
The Beginning of The Battle of Geonosis

Zooming onto the planet of Geonosis, Mace Windu, and Count Dooku could be seen standing face to face on the outskirts of the sandy execution arena.

Other Jedi could also be seen all around the arena scaring away all the Geonosians with their lightsabers.

"You will be brought to Justice Dooku. You are outnumbered!" Windu declared with his lightsaber extended toward Dooku.

"Old friend, you are mistaken, it is you who is outnumbered." Dooku calmly replied as droids suddenly started to flood in from behind him and all around the arena.

Noticing the appearance of the droids, Windu warily backed up, glancing around, he could see his fellow Jedi fighting against a multitude of droids in the center of the arena.



He masterfully blocked the red beams shot by the droids with his purple lightsaber, until suddenly Jango Fett in his Mandalorian armor, spewed out fire from one of his wrist gadgets.

Windu immediately did a long backflip into the center of the arena and landed with an alert gaze.

As he was about to reengage the enemy, his comlink suddenly started beeping and as soon as it did, for some reason, the droids around him stopped shooting.

Everyone started looking up at the appearance of 4 Acclamator-class Star Destroyers and 1 enormous Venator-class Star Destroyer that quickly entered the atmosphere.

Even Dooku who was across from Windu cautiously stared at the new arrival of ships.

Windu eventually tapped his comlink as a voice came through.

"Master Windu, this is General Raven of the Grand Army of the Republic. You guys don't have much time, quickly gather to the center of the arena with every single Jedi." Silas's voice reverberated from the comlink as Windu slightly raised his brow.

He was skeptical at first but remembered Yoda telling him about this so-called Silas Raven before he left for Geonosis, so he decided to trust in his fellow Master Jedi.

"Alright!" Windu responded back into the comlink.

"Everyone! Gather into the center of the arena! Quickly!" He exclaimed as he also started to back up.

The Jedi were a bit perplexed but nonetheless retreated back into the center of the arena together as hundreds of them were bunched up.

"Master Windu, I don't think this is a good idea for us to be bunched up together like this." Anakin remarked from behind him.

"I can't help but agree with Anakin, it's eerily quiet." Obi-Wan added with his lightsaber ready for battle.

"Just be patient and trust in the force." Windu mysteriously muttered.

The Acclamators in the sky surprisingly flew past the arena as they didn't even attempt to interfere and soon started to spread out and head in opposite directions toward their designated battle fronts given to them by General Raven.

It seemed that their job wasn't to assist the Jedi.

Dooku still hadn't ordered his droids to fire, as he narrowed his eyes at the towering figure of the Venator floating in the sky across from the Arena.

The Venator's roof suddenly opened as dozens of Gunships zoomed out of it toward the arena, quickly appearing above the Jedi but simply deciding to hover hundreds of feet high up.

Dooku wouldn't allow the Jedi to be saved, so he quickly commanded his droids.

"Anhilate all the Jedi quickly!"

Jango Fett was also about to attack the Jedi until coming to a skidding stop for some reason.

Dooku himself turned around and was about to disappear into the depths of the arena until sensing a powerful attack incoming.

Turning back around, he glanced up and his eyes couldn't help but widen...


A few dozen seconds before Dooku ordered for the Jedi to be killed, at the center of the arena with the rest of the Jedi, Windu could be seen talking to his comlink.

"Make sure none of you move from your positions. And I need you and the rest of the Jed to force-push all of them back." Silas explained through the comlink.

Windu momentarily frowned, but nonetheless complied.

"Everyone stay close together and do not move! We will force-push all the droids back, together!" Windu shouted out.

The rest of the Jedi quickly nodded as they stayed in a tight circular formation, and on Windu's count, they simultaneously pushed their hand forward, exerting a powerful force that sent the droids tumbling back to the ground.

"Stay in your positions! I repeat do not move from your positions!" Silas remarked through the comlink.

Windu was about to question what he was talking about, until suddenly...




A large rain of blue beams crashed down from the sky onto the entire arena.

All the Jedi quickly raised their hands and protected themselves with the force, as the droids themselves were being completely decimated.

The blue beams continued to rain down for a few more seconds until finally starting to die down.

A large dust cloud was created as the unharmed Jedi were in the center of it, using the force, they easily protected themselves from the aftermath of the explosions as the beams were not aimed at them.

Extending their hand outwards, the smoke dispersed and the Jedi could only gape at all the destroyed bodies of droids, not one survived.

