
Chapter : 22 : Archers! Battles!

Third Person P.O.V

A small group of people make their way across a treacherous mountain pass, a river flowing far down below the cliffside which the path this group is currently traversing is built upon. This very group consisted of a man who shone like the sun, an archer who seemed eternally downcast, along with a young blonde girl, and a Mage who quite frankly was way too flashy for a supposed stealth mission, donning a pure white cloak and constantly spewing out flowers.

Merlin: Who's writing this?! Fou?!

Lily: Merlin? What are you shouting for? 

Merlin: Excuse me, it's nothing. 

Gawain: It would certainly be good if it were nothing, but if you were to constantly scream out in anger at something unknown our position would be at risk, no?

Tristan: I agree as well, if we were to be revealed this early on it would be certainly a tragic fate...

Merlin: I'm serious, it's nothing! Nothing! Besides, I cast some spells earlier. Unless Morgan specifically has an eye out for us, we should be perfectly safe.

Lily: Ooh! Magecraft sounds so cool! Can you teach me some?

Merlin: Well... it would be helpful... but I think we need to focus on your sword studies-

The young King of Knights suddenly looked saddened by the fact she would not be able to cast fireballs or some other forms of magic, and seeing this, the Knights of the Round immediately sprung to action.

Gawain: Do not fret, my King! I may not be the most talented with swordplay among the Knights, but I am certain I can take up the task!

Tristan: I also offer to teach her. While my fame with the bow is highly regarded, I have not let up on my sword skills either. It would be very saddening to see our King's hopes dashed at such a young and bright age...

Feeling the pressure of the Knights, Merlin relented and simply let out a thumbs up in agreement. To which, the young Artoria positively leaped with joy and hugged both Gawain and Tristan in thanks. The Knights did not expect this outcome, but it was nonetheless welcome. Of course, however, Merlin was left out of it once more.

Merlin: Ahem! We should be going soon, while we are still undetected, I can't say the same for the others. 

Gawain: Ah, my apologies. It would be unfitting of us to unnecessarily put a strain on the others who are fighting valiantly to buy us time.

Tristan: Indeed, we should hurry. While it pains me to say this... we are the ones at a major disadvantage on all fronts...

The mood has suddenly dampened, but as if a light shining where even the sun was extinguished, Artoria spoke once more.

Lily: I-I don't think we're at a disadvantage! Sir Gawain is very strong! Sir Tristan as well! Even if Merlin acts a little shady, I think you're cool too!

Tristan: My king... such praise... is undeserving...

Gawain: To have such expectations of us... I can only say I will try my utmost to not disappoint you.

Merlin: Ah, it is nice to be praised every now and then. Though I could really do without the subtle attack on my character...

Seeing her knights and mage now in much higher spirits than before, Lily smiled and with a raise of her fist cheerfully shouted out.

Lily: Alright! Now we aren't all gloomy! Let's go and win!

Gawain: As you command, my King!

Tristan: As you wish, my king!

Shining even brighter than they began, Gawain, Tristan, and Artoria Lily happily marched onwards completely ignoring once again that this was indeed a stealth mission. Merlin simply sighed before a small smile appeared on his face, this was an isolated mountain pass that saw next to no one ever use it after all.

Merlin: ( Well... I guess it's fine to let loose a bit. Since... this may be the last time we can laugh and mess around like this... )

Picking up his pace Merlin caught up with the trio walking ahead of him. Morale and hopes higher than ever, it seemed as if no one could stop the up-and-coming King and her followers. Yet far away, unaware even to the Magus of Flowers, were the enemy coming to dash the hopes and crush the dreams of the young King. 


The sound of wind blowing past and a loud boom echoed throughout the sky, jets roaring akin to the echo of a mighty beast soaring through the air.

Melusine: Approaching targets. Preparing to intercept.

Barghest: I can just about see them too. Though... what's up with that talking style of yours?

Melusine: Ah, you noticed? I-Is it not... cool? 

Barghest: I mean I can't say it isn't... it does have a certain professional and knightly flair to it!

Melusine: You too see its appeal! Good! Ah. Ahem! Targets in sight. Approaching rapidly.

Barghest: There they are! To see Sir Gawain himself! This is amazing- I mean to fight our Proper Human History counterparts... this is an excellent opportunity!

Melusine: Agreed. Now, wait until I lower our altitude to drop in-

???: A... A... Ah..

Before the Fairy Knight could finish her sentence, however, metallic clinking was heard as a figure coated in shadowy black jumped off the rather tiny girl's back, all the while letting out strange noises. How Melusine could carry someone nearly triple her height and this mysterious figure? Well, it simply came down to draconic strength and power. 

???: Ahhh... AhhHHhh! AHHH!!!! AhhhHHhHhHhHH!!!!!! ARTHURRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeing as the hopes of a more coordinated surprise were shattered by the shouts of the being who had just jumped from a height above the clouds with no worry, Melusine dived downwards at incredible speeds to follow. As the three approached from the sky, the party of four down below in the mountain pass was still unaware for now.

Lily: Woah! So you're telling me the future has a knight even stronger than you? Is that even possible?!

Gawain: It certainly is. Sir Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake. A gallant figure whose skill with the sword and all manner of weapons was unmatched. Even I, invincible under the sun, could not best him in a duel. 

Lily: He sounds so strong... yet... it's a bit scary to think there is someone like that...

Gawain: Haha, do not worry! Despite what became of us Knights later on, I am certain that if we were graced by his presence in this war we find ourselves in, he would no doubt be one of our greatest allies!

