
The Huli-Jing

The pounding of her footsteps against the hard ground gradually began to recede in speed. Within the next few moments, the woman came to a complete halt. 

The rabbit shifter wouldn't have done so, had she not realized that her shoes were completely destroyed. Gravel had been biting at the soles of her bare feet for quite some time now. Were it not for her shifter healing abilities, her legs would've been quite bloody and scraped bare.

Expelling rapid breaths while her heart thumped harshly against her ribs, Tuzi wiped a layer of sweat from her forehead. 

For the first time in days, her wary eyes assessed her surroundings which were largely covered by thick brushes of forest. The rabbit shifter had lost track of how long she had been running, without taking adequate breaks or intaking any source of nourishment. She was now able to acknowledge that exhaustion was finally setting in.

Where was she? Nothing looked familiar to her. 
