

After Chatot arrived at the battlefield, it saw that the Purrloin family, the Persian couple, and the Honchkrow were all engaged in a battle and immediately joined the Honchkrow' side.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, especially when everyone is a bird-like creature.

With the addition of the pseudo-Elite-level Chatot, the situation immediately took a turn.

After the Persian and his group joined, it was clear that the three Honchkrow were at a disadvantage since they were outnumbered seven to three, and their individual strengths were not that different. But with Chatot's arrival, the normal numerical advantage couldn't play out effectively.

However, the Purrloin family wasn't suffering too badly because Chatot didn't dare to use deadly force. They weren't true enemies, and though they fought, if things got too serious, Yuga wouldn't spare Chatot.

In this somewhat restrained situation, the battle reached a stalemate.

With such a commotion happening on their turf, other Pokémon in the Grassland Sub-Ecopark couldn't possibly remain ignorant.

In this case, the Honchkrow (the first generation), who was training his family inside, suddenly heard the commotion outside. He called his husband, Swellow, and went out to see what was happening.

Currently, in terms of groups, the flying type Pokémon were one of the largest in the entire Grassland Sub-Ecopark. This group included the Honchkrow, Swellow, the Staraptor, the Crobat, and the Swabblu, among others.

Apart from the big family like the Tauros family, the Miltank, and the newly arrived Pachirisu family, the flying-type Pokémon were the largest group.

Other individual Pokémon species were fewer in number and didn't form communities like the flying-type Pokémon, so it was challenging for them to establish a presence.

Apart from the regal Noctowl and the quirky Chatot, all flying-type Pokémon in the Grassland Sub-park were led and governed by the Honchkrow leader and the Swellow leader

With various Pokémon in the group, various contradictions were unavoidable, and they required the Honchkrow leader and Swellow leader to deal with.

So, now they thought it was just another one of those problems.

When they went out to check, they saw Chatot leading the Honchkrow in an aerial battle against the Purrloin family and the Persian couple.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

"Swellow, Swellow!"

Swellow called out to the Honchkrow several times. When the Honchkrow heard their leader's voice, they immediately stopped their actions.

Seeing the opening in the Honchkrow' defense, the Purrloin and the Persian didn't plan to let them off easily. They jointly launched an attack.

The Power Gem and the Dark Pulse were sent simultaneously towards the three Honchkrow.

In their moment of panic, the three Honchkrow saw their leader, the Honchkrow, instantly appear in front of them. With a spread of his wings, he used the Steel Wings skill, effortlessly dispersing the Persian's Power Gem and the Purrloin's Dark Pulse.

"Honchkrow, Honchkrow!"

The Honchkrow called out to the Purrloin and the Persian, warning them to stop.

Although the Honchkrow wasn't at the pseudo-Elite level, he was still not someone the Purrloin and the Persian could contend with. Moreover, the Honchkrow had a reputation for being cool and collected in the Grassland Sub-Ecopark, unlike Chatot, who was a bit of an oddball.

Thinking about it, both the Persian and the Purrloin looked at the Honchkrow with great caution, even letting go of their attacks.

The Honchkrow watched the Purrloin family and the Persian couple and felt that they really weren't behaving properly.

In the past, when the Ninetales leader and the Houndoom leader were still in the Grassland Sub-Ecopark, these Quadrupedal Pokémon were restrained by them and had some rules to follow.

Now that they had left, these guys were running wild.

The reputation of the Purrloin family and the Persian couple in the Grassland Sub-Ecopark was somewhat known to the Honchkrow.

Ah, the leader is so handsome!

Looking at their leader's dignified figure, the three Honchkrow had stars in their eyes.

Ah, my wife is still so charming!

Not far away, Swellow leader, watching the Honchkrow, had the look of an infatuated man.

Swellow and the Honchkrow have been a couple for so long, and they even have children, but Swellow's infatuation hasn't diminished in the slightest.

Although they thought the Purrloin family wasn't behaving properly, as tribe leaders, the Honchkrow had to reprimand their subordinates. No matter what, group fights were not acceptable.

After scolding their own subordinates, the Honchkrow first inquired about the situation. Combining the information from the Honchkrow and Chatot's account, the situation was quickly clarified.

To be honest, even though Chatot was stronger than the Honchkrow, it was secretly afraid of them. Perhaps it was because they had been leading their tribe for a long time make Honchkrow developed a strong leadership's aura, putting pressure on bird-like Pokémon when facing them.

After all, Honchkrow were classified as "Big Boss Pokémon" in their category.

Comparatively, Swellow leader, didn't exude that kind of aura.

The Honchkrow leader ordered the three Honchkrow to return the Sharp Beak to Chatot. Although they were somewhat reluctant, they didn't dare to disobey their leader's command and had to comply.

Then, the Honchkrow leader warned Chatot to behave more calmly in the future, and together with their three subordinates and Swellow, they left. They didn't spare a second glance at the Purrloin family, the Persian couple.

The Chatot was quite considerate to the Honchkrow leader and Swellow leader but he left without giving the purrloin a good look.

While the Purrloin family and the Persian couple weren't pleased with the Honchkrow and Chatot's attitude, they didn't care how they were perceived by them and left together.

Not long after, Yuga, who was busy in the shop, suddenly saw a Starly flying over to inform him that the Honchkrow leader was looking for him.

This puzzled Yuga. The Honchkrow leader usually managed the flying-type Pokémon tribe efficiently and was very reliable. So, why would he suddenly want to see him?

Following the Starly, Yuga went to meet the Honchkrow leader in the Ecopark.

The Honchkrow leader explained the situation between Chatot and the Purrloin to Yuga, emphasizing that they couldn't allow the Purrloin and the Persian to continue causing trouble.

The Honchkrow leader suggested that Yuga find a Pokémon among the Grassland Sub-Ecopark's Quadrupedal Pokémon who could control the situation as a leader.

Yuga hadn't expected such a situation to arise. Although the Purrloin family had a penchant for mischief, going too far was not acceptable. He had heard some rumors about the Purrloin and the Persian, but he hadn't imagined things would escalate to this extent.

Yuga thought that what the Honchkrow leader said made a lot of sense. When the Ninetales leader and the Houndoom leader were in the Grassland Sub-Ecopark, the Pokémon here were more well-behaved, and the Persian and his family didn't cause much trouble.

One couldn't deny that managing a group of Pokémon was challenging. A good tribe leader was truly reassuring, just like the Honchkrow leader.