Tristan: Yes... what happened later on was tragic... but that is the past. Any other Knight of the Round Table appearing here would be a blessing.

As if answering these wishes, a presence made itself known. A presence that Merlin had noticed long before the others had. A familiar presence that would be more than welcome anytime. If it were not clear that something was... off about it...

Merlin: Everyone! Watch out-

Cutting off his warning, a scream was heard. A shout filled with blood-curdling rage and hatred. Echoes of something that could scarcely be called a man anymore. They were more so the calls of a beast that ran upon only instinct and a thirst for blood. The source of this noise, a knight in black, approached like a raging meteor from above. 



Gawain: Sir Lancelot?!

Tristan: No... this is something else...

Gawain, Tristan, and Artoria stood in shock as their up-until-now peaceful march was interrupted. As for Merlin, he was nearly thrown over the edge of the cliff deflecting the initial blow of Lancelot even with him using Excalibur and the Knight of the Lake using nothing but a crude rusted sword. 

Merlin: It really is something else! So would anyone mind helping out poor little old me over here?!

Lancelot: AGgGHhHHhhH!!!! ARRRRTHURRRRRR!!!!!!!

Snapping out of his daze, Gawain was the first to act. Jumping in between the struggling Merlin and advancing Lancelot. Adeptly deflecting a blow that would have otherwise taken Merlin's arm followed by a powerful kick, Gawain sent Lancelot flying backwards. But like a raging beast, Lancelot dug his clawed gauntlets into the floor and charged forward again.


The ring of metal on metal resonated through the air as Gawain and Lancelot clashed again.

Gawain: Sir Merlin! Sir Tristan! Take the King and run! I shall hold him off here!

The Knight managed to speak out despite holding back what could only be called an embodiment of pure rage fused with inhuman levels of skill. However, this did little to calm the nerves of the still young and innocent Artoria, even if Tristan and Merlin were more than ready to follow through on what he had asked.

Lily: B-But! You said even you couldn't beat him!

Gawain: That I did- tch!

Lancelot: AHHHhhHhHhHhHH!!!!!

Nearly taking a blow straight to his head, Gawain managed to barely block it using Galatine, his variation of holy sword.

Gawain: However! That was after the sun had left the skies! As I said...

Lancelot: ARTHURRRRR!!!!!!!

Lancelot began charging forward once again, picking up an old signpost in one hand and carrying his rusted sword in the other. Yet Gawain stood firm, taking a stance and holding his sword as if he were drawing it from its sheath, he swung at Lancelot. A wave of flame surged forward and the blackened Knight of the Round Table had no choice but to jump into the air to avoid it.

Gawain: So long as the sun shines...

Taking the opportunity in which Lancelot had no defensive or evasive options at his disposal, Gawain let out a mighty downward strike infused with massive amounts of flame and struck at Lancelot who could only block. This may have mitigated the strike itself, but not the might of the fires that were carried behind it.

Lancelot: AghhHhhHhHHH!!!!!

The force from attempting to block the blow combined with the flames sent Lancelot flying straight into the ground, burning and screaming. Landing on the ground, Gawain stood proud and strong. Looking back to his King, he let out a warm smile as if to tell her that all would be alright in order to calm the young girl's nerves, in addition to his reassuring words.

Gawain: I cannot be defeated!

As he said that, a wall of flame erupted between him and the rest of the group.

Lily: S-Sir Gawain! Wha-

Cut off from attempting to help her future Knight, Tristan picked up Artoria in a bridal carry and began running forward. 

Tristan: As he said, Sir Gawain cannot be defeated under the sun. I ask you to put your faith in his words. 

Lily: Alright... I'll believe in him! 

Tristan: That is good. However, what isn't good is... 

Turning his head to look behind him, the Knight saw someone who clearly should have been more than capable of running on his own or using some form of magecraft to keep up.

Tristan: Why are you clinging onto my back?! Can you not run on your own?!

Merlin: I'm a caster! Caster! A magus! Do you know how hard it is to run when you spew out flowers all the time?!

Tristan: That is-

Lily: Wah! Watch out!

Looking back ahead due to Artoria's shouts of concern, Tristan barely managed to stop his running momentum before a towering figure landed right in front of them, kicking up so much dust that only their silhouette was visible. In the next moment, another smaller figure landed, jets roaring and blasting away the dust, revealing the two Fairy Knights.

Melusine: Fairy Knight Lancelot. I am here to kill you all.

Barghest: Fairy Knight Gawain! I'm here to take you all head-on and smash you all to little bits! ( It's a shame I couldn't fight Sir Gawain however... )

But before the two Fairy Knights could advance and crush their opposition, a red spear flew forward and landed right between the two groups. In the next instant, a woman with long purple hair and piercing red eyes made herself known, picking up her spear and twirling it in addition to another identical one she also wielded.

Scathach: I do hope I'm not too late to the fight. I was looking forward to this battle greatly.

Lily: Lady Scathach!

Tristan: Ah... it seems not all hope is lost.

Merlin: Phew... here I thought we were goners...

This relief would soon be cut short, as Melusine blasted forward and with a powerful blow, knocked Scathach away from the group. Scathach was not so easy to go down, however, and began her own offensive. Locked in a duel of what would be two Lancers, the only ones left standing off against each other were Artoria Lily, Merlin, and Tristan facing  Barghest.

Barghest: Well... seems like they'll be busy. So guess it's just me and you guys now- oh? Oh? You... the red-haired one... I remember you! You're that weakling I crushed from before!