Windu glanced up as he noticed the Gunships quickly decreasing in altitude as they landed in a circular formation around the Jedi, in the center of the destroyed arena.

A few soldiers ran out from the gunships with mini-gun-like blasters and watched the perimeter for enemies.

All the Jedi slightly relaxed from the sight of allies as they could finally get in a breather.

Windu noticed a golden armored clone exiting a gunship who seemed to have a strong presence with the force.

"General Raven?" Windu questioningly muttered as they approached each other.

"Indeed Master Windu. How's everyone doing?" Silas confirmed before getting back to business.

"We have some casualties but you saved us from the worst. That was one hell of an attack, you could have killed us if one of those beams were off by a few feet." Windu looked at Silas inquisitively as he spoke his last words.

"Apologies Master Windu, it was the best plan with the least amount of casualties. But to be frank, I'd do it again if I had to." Silas replied as a matter of fact.

While it was risky using the Venator's cannons so close to the Jedi, it had the highest damage potency compared to the other ships, this would in turn quickly eliminate the enemy without struggle and lower the casualties to practically 0, so Silas believed it was a well-worth risk.

Windu furrowed his brows at Silas's statement but nonetheless nodded in understanding.

"I understand, you have my thanks General."

The Jedi behind Windu were also showing their gratitude as they thanked him, he even recognized some popular characters like Anakin with his little girlfriend, Obi-Wan, Master Plo-Koon, and many others.

It seemed the others already heard about Silas's ability to use the force from Obi-Wan so no one was surprised by him being a clone with the ability of the force but some would still curiously glance toward him.

"You have my gratitude General Raven, the number of deaths that would have occurred without your presence would have been immense." Plo-Koon shook hands with Silas as he spoke.

"Of course Master Plo-Koon." Silas nodded with a smile under his helmet.

Silas glanced behind him as he noticed Ashoka finally exiting their gunship because he told her to wait just in case of danger.

"Little Ashoka?" Plo-Koon questioned with surprise in his tone as he saw Ashoka's approaching figure.

"Haha, hey Master Plo-Koon." Ashoka awkwardly chucked as she waved and stood beside Silas.

Plo-Koon realized that Silas was probably the one to bring her here since he doubted that the General wouldn't notice, he could only helplessly smile under his mask.

He was about to say something but was cut off by a loud shout.

"Clankers incoming!" One clone exclaimed as he started shooting his minigun toward them.

Everyone looked around as they noticed a multitude of droids advancing from all directions seemingly coming from the inside of the arena, while shooting their weapons.



"Master Plo-Koon, for now let's retreat. Come on everyone get in the gunships before they're destroyed!" Silas voiced out as he slightly moved his head to the left and dodged an incoming red beam.

"Agreed." Plo-Koon muttered as everyone started dispersing into the dozens of gunships.

The few clones with mini-guns would continue to shoot their mini-gun, as they gave cover for everyone else's retreat.

"Alright let's go!" Silas exclaimed from inside the gunship toward the few clones fighting outside.

The clones started to retreat back but some were unlucky as they were shot in the back and fell down.

Silas's expression hardened but he didn't waver.

"Come on get in!" Silas grabbed the two clone troopers and threw them in as red beams narrowly missed them.

Other Jedi could be seen defending their Gunships from their red beams with their lightsabers as they slowly retreated into the Gunships.

Silas promptly closed the door and shouted to the pilot, "Let's move!"

"Copy that!" The pilot quickly raised the altitude of the Gunship as did the rest of the Gunships.

Some of them seemed to be smoking but were rather okay because of their strong metal.

Silas glanced around inside the filled gunship and recognized familiar faces such as Anakin, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon, Windu, Ashoka, and more.

"General Raven do you have a plan?" Obi-Wan questioned curiously from behind him.

"Indeed I do, we should be landing shortly, once we do I'll explain everything." Silas replied as he glanced behind him.

Obi-Wan silently nodded in understanding with Anakin beside him.

"We need to capture Count Dooku and finish this war before it goes on too far." Windu asserted with a stern expression.

"With all due respect Master Windu, going after Count Dooku is what is causing this war currently." Silas countered calmly.

"Maybe so, but if we defeat him now, countless lives would be saved in the future. While we may have casualties now, it will be well worth it wouldn't you agree?" Windu retorted just as calmly from beside Silas.

