

"I can feel it John, the magic in me, the magic around me, the nexus point. They are all blaring like high alert alarms. I can feel something bad is about to happen but I don't.. I can't pinpoint on what." Billy rubbed his forehead while talking to John, explaining things the best way he could.

They walked on the mystical gardens of the House of Mystery's this time. Zatanna had teleported here along with Ragman, Fate, Alan Scott, Jason Blood and rest of the sentinels. They patiently sat inside, discussion amongst themselves the course of action while John talked to the champion.

"Billy you're old enough so I am not going to sugar coat shit for you. The spells of containment are weakening ever since your thicko fucking wizard up and vanished from the living plane. Once a spell is being undone, it's impossible to stop the process." Constantine sat down on a bench in front of Captain Marvel and lit another smoke.

"The magic is coming undone isn't it? The Eldritch awakening is happening, that's what you are saying. Right? I don't know how to stop this." The Captain closed his eyes and took a long breath, breathing the magic in and analyzing it once more.

"It cannot be stopped Champion. The Eldritch world will rest beside our own, the customs, the lives sealed, everything will come back but with that, the greatest evils known to sorcery will come back as well. The world once sealed behind the source wall by the Wizard Shazam himself will be back to the mortal realm"a deep baritone voice spoke from behind, one clearly belonging to the champion of the Lord of Orders, Dr. Fate.

"Tsk! You just couldn't fucking wait could you? Ya fuckin wank! But yeah, whatever he said" snarked Constantine, clearly irritated at Fate's interruption but went along nonetheless.


"The seals, the nexus, Merlin...the prison. No no no NOOO!" The two experienced sorcerers heard Captain mutter in horror, his eyes wide, lightning dancing around his frame.

"HE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK! GOOD JOB KENT. Bill, boy listen to-" Constantine carefully approached the Captain only to be cut off by a sonic boom as Captain Marvel took for the skies. The shockwave blew both of them back.

"DID YOU SELL YOUR BRAINS FOR POWER YOU STUPID FUCK! If our trump card goes AWOL, it's on you. The destruction of the universe will be on your bloody hands" Constantine screamed as he walked away from Dr. Fate.


Wonder Woman opened her eyes, still groggy after being captured by Circe. She tried to move only to find her ankle bracers clicked together and she was tied within her own lasso. "Damn you Circe!" She muttered in anger as she looked around herself. To her utter surprise, she wasn't alone. The rest of the Justice League was captured as well, except Captain Marvel.

"Plastic? Really? We are trapped in plastic?" Green Lantern spoke, annoyed beyond belief.

"Not regular plastic Lantern. Magic. I hate magic" Groaned Batman looking over to his best pal, Superman.

"There is only one man capable of this." He spoke.

"Luthor? He knows magic?" Flash added.

"No. Sivanna. As intelligent as Luthor but twice as crazy" Superman added bitterly.

"He found a way to fuse technology with magic. He is not someone to be underestimated." Batman concluded.

"Where is Billy?" Cyborg questioned. Trying to use is powers to override the tech but only his attempt to be negated by magic.

"I had left an emergence signal on the comms. He better have received it" Spoke Wonder Woman gaining the attention of everyone.

"How long have you been up? You're spookier than Bats here. PLASTIC! Really?" Lantern scoffed, clearly more irritated than he had ever been as it was only his cage that glowed yellow.

"He will be here. Trust me" Superman added.


Billy was panicking as he flew towards the Watchtower to alert the Justice League of the predicament. He had just exited Earth's atmosphere and flew towards the towers manual entry.

"Should've just used the boomtube at the booth. Tsk" Captain muttered.

"BATMAN! YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME!" He hurriedly flew towards the monitor only to find no one there but the monitor room glowing red. It was a signal that the League was captured.

"By Zeus, the whole league?" Billy muttered as he got to work on the monitor. Through the surveillance footages, he saw what happened. Bizarro & Metallo attacked and captured Superman, Sinestro and Lyssa attacked Green Lantern, Circe captured Wonder Woman, Psycho Pirate and Brother Blood took Cyborg. Reverse Flash and Parasite teamed up to capture Flash and Joker along with Scarecrow took Batman.

The wisdom of Solomon helped him piece the puzzle as he figured out where the league was being held. He immediately took off for the Legion of Doom's base.

I don't have much time. I'll have to end the charade as fast as I can. Billy broke the speed barrier the moment he left the tower and set foot into the open space.


"Oh great! He's not coming. Sivanna you fucking coward SHOW YOURSELF" Groaned the Lantern.