Tristan: Hmm? I'm afraid I can't recall ever being defeated by the likes of you...

Barghest: I do though, and I can't help but say... you were disappointing. 

Tristan: I see... I am sad to see that I disappointed you as an opponent in battle. However, I assure you that even if I cannot recall this event you speak of... I will not lose so easily.

Barghest: Hahaha! Still confident this time too! Alright then, come! Face me! Let's see if you feeble Proper Human History knights can hold a candle to us this time!

Tristan: But one thing does weigh on my conscious since this is rather unchivalrous of me... I am not alone in this fight.

Barghest: It doesn't matter! I'll crush you all the same! Come one! Come a dozen! I'll thoroughly burn and rip you all to shreds! 

Tristan: Very well then... though it pains me, I cannot take any chances. Let us go! Sir Merlin! My King! Let us grasp our chance at victory here and now!

Merlin: Well said! Though I can't really die, I really don't want to see what that witch has in store for me!

Lily: A-Alright! I'll give it my all!

Barghest charged forward, roaring with power and flames. Tristan strummed a beautiful tune of death with Failnaught, Merlin prepared to cast various offensive and defensive spells, and Artoria braced herself for her first real fight. However, unexpectedly, a beam of black and red energy sent the Fairy Knight flying before the battle had truly begun. 

Barghest: What the-?! Who did that?! Come out here and face me!

???: I did. Really... is this all there is to you Fairy Knights? I expected more. How... pathetic.

A woman stood on higher ground, pale blonde hair and a black dress swaying in the wind. A sword of pitch black and blood red emanating with ominous energy in hand. 

Lily: What's happening?

Tristan: This... it can't be...

Merlin: Well even I couldn't have seen this coming... ( Though this means that more summonings occurred, and that's either a good thing or a bad thing... or both... )

Seeing this new foe, Barghest leaped at her, only to be swatted aside and blasted with yet another beam of dark energy. 

Lily: Uh... who is that?

Tristan: I can't say for certain, but I have a feeling.

Merlin: Well allow me to explain! That woman right there, that cruel yet kingly figure who's swatting away our enemy like a fly...

Barghest shook her head, and picking herself up from the crater and readjusting her grip on her sword, began her charge again.

Barghest: That much is nothing! I'll kill you!

???: Really? Then come at me. This is a good opportunity to educate you.


Once again, the Fairy Knight was blasted away with ease. Though, mostly unscathed, seeing as the sun was still out. 

Merlin: Is none other than the darkened and corrupted King of Knights! Artoria Alter!

Tristan: It seems I was correct in my assumptions. To see her like this though... how sad...

Lily: That's me?!

The visor covering the corrupted King of Knights facelifted, revealing a face only a saber could have. 

Salter: I could do without the unnecessarily flashy introductions, Magus of Flowers. 

Merlin: Sorry, sorry. But just what is someone like you doing helping us out?

Salter: Nothing in particular nor do I feel like entertaining your nonsense anymore. Go and run off already. I'll take care of the situation here. 

Lily: Can I ask you someth-

Salter: No. Even if you are technically me, be quiet and run off already before I change my mind. I'm just here because I felt like beating some weaklings to a pulp and spitting that bitch for fun. Got it?

Lily: O-Okay ma'am... ( Grown-up me is scary... )

Tristan: Understood, my Ki-

Salter: Shut it and screw off.

Merlin: Alright! I think we've gotten the message she's trying to say! So let's all just... run away!

Lily: Again? I feel bad though...

Tristan: Please do not feel guilty about this. It stems from my inadequacy as your knight. I shall take the shame of this retreat! So let us continue onwards! ( This is cowardly... but it is for the sake of the King's future! )

With that the remaining trio, once again using Tristan as a vehicle, ran off. The sounds of battle being left behind them once more...

Salter: I'll annihilate you. So come to me if you wish.

Barghest: Like that is going to happen! I'll burn you to a crisp first! Die!




The sounds of more blades clashing filled the air. However this time it was not the Knights of a long-gone Lostbelt and Proper Human History clashing that was the source, but countless swords breaking and striking each other. A man dressed in black and red wielding a bow shot forth unusual projectiles at another who was eerily similar to him in a way.

EMIYA: Talk about a real pain in the ass...

The person on the receiving end of swords turned projectiles wiped some blood off from his mouth and spoke.

Muramasa: If ya wanna talk about being a pain in the ass... shooting swords at me nonstop seems like a bigger pain if you ask me! Use the damn swords how they're supposed to be used!

EMIYA: I'm not so much of an idiot that I'd try to engage in close combat when I have the ranged advantage. 

Muramasa: Tch. It was worth a shot! Guess I'll just keep at it!

EMIYA: Hah... stubborn to a fault... just like that idiot... 

Muramasa: Huh? What's that yer' mutterin' about over there?

EMIYA: It's nothing. Let's just get back to fighting.

Muramasa: Alright then! Here I go! I'm warnin' ya, this time I'm going all out!

As Muramasa charged forward, EMIYA shot out various arrows, swords, and other things that were probably not meant to be used in this fashion from his bow. But as the projectiles approached Muramasa, with a simple swing of his katana, they were either blown back or shattered completely.

EMIYA: What the-

Muramasa: Told ya I was givin' it my all this time! Though...


The katana shattered into bits and pieces right in Muramasa's hand.

Muramasa: The swords don't really hold up all too well when I use em' like this.

