
Chapter 954: Over 30 Sudden Heart Attacks

Outside the mansion.

A Lincoln had stopped at the front gate.

The housekeeper quickly approached and opened the car door. A tall and handsome man emerged from the car, his mixed-features striking and sculpted, exuding a rugged impression. Oddly, his tea-colored eyes seemed to smile, softening the intensity of his chiseled facial features.

This time, the usual tender smile that clung to his lips was missing. Instead, he showed a helpless expression as he unbuttoned his suit and said to the housekeeper, "Is it another setup this time?"

The housekeeper swiftly raised his head, then immediately lowered it again, "The Old Lady has invited a few Misses over for tea."

He seemed to say nothing, yet he revealed everything.

Edward Jackson had come back for one reason: the Old Lady had called him saying she felt heart discomfort, a line he had heard no less than thirty times. Each time he hurried back, it was the same old trick—matchmaking!
