
Bearer of Good News

Usually, Bradon would simply smile before shaking his head to express his regret slightly before handing me something to compensate for the fact that he couldn't let me out of the hospital room. It could be a new game that he wanted to teach me how to play. It could be a deck of cards where he would play a few tricks to entertain me. It might be sweets and desserts that he thought that I might enjoy. I would be lying if I said that his small gestures of kindness didn't help brighten my day; however, as days passed by, even the newest of games began to lose their allure.

"Yes, I have very good news for you," Bradon said before breaking out into a wide smile.

"Really?" I asked as my eyes widened and my hands flew to cover my mouth.

He's not just saying this to tease me, right?