EMIYA: I see... thanks for telling me your weakness, then.

Muramasa: Hah? Weakness? I think yer mistaken! 

Summoning a sword into his hand, Muramasa tossed the blade into the air almost immediately. This confused EMIYA who was about to shoot more projectiles in order to stall the red-haired swordsmith, yet it didn't stop him, so he continued the barrage on the seemingly defenseless Muramasa.

EMIYA: ( I don't get what he's trying to do... I should watch out... )

Muramasa: It ain't a weakness! Like a blade, ya just gotta learn how to use it right!

As the sword flipped in the air, at one precise moment, the handle aligned itself horizontally to Muramasa, and at that exact moment... he punched it. This sent the sword soaring like a bullet through the air. The katana-turned makeshift arrow cut a path straight through all the weapons EMIYA shot out as if they weren't there. It flew so fast that EMIYA could only barely dodge, a cut appearing on his cheek.

EMIYA: The hell... happened to using swords like how they're supposed to be used?!

Muramasa: Well ya gotta be a little flexible in battle, don't cha think?

EMIYA: As if having that bastard's face wasn't a headache enough...


A girl with white hair and yellow eyes burst through a stone watchtower set up just on the outskirts of Morgan's kingdom. Flying backward along with the rubble was another girl with white hair, except for the fact she had lilac-colored eyes. This was Purifier, serving under Morgan le Fay. Along with her opponent, Enterprise, working under Merlin.

Purifier: Heya Actually Satan! How's it looking over here?

She cheerfully proclaimed as she did somersaults to dodge the arrows that Enterprise was letting loose. 

EMIYA: Actually...

Muramasa: ...Satan?

The two stood confused at this chaotic girl's interruption of their fight and her weird nickname that she had seemingly at random just given out for no apparent reason.

Purifier: Don't mind the little nickname- woah! That was a close one! Too bad you missed though!

Enterprise: I didn't.

Purifier: Don't be a sore loser! You missed! Totally missed-

The Siren's taunting was interrupted by the sounds of propellers whirling and bullets firing. Bullets promptly tuned the pale girl's torso into Swiss cheese.

Purifier: Well... Ow! Hey! Hey! Why are there even more planes!? This is cheating! Cheating!

The tables had suddenly turned, now Purifier was the one left dodging and weaving to avoid the hail of bullets that Enterprise had sent out. Though as a Siren, Purifier wasn't too affected by being riddled with bullet holes. Something Enterprise wasn't as lucky to have as she clutched a burn wound from a laser that hit her earlier on her side. 


As if to add insult to injury, a battleship shell that Enterprise narrowly avoided blew up right behind her, nearly causing her to fall over into the dirt. 

Enterprise: This... Iron Blood?

Bismarck: Guten Tag, and that's right. ‌I am the Iron Blood battleship entrusted with the name Bismarck.

Enterprise: You... what are you doing siding with the Sirens?

Enterprise let out a harsh glare at Bismarck, the two in a stand-off as battles still raged around them. Explosions, flying swords, and Purifier maniacally laughing in the background, all adding to the tension and suspense as the two shipgirls stood opposite of each other. Finally, the first to speak was Bismarck in response to the American shipgirl's question. 

Bismarck: It's simple. In a world without humanity to defend or the existence of our factions, the only thing I have left to do is prove that Iron Blood engineering is the best in the world, even on a battlefield like this. 

Enterprise: A reason like that is why you're working with them?

Bismarck: Tell me, do you have any more grand or just reasons then? You're simply following the orders of the first person you saw in this strange new world, no? There are no people to protect here. There is no looming threat of Sirens. Just a war we find ourselves in and us serving in it as weapons.

Enterprise: That's- I...

Bismarck: You see it now? There is no betrayal or noble cause here, just sides to a war. So let's keep it at that and do what we do best. Fight. 

Enterprise: Alright then. You're right, I'll admit that. So let me show you just who is the superior weapon here.

Bismarck: It is good that we could come to an agreement. However keep in mind, I am not so easily impressed. So I am looking forward to what the supposed best of the Eagle Union has to offer. 

With that Bismarck fired a deadly rain of shells from her cannons, Enterprise nimbly dodging and shooting out arrows of her own in response, which soon turned to planes. Normally, this would be a disadvantageous situation for Bismarck, but luckily Purifier was taking on the majority of the fighter planes in the sky. Thus, they were at a more equal level in combat.

As these battles continued, even more bloodshed and battle raged on across the lands. Standing alone and holding a sniper rifle to her side, was Koyanskaya. She faces off against two opponents, one of which is her former ally. In front of her was a middle-aged man in a black suit, and beside him, a young girl with grey hair wearing a cloak.

Koyan: Really... to think I'd get betrayed like this. How troublesome~

Flicking aside a cigarette and stomping on it, the middle-aged man spoke up. This was none other than Waver Velvet, also now known as Lord El-Melloi II.

Waver: For being outnumbered and betrayed, you don't sound too concerned.

Koyan: Really? But can't you see just how hurt and scared I am? Can't you~ Especially when a cutie like Gray over there almost immediately left me after seeing you... it hurts~

The girl besides Waver, Gray, began to feel guilty for switching sides so suddenly despite her loyalties lying to Waver in life and in the present.

Gray: I- uh... sorry! But please understand where I'm coming from!

Koyan: Alright! I understand!

Gray: Really?

Koyan: Of course I do! I understand you have switched sides and you are now our enemy! So as a beloved secretary and representative of NFF services... I'll make sure to blast your brains all over a wall with my sniper rifle here!

