
First classes

Monday is the day with the most classes for me.

Because the number of new students is so low, for better or worse they put all four houses together.

It begins with my first class of Transfiguration. As I've known Professor McGonnagal would sit in her animagusform at the desk. I'm prepared for that and go straight to her.

Others in my situation would try to get in her good books by greeting her, but I had something else in mind.

"Whose cat is that, you should let your pet in the dorm.", I say to no one specifically and pick her up in my arms. Nobody answered and as she tries to get out of my arms, I get a toy, I made a thing asspecially for the kneazles for occasions they wouldn't listen, out of my pocket. Why it is special?

In the center is a small amount of catnip, that every cat loves, even my kneazles.

So you could watch a professor in catform in my arms playing with a toy I hold in my other hand.

If others knew they would either look shocked or crying and laughing till they faint.

In this situation, I search a seat for myself and as I sit down some girls move towards my direction to get a view on the playing cat. So started the lesson and it ended the same way, even though I put my toy back after 15 minutes. I think our deputy headmistress was to ashamed to transform and let anybody see,

she played the first quarter of our lesson with a toy in the arms of a student.

So she let me pat her till the end of class. But she didn't think it would end there or could she?

I naturally take her to the greenhouses where we now have a double-class Herbology.

The other students talk about, why McGonnagal didn't show up to her first lesson, but it doesn't concern me.

It shouldn't leave an effect on me.

But as soon as we enter the greenhouses, Professor Sprout sees her colleague in my arms and after doublechecking if it's really her, she says:

"Mr. Tonks, pets should be left at the dorm. Would you please bring it back."

"But it isn't my pet professor. I only keep an eye on her till the owner returns and it would be irresponsible

to let her stay alone, Madam Sprout."

"Then I put her in my personal office here. She can't escape and you tell the owner to get it from me."

"As you wish, professor."

Now finally started my first lesson at Hogwarts. I put the pressure on myself to at least do well

in Herbology and DADA. I already said, I could learn some beasthandling skills in DADA and

Herbology is important for the environment of the different habitats. Some herbivores also eat magical

plants, so I need to know enough about them, to not put them in danger like poisoning.

We first learned some safety measures and practiced the basic handling of puffapods.

With my knowledge from Claires tutoring in her herbal garden, I could easily do the task of trimming and earned my first 5 housepoints, even though I tried to hide my achievement from Professor Sprout to avoid trouble, but she checked on everybody, so no way against it.

After lunch I left for charms class and Professor Flitwick gave us an overview of the course this year before demonstrating a spell and its counterspell. Both 'Nox' and 'Lumos' charms can be done as undemanding as breathing by me, but I learned from past mistakes and first practice wand movements and the chants to make it look as if I need to put effort in. Didn't stop Professor Flitwick to give everybody who performed both this lesson 5 points, which are only three students including me. The rest had the homework to learn the spell they didn't achieve.

The last class of the day was DADA with the unknown professor.

"I, Patricia Ratepick, welcome you to your first class of Defense against the Dark Arts. This subject will teach you the handling of wild magical beasts and several spells for self-defense against dark wizards and their curses. If you want to survive in this world you should put your attention into this subject.

I was a curse-breaker at Gringotts and will teach you actual skills instead of some book like a lot of my predecessors. I have three tests to learn your abilities and in this lesson we start with the first: knowledge.

I know, I said practical knowledge, but if you can't differentiate between a niffler and a nundu and all skills are lost, so get your quills out and answer anything you can't. The other answers should be guessed by most likely answer, like you would in real life. On the paper are questions about some beasts and spells as well as some situations you face and describe what you would do within your current capabilities. Start now."

Test. How unlucky. Well magical beasts shouldn't be an issue for me, I think while turning the paper around.

I quickly answer the simple questions and take my time with the scenarios she prepared.

At the end of the class we hand our sheets in and get out.

The rest of the day I play with my familiars till dinner and turn in early for the night.

The next day is worse than yesterday for me. The reason? Double-class Potions in the morning and double-lesson History of Magic after lunch. A nightmare for any sane mind, I say.

Snape is a lousy teacher, so I get in the back of the class and because we are an odd number, I sit by myself.

Maybe me as a loner remind him of his schoollife, but he doesn't nag as much. It could also be because I didn't make a mistake with the 'Cure for Boils' potion, because Claire teached us. She even taught us her version which leaves smoother skin after the application.

I think I will either skip History of Magic in the future or lend some books in the library for self-study time.

The voice of the ghost professor Binns is the greatest lullaby, I ever heard.

So I simply read our book to maybe find some interesting things in it, but History isn't a subject I like to begin with, so the self-study should be about other classes. Maybe my personal time to make homeworks from now on. That's a great idea.

Astronomy wednesday evening wasn't that boring. We draw some star maps and constellations, the course shows we would learn about their influence on magic in the coming years, so that is something I look forward to. On thursday we now had really our first teached lesson on Transfiguration and McGonnagal started by apologising for last time, but didn't explained much. Because it was a double-class we had some time after her speech, on the risks of unsupervised transformation magic, to practice the match to needle transfiguration. I was thinking of another way to pat her catform and didn't hold back my magic.

Fortunately she saw my talent as genetic. I mean my sister is a metamorphagus, so it would be weird to be bad in it. At least that's what I think goes on in her head. I practiced a lot of transfiguration with Nymph, so it could be seen as effort more than talent, but I couldn't be sure, if the Black genes didn't give me an advantage.

Friday is relatively empty with only two classes charm. That is because in october we would have our Flying lessons on friday so the staff kept our timetable for the day short.

So passed my first week at Hogwarts, but I made plans to visit Hagrid this weekend.