"Oh he is." Superman smirked, his ears caught the sounds of someone flying towards them at incredible speeds.

Soon the whole foundation of the establishment shook for all its worth as Captain Marvel came crashing in through the roof. The roof caving in as he flew down to where the legion members sat.

"Where are they?" Captain seethed.

"Where you shall be next Big Red" Sivanna laughed eerily as he disappeared in the shadows and the whole legion pounced towards the Captain.

The wall of the room where the League was captured shattered to bits and pieces as Metallo was thrown across the place with a punch effectively knocking him out. The league now had full view of the Captain against the entire legion.

Jokers too dangerous to be even given a minute to think Billy reasoned as faster than the blink of an eye he knocked the clown out only to be surrounded by the fear gas by Scarecrow. This made Batman's expression grim. "So what are the fears of the gods?" Scarecrow spoke only to find the gas to be inhaled completely by Marvel and blown right to his own face.

"Far too worse for you to handle" spoke the Captain as he zapped him unconscious. He then scanned the remaining legion members, Brother Blood, Parasite, Sivanna, Luthor and Pirate were missing. That left only the hard hitters.

"I don't have time for your antics, so sorry. This is gonna hurt" Captain spoke.

"Weee will seeee" Cheetah hissed as she dug her claws and left a deep scar on his back. She moved too fast for him to comprehend but the speed of mercury helped him the next instance she approached.

Billy was holding back but not as much as he usually would. One uppercut and a knee to the face was all it took to take the Avatar of the hunt down.

Reverse Flash came out of nowhere and punched Captain square in the jaw, sending him careening across the hall. Marvel groaned as he stood him and evaded another one of Thawne's punches. "You're fast, I'll give you that. I am faster" the villain spoke as before the Captain could react he was behind him. He phased his hand straight into the Captain's chest. In the last possible second Captain turned himself intangible and stomped Thawne's foot with enough force to shatter the ground and every bone in his body at the same time.

"As I said, I don't have the time" Billy seethed again. Billy grabbed Thawnes broken legs and hurled him across the hall with such strength that the speedster broke 5 walls before dropping unconscious.

"H-he's being brutal." Flash commented from inside the cage.

"BILLY LOOK OUT" Superman screamed as he saw Bizarro make a move. Superman's scream threw Captain off his game for a minute. It was all the time it took for Bizarro to hit Captain. The shockwave was powerful enough to bring the whole place down.

Bizarro flew after the Captain "YOU AM NOT BEING TROUBLE" he screamed as he punched Captain Marvel towards the ground.

Billy hardly had the time to react to any of these hits. It's like being hit by Superman when he's not holding back. Billy cried inside his head. He saw the next punch coming, he blocked it with his bare palm and retaliated with a punch of his own. The shockwave turned the crater he was on wider and broke several trees by the sheer air pressure. He flew towards the inverted Superman clone.

"You have his powers" Captain spoke as he punched Bizarro right under the chin. Sending him straight towards the sky.

"You have his strength, his speed, his durability" Captain was above Bizarro in a second, his eyes glowing blue and fists coated with Zeus's lightning. He clamped his palms together and struck the creature right in the chest, earning a wrenching scream of pain from Bizarro.

Bizarro was sent crashing to the ground like a missile, the moment he hit the ground there was a crater formed all across the jungle. His body jittered with magical lightning seizing his muscle movements. The skies were now covered with clouds as the lightning flashes increased. In the middle of the sky, above him floated the Captain, lightning dancing all around himself. Marvel was beyond just pissed.

Then there was another sonic boom from where Captain flew towards the creature "BUT YOU'RE NO SUPERMAN!" Billy screamed as his fist struck Bizarro's cheek. The hit was so powerful that a massive shockwave of air and lightning shook the entire forest to the core, widening the crater Bizarro was on tenfold, knocking the monster out.

The lightning shockwave hit the cages, immediately dismantling them and freeing the league.

Superman looked towards the Captain Marvel with shock. He never even fought me this way when I was under Red Kryptonite's effect. Everyone looked towards Captain Marvel with shock. No ond, NO ONE had ever seen Billy go off this way. Only Batman looked at Captain Marvel with a contemplative glance.

"There's something going on with him. There's something bigger going on. He kept screaming how he doesn't have time" Wonder Woman spoks, now free from her binds thanks to the Green Lantern.

Captain Marvel flew straight towards Diana, with a very serious look on his face. Unlike the usual cheery ones he always wore. "I need your help Diana, right now. Please give me your hand"

Wonder Woman did so but before she and the rest of the league could ask a question, Billy teleported the two of them.