Gray: S-Scary!

Waver: Calm down. Getting riled up and your morale low before a battle isn't a good thing. 

Gray: Sorry, I'll do my best to stay calm.

Waver: Good, now... to think I'd ever say this again... I guess there is some good from all this chaos. Now! Rider!!!!

The sound of hooves was heard and thunder crackled as a chariot appeared before the three. A tall and muscular man bearing tanned skin along with crimson red hair and a beard of the same color riding atop the chariot. Laughing boisterously he pulled his sword from it's scabbard and raised it to the air. 

Waver: Good to see you again... Rider.

Iskandar: Boy- well not really boy anymore... well! We can settle that later! For now... let us conquer our enemies, that city ahead of us, and the grail all in fell swoop!

Waver: That's all well and good, but shouldn't we take conquering a little slower?

Iskandar: Hahahahahaha! You are right there! It seems as my trusted subordinate you've only gotten better with time! So, let me ask you this! Who is the first foe I must crush on my path to conquest?

Waver: Isn't that obvious? It's the one right in front of us.

Iskandar: I'm just making sure, it'd be a shame to accidentally crush our allies underfoot. Now, let us ride!

Picking up both Waver and Gray in one go, the King of Conquerors tosses them in the Chariot and rides straight towards Koyanskaya, with the intent of trampling her.

Koyan: My authority doesn't work too well in this era... so this is a troubling situation...

She said while feigning despair, and as Iskandar approached, that gloomy look soon transformed into one of sadistic glee.

Koyan: For you that is! My employer was rather kind and let me test out some of her brand-new products! Let me know what you think of them as the playtesters of our brand-new Super Enforcement Knights™! All are teleported and delivered instantly as a courtesy of the BB mailing service all for free! 

Iskandar: A sales pitch in the midst of battle? Hahahahaha! That's interesting!

Waver: More so it seems she isn't right in the head...

Gray: I remember those! They're tough! Be careful!

Iskandar is forced to make a sharp turn to avoid crashing into the heavily armored knights wielding guns that clearly do not fit a medieval setting or chivalric code in the slightest. Weaving through the sky and ground, they manage to dodge the hail of bullets for a while until one finally hits one of the bulls dragging the chariot along, knocking it to the ground.

Waver: Shit...

Gray: Are you alright?!

Waver: I'm fine... but what about-

Iskandar: I'm just fine. Don't worry about me. 

Waver: I'm worried about all of us. It seems we're in a rather prickly situation. 

Iskandar: That we are...

Surrounded on all sides by Enforcer Knights, clearly modified beyond what normal humans are capable of. Wearing modified armor that appears to be powered, along with a massive rifle far too big for any normal person to wield. These towering soldiers a clear combination of various technologies and magecraft to craft the most formidable infantry in service of Morgan.

Waver: So what are we going to do now?

Gray: Is this the end? We're completely surrounded...

Iskandar: The end? Hmm... no can do! My conquest is far from over! 

Raising his sword into the air, Iskandar shouted out as if he wasn't in a life-threatening situation a business proposal of sorts.

Iskandar: Fox Lady! I'll extend one last olive branch to you. Join us and bask in glorious victory!

Koyan: Tempting as that is... I've signed a contract. Even if some people may disagree, I assure my clients I am positively loyal! Which is why I'll have to decline that offer of yours right now.

Iskandar: I see... that's a shame then.

Koyan: If anything, shouldn't I be the one making such an offer? You're all alone and outnumbered! You three are all alone in a hopeless, dire, and miserable situation, no? 

Iskandar: Alone? Hopeless? What nonsense! I am not alone! For I am a King and a King never stands alone! For his will equals that of all his followers combined!!!! Ionion Hetairoi!

To outsiders, it would appear as if they had all vanished. But to them after a blinding flash of light, they were now in a desert, a wide and endless desert. The roar of uncountable soldiers roaring behind Iskandar as Waver couldn't help but find himself wearing a smug grin. Gray was positively confused while Koyanskaya was grinning with joy.

Iskandar: I am not alone nor outnumbered! For every warrior who served me in life is with me even now! With my trusted advisor at my side, victory is assured!

Waver: That I can agree with. It'd be best if you surrender now.

Gray: I think so too! Surrender!

Yet despite the tides turning with her now being outnumbered at least over a hundred to one, Koyanskaya could only let out a subtle smile brimming with murderous intent.

Koyan: Overwriting the world with your own personal one, huh~? Luckily for me, that means we're currently cut off from the era of the actual world we are in. My Super Enforcer Knights on one side and your army on the other... meaning...

Her latex suit was soon replaced with flowing white robes and a white and gold corset. Both her hair and now multiple tails are a much brighter pink than before. An almost holy-looking halo appeared behind her as if she were a god- no, she was a god now. A Divine Spirit with authority over man-made weapons. 

Koyan: I can let loose with my authority!

Behind her rows of bright pink guns, bows, and javelins appeared. Much like a certain King of Heroes, they floated behind her, all ready to fire and decimate anything unfortunate enough to get in their way. However, this didn't deter Iskandar and his army, for as he stared at what should be a certain demise, he simply smiled and began to charge forward. 

Iskandar: As long as our chests beat with ambition for the far horizon, the campaign shall never end. Raise your cries of war! Ionion Hetairoi! AAAALaLaLaLaLaie!!