Silas nodded in agreement as he waited for the Gunship to land.

Eventually, the Gunship lowered altitude, and Silas slid open the doors once they landed.

The dozens of Jedi inside the Gunship started to exit onto the sandy ground, and other Gunships from the rescue could also be seen landing with Jedi exiting.

Some of the Jedi would stare curiously at the long single horizontal line of AT-TEs, Falchion Tanks, Walkers, and thousands of clone troopers that went across for hundreds to thousands of meters in a single line formation.

The Falchion Tanks were at the very front of the long horizontal line defending the AT-TEs legs, with the AT-TEs directly behind and Walkers also beside them, and then a multitude of clone troopers could be seen under or beside the AT-TEs.

There were even some turret-like blasters that were mounted on the ground beside the AT-TE's legs, with troopers mounted onto them. Plus the large artillery cannons in the far back of the actual battlefield.

The line spread so far that one couldn't see the end of it with normal eyes.

"Is this your doing?" Windu questioned.

"Yes, but for now let's take the injured to the Medical Bay inside the Acclamator, while we go to the Command Center." Silas replied as he stared at the massive Acclamator which had its ramp down, with troops and vehicles that could be seen moving up and down on it, seemingly preparing for battle.

The Venator's towering figure could also be seen hovering thousands of meters high, but it seemed to start increasing in altitude as it turned around and headed back toward space.

Silas glanced back down and was about to take the large group of Jedi behind him into the large Acclamator, but a blue-colored clone jogged up to him.

"Sir, you told me to tell you about the casualties for the rescue mission." Commander Zephyr explained.

Silas nodded toward him, indicating for him to continue.

"Commander Bang was killed defending one of the Jedi with his life, 5 Clone Privates also died, identified by, CT-6891, CT-5257, CT-8732, CT-3452 and CT-6023." Commander Zephry finished, he was one of the few clones that had his own name currently, so reading out his brothers numbers because they didn't have a name, slightly bothered him.

Silas stood there silently for a few seconds until replying.

"Thank you, for now you can focus on making sure the Legion is organized. While we're the ones chasing them, they are bound to attack soon themselves, so make sure everyone is prepared."

"Understood sir." Commander Zephyr nodded as he turned around and headed back toward the blockade of troopers.

"Come on let's go." Silas remarked as he led the Jedi up the ramp of the Acclamator and into the hangar.

Multiple medical clones quickly approached them and took away the injured Jedi toward the Medical Bay while Silas and the rest of the Jedi traversed the metal hallways.

Eventually, they entered the command center and the dozens of Jedi started surrounding the hologram table, including Silas at the head of the table with Windu, Plo-Koon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ashoka, and dozens more around the table.

Once everyone was settled, Silas started speaking.

"Before we start, I have to inform you that I led the other 3 Legions here that were assigned to certain Jedi, this being Master Windu, Master Plo-Koon, and Master Kenobi."

"Where are these Legions of ours?" Obi-Wan questioned from Silas's right.

"They are in their positions with their Acclamators for the plan we formulated." Silas responded.

"If that's the case, please enlighten us on this plan you've created." Windu crossed his arms as he spoke, with all the Jedi looking toward Silas.

"First let me inform you of your legions. We have Master Kenobi's Legion which is the 212th Legion in the East, Master Plo-Koon's Legion which is the 104th in the south, Master Windu's Legion which is the 187th in the west, and finally, we have my Legion which is the 1st Legion, in the north. Currently, all of these legions are maintaining the same blockade/formation that you saw outside with my troopers."

"This is so we can destroy the multiple droid factories that are spread out, while also making sure no one escapes us." Silas explained as a large blue hologram map appeared above the table, showing the 4 legions with red dots at their different battle fronts.

"With all due respect General Raven, we don't have time for all of this talk." Anakin remarked from beside Obi-Wan.

"I can't help but agree with Anakin, the separatists are probably escaping right now." Obi-Wan added.

"That would normally be the case, but you guys might have not noticed when the Venator shot around you in order to destroy the droids, it actually wasn't only shooting at you guys. Other cannons shot at some of the Separatist's hangars that had their ships in them. This clearly won't stop them, but in turn will buy us enough time so I can explain the plan." Silas retorted, assuring their doubts.

"If that's the case, my apologies, please continue." Obi-Wan apologetically smiled.

Anakin also had a slight smile on his face, as he attentively listened.

Silas then started to explain the plan that was formulated.


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