
Striking Similarities

Once high emotions soothed over, the deities settled themselves once more into the discussion about Houyi the criminal. Since half the deities present had never interacted with the twisted man, it was decided that those who had met him before, will allow the others to peer into their memories.

Truthfully, the Sky God was worried about the Moon Goddess's mental health. The deity was being hit with some of the most traumatic instances from her immortal life– All within the stretch of a few short hours.

It was unfair to repeatedly overwhelm her with hurtful reminders from the past.

"Moon…" he started carefully, as he turned to face her. "If you want to sit this one out, no one would blame you."

Axel agreed with this, as he mumbled, "For real. I wouldn't want to see my ex-husband's ugly mug either, if you get my drift."