Koyan: Well it seems you're all so eager to charge right at me~! So allow me to show all of you an exclusive and all-inclusive demonstration of exactly how to exterminate humanity! Free of charge!

Armies charged at each other and various weapons filled both the sky and ground. Bullets flew and javelins were thrown. Bloodshed and casualties were certain in a vicious war like this. A very grim and bloody situation for either side, but far away from this battlefield a more lighthearted, yet equally deadly duel was taking place. One between a Roman Emperor and Rogue A.I from the moon.

BB: You pervert who flashes everyone with your underwear!

Nero: Says you and your way too short skirt that exposes everything! I for one opt to let everyone bask in my glory! You're simply a whore and a copycat for doing the same!

Explosions erupted as the two exchanged blows for no apparent reason other than it looked cool.

BB: Really?! That's rich coming from you! You should see what they call your Beast form! 

Nero: Umu! Of course, it's rich coming from me! I am rich! Also, it matters not what they call some other form of me, I'm sure I'm gorgeous no matter what!

Rose petals sprung forth, once again, for no apparent reason, as pointer stick and sword clashed.

BB: That's not what I meant- ugh! How does that head of yours turn those clear insults into something positive?! 

Nero: An emperor who would be so easily heartbroken from such weak insults is no emperor at all! Umu!

BB let loose a barrage of energy blasts that created a bullet hell for Nero, to which she nimbly danced around to dodge as if she were courting a non-existent Hakuno.

BB: Can you stop that?! I can't look like the trustworthy Kouhai if a nuisance like you is here! So just shut up and die already!

Nero: I refuse! Umu- oh... this perhaps does pose a problem...

What was Nero so concerned about that had her running out of steam immediately? Well, when the Cathedral you were fighting on begins to move and stand, and then proceed to point a boatload of guns at you, just about anyone would be concerned. 

BB: Oh? How do you like this? It was just lying around collecting dust so I asked if I could fix it up and use it... and they let me! 

Twirling around and summoning lights and confetti from nowhere, BB proudly presented the war machine.

BB: So behold! The BB brand Titan Mega Mech!

Nero: I do have an affinity for extravagance and architecture... but is this not overkill to an extreme degree?!

BB:  Pfshh! Don't worry about the details! Worry about the imminent countdown on your life instead!

Pulling out a comically large red button and as if she coded it into reality itself, a countdown from 10 appeared in the sky. 

BB: 10! 9! 8! 1!

Nero: You can't just skip from VII straight to I!

BB: Yes I can. Bye bye! 

Nero: Gah!

Multitudes of guns and plasma weapons fired upon Nero. Covering the area with smoke and various debris. However as the smoke cleared, what was revealed was ice purplish in color and covered in mysterious runes, which soon dispersed into snow. Under it was Nero, perfectly fine, and beside her someone who had suddenly appeared.

Nero: Eh? I'm fine?

BB: Eh? You're fine? 

Skadi: Of course she is fine. After all, you are before a god and her amazing power! I am the Divine Spirit, Scathach Skadi! I have come to assist my struggling allies in exchange for ice cream- the holy grail!

BB: This is seriously getting out of hand... now there are two of them...

A red-haired man also suddenly made an appearance, albeit less elegant. Having been flung onto the top of the Titan from the previous roof of the castle he had been fighting upon and being covered in both water and ice, which he quickly evaporated with a usage of flames. Naturally, this was Diluc.

Diluc: Guh... that hurts... to think my so-called brother would join the enemy for the fun of it... or is he planning something? Though that Harbinger definitely is here for the fun of it...

BB: ( Or 3... )

Following soon after was a woman with raven hair and blue eyes, dressed in a blue coat with gold trimmings and wearing a short black skirt with black leggings. Her top is a contrasting red and white. This was Ark Royal, a fellow comrade of Enterprise and hailing from the same faction as her. She too, was sent flying, albeit for different reasons.

Ark Royal: I swear to God! I wasn't simping for the chiiiilddd!!!!!

Jumping after her was a robot processing one singular glowing red eye, supposedly emotionless, yet untold rage was held within. Holding onto this mechanical behemoth was a small girl with red eyes and white hair. This was Svarog and Clara, hailing from the same universe as Silver Wolf. 

Clara: Mr. Svarog! That's the weird lady! She kept staring at me and saying weird things!

Svarog: Pervert detected. Opinion rejected. Commencing extermination protocols.

Ark Royal: It was just a little peek! Stop chasing me!!

The chase after the famous lolicon continued as Ark Royal ran away from the pursuing robot and daughter duo, dodging laser blasts and attempting to return fire with her musket. 

BB: ( Make that 4 and some reinforcements at least... )

Appearing beside BB and though she wouldn't admit it, scaring her slightly, was Hassan of the Serenity.

Serenity: I regret to inform you that both the Rider and Berserker under Merlin's side that we had imprisoned have escaped.

BB: Wait? How? I was sure I locked them in with both space and time locks!

Serenity: It seems that the opposition now has a servant capable of bypassing such restrictions. I was only able to catch a glimpse, but it appeared to be a cloaked man with white hair.

BB: Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down? Gah! Fine! I'll figure that out later! For now, try and trail them!

Serenity: Understood-

BB: Wait! Before you go, I just want to make sure. You delivered a girl named Shinji Matou to the cave I marked, right?

Serenity: Ah yes, her. She kept screaming about how she was a man and such, but it seemed to just be the ramblings of an insane person. I put her in the cave marked as 'Goblin nest' as requested.

BB: All is well in the world then! Now go and trail them, take Percival with you in case you need to engage in combat.

