry voice. That part is f*cked up no matter how often, I think about it.

"Watch your mouth, brat.", Snape says.

"I didn't know, I should lie here, professor.", I reply.

"Ahem. I would like to continue. How would you know the rat was Pettigrew?"

"Since the headmaster wants to divert the topic, I'll go ahead. I got a map from the Marauders that shows every being in the castle. Only rule it doesn't show the point of Marauders to outsiders. Now I found a living being that was not on the map. From the Marauders Mr. Potter is dead, Mr. Black was in prison and Mr. Lupins disease rule him out. So I thought of the supposedly dead Peter Pettigrew.", I fabricate a truth.

"Thank you, my boy. As you also leave the castle for winterbreak next week, you should prepare."

"Will do, headmaster. You should think about your morals some more. Professors.", I really wanted to criticise him on that point.

But he was right, I should prepare. I think mom wants us to meet her cousin over the break, so that is a conversation I look forward to.


A good way to start the new week,

Is with a new chapter.

I hope you enjoy.