Serenity: I shall get going. 

With that Serenity disappeared from the chaotic battlefield as if she wasn't even there, turning back around to see Nero and Skadi still dealing with the various cannons and guns equipped with the Titan, BB opted to not act for now as a proper boss enemy should until they dealt with the smaller threats. Instead, she fell into delusions and nonsensical dreams.

BB: Heh, when Senpai returns, I bet she'll just scream with a "Kyahh! You're so cool! I just want you and you alone! So dependable! Commanding servants like that!" I can already see it- woah!


The Titan that everyone was currently fighting on suddenly shook, and appearing in everyone's sights was a massive golem of earth and stone. Covered in glowing green eyes and bearing rows upon rows of sharp teeth, it was a terrifying creation. Standing upon it was a man covered in dark blue and black stripes, his arms and face covered by golden metal. 

Avicebron: I, Avicebron, have answered the summons of my allies in need. Behold steel golem of the enemy! My greatest creation! Connecting the five great elements... Infuse life and armaments into the clay. Lead the persecuted into the paradise you will create! Golem Keter Malkuth!

Letting out an earth-shaking roar and following the commands of its creator, the golem raised its arm and prepared to crush just about everyone on top of the Titan... or so... it was supposed to... as the arm was stopped dead in its tracks. Yet it was not an army or another massive weapon of war that stopped it, but instead a woman with blonde hair.

BB: Durandal?! Weren't you supposed to be guarding the throne room?!

Durandal: Yes I was, but even if it's not the Honkai... I can't just stand and watch as others fight for their lives! Plus the team leader said it was fine!

BB: That's great and all... but are you sure you should only be holding that massive thing with one hand? You said that inspirational quote with such vigor... but you seem awfully casual about this.

Durandal: Oh? This? It's not that heavy actually. Give me a second. 

Dropping her lance on the floor and grabbing the Golem's titanic hand with both of hers, she proceeded to get a good grip on it. Such a good grip in fact, that it nearly shattered the Golem's arm to pieces. After that, as if it wasn't a Golem that could dwarf a city, she proceeded to throw it overhead and send it flying.

Avicebron: Team Golem is flying off agaaaain!!!!

With that, just about everyone stood dumbfounded as the Golem and its creator disappeared into the stars... or at least that's how it looked like.

Durandal: Ah... that's a good throw! Rita! Give me a high five- oh...

BB: Huh... wonder how our team leader is doing- PFTTTTT!!!! Is that the goddamn Grand Assassin!? 

She said as she spat out a drink she had just summoned into reality when she went to check on the status of the leader of their faction. The reason being that in the now unguarded throne room, it seems Morgan le Fay was currently in a stand-off against First Hassan. However, this exclusive showing of this upcoming battle was cut off as the screen suddenly flashed with the words:

"Lol. Get trolled bozo. Lmao. Skill issue. No b*tches. - SW "

BB: Who?!

But before BB could find out the identity of the hacker, Nero had just finished dealing with the turrets and Skadi was currently handling the other hostiles in the area. This meant that the battle between this extravagant saber of red and the rogue A.I from the moon had basically looped back to square one. 

Nero: Finally! Now it's time to finish this once and for all!

BB: My totally disposable distractions were defeated!? Fine then! I'll beat you myself! 

The same couldn't be said however for the former Lostbelt Queen facing off against the greatest assassin of all time. In the throne room cloaked in shadow and a pale blue glow from the lighting, both occupants seemed right at home. The first to make a move was the First Hassan, who despite being an assassin, had opted to simply walk head-on towards his target.

First Hassan: Oh Monarch of Fae, surrender thyself and cease this futile conflict at once. Hath this request be heeded, thine head shall remain.

Morgan: You come here and threaten me? 

First Hassan: I present but a warning to both thee and the Incubus. I seek only to cut the taint at the root.

Morgan: So you think you can just end this war by cutting us both down? I see then... so a neutral entity in a way. Nonetheless, that would only prove an obstacle. An obstacle I must remove.

First Hassan: Foolishness. 

Morgan: You're the fool for showing yourself, assassin. 

First Hassan: Thine confidence is thine downfall. Seek your forgiveness and repent in death! 

Disappearing into shadow, in the next moment the presence of death itself was made known right behind Morgan. The blade the First Hassan wielded swung downwards right at the neck of the Monarch, much like a guillotine assuring certain death for all sentenced to it's punishment. Yet the Queen did not move, no, her head flew off her shoulders without so much an ounce of resistance.

First Hassan: The deed is done. A foolish decision-

Morgan: Really? Says the assassin who cut down a clone.

First Hassan: What trickery is this?

The body of Morgan resting on the floor soon faded into black dust, her voice echoing throughout the throne room as if she were everywhere at once. However, she soon made her presence known. Her heels clicked on the stone floor as she stepped out of the shadow, yet something was different about her. Much different.

First Hassan: What foul manner of magecraft hath thou participated in?

Morgan: I have no obligation to answer that. But I will let you know this... I've achieved ultimate power and not even you can hope to stand against me. Not that pesky magus nor anybody else. I have won this war and that's final. For I now wield a power that surpasses even the gods.

Two notable blue horns sat atop her head. The black pieces of her clothing have been replaced with a mixture of both gold and blue. In addition to this, two floating constructs of gold which were held in various glowing blue orbs followed behind her like wings. But there was even more to this change of hers, for in one hand she held her usual spear-staff hybrid, and in the other, it seemed as if she wielded the very planets themselves in the palm of her hand.

First Hassan: It matters not! Die-


Yet before the leader of all the Hassans could even move to cut her head off, Morgan's hand was raised and from it shot forth a beam of pure energy that would make even Excalibur seem like a poor imitation in comparison.  After doing so, she simply dusted off her dress and if nothing had happened, returned to her normal appearance, the additions disappearing into golden light. The only thing remaining in her hand was a crumpled-up poster for unknown reasons.

Morgan: Hmph. So much for a Grand Servant... 

However as chaos and battle were sown across the lands, the original party of three consisting of Tristan, Artoria Lily, and Merlin had achieved their goal. That was...

Tristan: I did not think to ask this before since we were preoccupied with surviving... but why are we stealing the Holy Lance off our enemy's walls?!

Merlin: Because it's the best chance we have at winning this war! Now get running before she notices! 

Lily: M-Merlin! I think she noticed!

Merlin: Huh? How- oh... the other 11 Rhongomyniads are pointed at us, aren't they?

Tristan: They are indeed pointed at us.

Lily: And I think they're charging up! They're glowing brighter!

Seeing no other options, the Magus of Flowers whipped out his staff and began rushing to chant and complete a teleportation spell.

Merlin: Hold on tight! I'm rushing this so you all might get a little bit dizzy! 

Tristan: I am ready, we must make haste!

Lily: I'm not ready- ahh!

In a flash of flowers and light, the three disappeared. Though Merlin was a far greater mage than just that, for along with them with the aid of his clairvoyance, the rest of their allies had been teleported as well. Arriving at the makeshift Avalon in a pile of groans, complaints, pain, and all-around noises stemming from a not-good time, team Merlin had finally returned home.

Merlin: It seems the first step to Operation Kingmaker was a complete success!

All: Ugh...

Merlin: Mostly... a success...

Lily: I think I'm going to throw up- bleh!

Merlin: Partially... a success...

Ark Royal: Ehehehe... so many cute little destroyers... I see them... the light... I'm going for it... so cute and funny...

Merlin: Maybe... a success...

Astolfo: Ah shucks! My skirt ripped! Now my magnum do-

Merlin: A... failure... a complete failure...

So the curtain once again comes to a close on the Masterless Holy Grail War and all the chaos it entails. How is the balance of power currently? Are there any casualties? Are married women in danger with this increase in Round Table Knights? These are all questions to be answered another time. For in a distant realm, within the very Heavens itself... conflict stirred.

Heimdall: Alright folks! The fifth round of Ragnarok begins with a complete landslide victory in Humanity's favor! The Gods can't afford to lose this round! Now... let's begin!!!! Representing humanity is- wait? Is this allowed? We've had more confusing contestants so it's fine. Alright then! Sorry for the slight delay folks! Representing humanity is this Goddess of Love!

Gods: Love God? / Do they have their own knockoff of Aphrodite or something? / They're totally looking down on us now! Sending out someone like this! How dare they! 

Humanity:  Goddess? Wasn't this supposed to be a fight of Gods vs Man? / Who cares! A win is a win! We had two other Gods already anyway! / Yeah! Hot babes make a return hopefully! / No... the buff men... no!!!!!

The doors to the long and dark corridor opened, and only faint steps could be heard, the representative of humanity not yet visible. This left all in the arena brimming with anticipation.

Heimdall: The God turned Goddess of Love hailing from the Hindu Pantheon! She had a parrot as her mount and wielded a bow made of sugarcane and flower arrows! All those struck by these very arrows would fall hopelessly in love! 

The steps grew louder and with it, the expectations and excitement of the audience.

Heimdall: When the Heavens were threatened and only a child born of Shiva himself and his wife Parvati could stop this calamity, she was the one the Gods sent to make fulfill this prophecy! This Goddess of Love was sent forth to spark the love between Shiva and Parvati, yet she was burnt to ashes for it as punishment for interrupting the God of Destructions meditation!

Stepping out of the shadows this Goddess made herself known, white hair, red eyes, and almost translucent clothing accompanied by extravagant gold accessories.

Heimdall: Returning from the ashes she returns for round 2! This Goddess... is none other than Kama!!!!

But what surprised me most wasn't her name or even her revealing clothing, no, it was the simple fact that the form she was currently in was a...

Gods / Humanity: A kid??!?!??!?!?!?!?

Seeing this reaction, she made a heart shape with her hands and winked.

While many thought she was mocking them or that this was some sort of joke, one person in the audience knew what this meant. Usually, an orangette, currently blonde due to the body she has, saw her childlike form and easygoing attitude and knew this could only mean one thing and one thing alone.

Gudako: ( She's totally pissed off... )


Character Images:

*Merlin's Team:

Nero "Umu" Claudius:

Ark "Lolicon" Royal:

"Got too into clay models" Avicebron:

"Cinnamon Roll" Gray:

Waver "Totally not an Iskandar simp" Velvet / Zhuge Liang:

Artoria "Burger King" Alter:

"Will conquer you" Iskandar:

Scathach "Ice Cream Addict" Skadi:

"Monster Energy" Astolfo:

*Morgan's Team:

Bianka "Dudu" Ataegina:

Svarog "Definitely not Heracles" and Clara "Definitely not Illya":

"What were you doing in WW2" Bismarck:

Berserker "ArrRrThhHhhUrRrRr" Lancelot:

Shinji "Fuck you die and your image is low quality no one loves you don't even get bold text or proper punctuatuion" Matou


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